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Monotheistic Religions Geo Games

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Presentation on theme: "Monotheistic Religions Geo Games"— Presentation transcript:

1 Monotheistic Religions Geo Games

2 Use your chart to answer the following questions

3 What Holy City do the 3 major monotheistic religions have in common?

4 Jerusalem

5 Which religion is the OLDEST of the 3 major monotheistic faiths?

6 Judaism Blowing the Shofar (ram’s horn) for Rosh Hoshana

7 What do practitioners of Islam call themselves?

8 Muslims Those who submit (to Allah)

9 Draw the Symbol of Islam

10 Who are the founders of Judaism?

11 Abraham and Moses

12 Which religion is the youngest of the three monotheistic faiths?

13 Islam founded in 6th century A.D.

14 What is the name of the Jewish Holy Book?

15 Torah

16 What do followers of Judaism call themselves?

17 Jews

18 What do Muslims call their church?

19 Mosque

20 Which two monotheistic religions believe in both a Heaven and a Hell?

21 Christianity and Islam

22 Use your stations activity sheet to answer the following questions.

23 Name the 5 Pillars of the Islamic Faith

24 1. Shahada: Profession of Faith 2. Salat: Prayer 5 times daily 3
1. Shahada: Profession of Faith 2. Salat: Prayer 5 times daily 3. Zakat: The giving of Charity 4. Saum: Fast during Ramadan 5. Hadj: Pilgrimage to Mecca

25 What do Jews call God?

26 Yahweh

27 The holy Book of Islam is called the_____________...

28 Qu’ran (Koran)

29 What are the 3 major sects of Christianity?

30 Orthodox, Catholic, Protestant

31 What do Muslims call God?

32 Allah

33 According to Judaism, who brought the Jews out of Egypt?

34 Moses

35 Moses wrote the Ten Commandments. Who told Moses what to write?

36 Yahweh (God)

37 What do Christians call God?

38 God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Holy Trinity

39 Inference Question: Jews and Muslims sometimes say Christianity should be a polytheistic religion. Why?

40 Because Christians believe in the Holy Trinity: God the father, God the son, and the Holy Spirit (according to Christian faith each part of the Holy Trinity are part of one God.)

41 Use your homework to answer the following questions.

42 What religion does this symbol represent?

43 Islam

44 What religion does this symbol represent?

45 Hinduism

46 What religion does this symbol represent?

47 Christianity (protestant)

48 What sect of Christianity does is associated with the crucifix below?

49 Catholic

50 What sect of Christianity does is associated with the cross below?

51 Orthodox

52 Polytheistic and Other Religions Geo Games

53 Use your religion chart to answer the following questions

54 Name 3 religions that are Monotheistic.

55 Judaism, Christianity, and Islam

56 Name two Hindu Holy Books.

57 The Vedas and Bhagavad Gita

58 In what year was Buddhism established
In what year was Buddhism established? Is it older or younger than Hinduism?

59 540 BCE. Buddhism is YOUNGER than Hinduism
540 BCE. Buddhism is YOUNGER than Hinduism. Buddhism comes from Hinduism.

60 What is the Sikh Holy Book?

61 Guru Granth Sahib

62 According to the Four Noble Truths of Buddhism, what is the cause of human suffering?


64 Who are the three main gods according to Hindu belief?

65 Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva

66 Who is the founder of Buddhism?

67 Siddhartha Guatama

68 What is Polytheism?

69 The belief in MANY gods.

70 According to Hindu beliefs, what animal is the most sacred?

71 The Holy Cow

72 According to Buddhist beliefs, one must follow this path in order to overcome our human desires.

73 The Eightfold Path

74 Name 1 belief that Sikhs share in common with Hindus.

75 Reincarnation

76 Name 1 belief that Sikhs share in common with Muslims.

77 Belief in one God. (Monotheism)

78 Why do Sikhs believe in Reincarnation like Hindus and One God like Muslims?

79 Because of their location
Because of their location. They were influenced by both Hindu and Muslim cultures.

80 Which Hindu Holiday celebrates the coming of Spring and is known as the “Festival of Colors”?

81 Holi

82 Monotheistic Religions Review

83 What religion does this symbol represent?

84 Islam

85 The holy Book of Islam is called the_____________...

86 Qu’ran (Koran)

87 Judaism, Christianity, and Islam all regard these two men as Holy Prophets.

88 Abraham and Moses

89 Why do you suppose that Islam and Christianity regard the Jewish prophets, Abraham and Moses as Holy men?

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