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Red Ribbon Week 2014 Facts on Gateway Drugs… A gateway drug is a drug that opens the door to the use of other, harder drugs.

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2 Red Ribbon Week 2014













15 Facts on Gateway Drugs… A gateway drug is a drug that opens the door to the use of other, harder drugs. Gateway drugs are typically inexpensive and readily available.

16 Gateway Drugs Marijuana Alcohol Tobacco

17 Effects of Alcohol Destroys Brain cells Affects the Heart Liver Reproduction Binge Drinking Alcohol Poisoning # 1 Killer of Teens Drunk Driving Family Violence

18 Effects of Marijuana Think about what is in the Ground? Fertilizers? What are you allergic to? Cancer Affects Judgment and Decision Making Memory Perception

19 Marijuana Changes Priorities There is a change in what is important to them There is a change in who they consider to be their friends There is a change in their attitudes about school There is a change in how often they attend school …truancy

20 Truancy Leads To Prison The majority of men and women in women in prison did not graduate from High School The majority of the men and women in prison laughed at presentations like this If I can get just 1 of you to listen Two Keys To a Ruined Life The Decisions You Make The People You Hang Around

21 Where are You Going To Stand? What will you choose instead of drugs and alcohol?

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