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Growth that doesn’t cost the earth. How to save energy?

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Presentation on theme: "Growth that doesn’t cost the earth. How to save energy?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Growth that doesn’t cost the earth. How to save energy?

2 Why save energy? There are lots of reasons to save energy such as: Limited Resources Acid Rain Increasing costs Increased levels of CO 2

3 How can we save energy? Before we can save energy, there are a few things which we need to understand such as: What things use energy? Are there different types of energy? How can we act differently to save energy?

4 Growth that doesn’t cost the earth. Earth at night from Space Here we can see how different parts of the world use different amounts of energy. The lights are on – they must be in!

5 What items in your classroom use energy? Can you think of all the things in your classroom which uses energy and how you can save energy? Lights Whiteboards Computers Printers Radiators

6 What about items in your school? TVs Taps Fridges Freezers Photocopiers Heating Systems

7 How can we save energy? So now that we know what uses energy, we can think about how we can save energy? Close doors to keep the heat in your building. Close windows when the heating is on. Move furniture away from radiators to allow the heat to circulate around the room. Timers for your photocopiers. Reduce the temperature if you are too warm rather than opening a window.

8 How can we get everyone to save energy? Posters Stickers Signs and Notices Raise awareness Monitor performance Instructions Remind them Energy Audits

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