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Years leading to the Revolutionary War
Think of a time you had an unfair rule imposed on you? How did you feel? How did you want to react and what did you do about it? Objectives Identify the reasons why American colonists wanted to move towards independence from English rule Understand why England enacted harsher rules that lead the Americans to seek independence Explain how these actions pushed the colonies closer to unity ? Explain the shift in English nationalism that Americans went through and why their beliefs started to change?
French/Indian War Treaty of Paris 1763- ends war
American Expectations- good future w Eng. Ohio Valley- expand west Respect- fought for Eng. And won land for King Benign Neglect- Am. colonies go back to running itself Americans like being English British Feelings- fear w/out Fr. Threat, Am. colonists might seek independence Debt- Eng. Owes money from war, wants Am. to help pay debt * What should England do to alleviate their problems and fears?
Postwar realities- 1763 marks the beginning of the end for positive relationship bt Am and Eng.
Pontiac’s Rebellion- Indians kill 2,000 settlers in frontier/west Proclamation Line of no settlement west of Appalachian Mts. Why would this act upset American colonists? What would have been a better solution? Other British measures Mercantilism- colonies only exist to make Eng $ Sugar Act- says all goods to Am. need to first land in Eng. To be taxed (cut down on smuggling) Admiralty Courts- no jury trial, 3 judges appointed by king decide criminal cases in colonies How are these acts different from the rights and rules we have in America today?
Stamp Act this act set off Americans into believing that England is taking away their rights
Tax on all printed goods Affected lawyers and sailors Why is this a problem? English view- 1st tax where $ went to England to HELP pay debt for French/Indian War American view-No taxation without Representation right to tax=to right to take property Property=liberty Did the colonists have a right to be so upset? Should Americans have been given the right to vote in English elections? Would that have changed anything?
American Suspicions regarding Stamp Act
John Locke- protecting rights and property responsibility of government Property=liberty 2nd class Citizen’s Eng. Taking away liberties ?What liberty is being taken away? Colonists feel not equal England WHY? Stamp Act affected everyone and showed Parliament had the authority to tax colonies
Colonial Resistance to Stamp Act
Political (House of Burgesses/Virginia Resolution) only colonies can tax themselves bc they can vote Media created propaganda and pamphetls Business (Merchant Class) Boycott- British goods Sons of Liberty and Committee’s of Inspection- - terrorize those who bought Eng goods ?Explain why/why not American’s felt they needed to go to such extremes to protect their liberties
Stamp Act Repealed (taken away without ever collecting a $)
Americans take to the streets and threaten tax collectors, riot, boycott English goods, and colonial government unite and write to the King about their unhappiness Do you feel the colonists were right to go to such extreme methods to repeal the Stamp Act? Stamp Act repealed by King Americans happy to be English (WHY?) Declaratory Act- replaces Stamp Act, says England can make any law, at any time in the future ?Who won this battle? Colonists or England
Prior knowledge- Why do you feel the US is the richest country in the world?
What products does the US make that the world is willing to buy? Ch 7 Insights Objective #1- Understand reasons why American colonists wanted to move to independence from English rule ? Identify several examples of harsh laws and actions by England that the colonists found unfair. Objective #2- Understand why England enacted harsher rules that lead the Americans to seek independence ? Explain why England felt it had to create new and stiff laws in the colonies. Objective #3- Explain how these actions pushed the colonies closer to unity ? Identify several actions by the colonists that demonstrated colonial resistance? ? Evaluate how those actions were effective in sowing the seeds of a revolution?
ID: Female Combatants (124)
Summary 1: Who are the two combatants in this painting? England and American colonies OI-Deep Roots of Revolution OI- Mercantilism and Colonial Grievances 1) Define Republicanism (in your own words) People put aside their of selfish needs for the good of society (anti-rich and monarchy/king) What is it about being rich that is antithetical (opposite) of Republicanism?
2) Under Mercantilism, what is the purpose of the colonies?
Purpose of the colonies is to make England rich (Colonies can only trade with England) Colonies- supply Eng. With raw materials (timber, food, tobacco) England- sells colonies finished goods (furniture, glass, paint) How is Mercantilism a positive economic policy? England is richest country in world and producer of best goods, both sides are making money 3) Think- How would mercantilism hurt the economic growth of the colonies? Colonies could make more money trading to the world and selling its own goods
ID- Royal Stamp (126) Summary 2- What did the Stamp Act tax? All printed goods (documents, contracts, newspapers, dice, cards, etc) Imp- every person is impacted by this tax
OI-Stamp Tax Uproar 4) Why did Lord Greenville issue the Stamp Tax? Wanted the colonies to help pay England’s debt for the Fr/Ind. War Was it unfair for England to want the colonies to help pay for the Fr/Ind War? Why? (What did the colonies get out of the war?) How do you think Americans would have reacted to a tax to help pay for their own defense and the extra land they acquired if England had consulted the colonies first?
5) Why were Americans suspicious of the Stamp Tax?
The money was to go to England, not colonies Fear England was trying to take away their liberties Property=Liberty (Gov. taxing people was equal to the Gov. taking away a right) 6) Think- What does the term “No taxation without representation mean”? Gov. can only tax people if they can vote on that tax
ID- Public Punishment for the Excise Man (128)
Summary3 - Explain the use of terrorism/violence in this painting? Man has been tarred and feather, pouring hot tea down his throat, a noose is in the background on Liberty Tree, dumping tea into the harbor, Stamp Act upside down Summary 4- Who is being tortured? Who is doing the torturing? Stamp Collector, American colonists
OI- Forced Repeal of the Stamp Act
Non-Importation agreements said the colonies would not buy British goods. (Boycott) Committees of Correspondence- set up for colonies to communicate with each other to insure the boycott was being enforced How would a boycott of English goods hurt England? IS it worth it for England to tax the colonists if England is losing money from sales? 7) What secondary effect did these agreements have on the colonies? Americans bought American goods Americans were unified for the first time
8) Who were the Sons of Liberty and what was their purpose?
American terrorist group, enforced the boycott England repeals the Stamp Act, proves that American protests were heard and Eng. Gov. responded to will of people, Am. ended boycott
Prior Knowledge- Think of a time that you saw or heard something that really moved or upset you? Why did it move or upset you? Upon learning more, was your reaction the correct one? Ch 7 Insights Objective #1- Understand reasons why American colonists wanted to move to independence from English rule ? Identify several examples of harsh laws and actions by England that the colonists found unfair. Objective #2- Understand why England enacted harsher rules that lead the Americans to seek independence ? Explain why England felt it had to create new and stiff laws in the colonies. Objective #3- Explain how these actions pushed the colonies closer to unity ? Identify several actions by the colonists that demonstrated colonial resistance? ? Evaluate how those actions were effective in sowing the seeds of a revolution?
9) After England repealed the Stamp Act, England issued the “Declaratory Act.” Define the Declaratory Act in your own words? Said England could make any law in the colonies at any time Were the colonists really successful in their protest against Gov. taxing and coercion? Explain? Yes- gov. listened to the people and changed and unfair law No- Gov. only responded to stop boycott, Am. still can’t vote, Gov. still has absolute power
ID- Two Views on the Boston Massacre (129)
Summary 5- Identify two glaring omissions or changes between the two paintings in how they depict “The Boston Massacre.” Americans are fighting back in one depiction, the other theu are innocent Black person depicted (Crispus Attucks) being shot, left out of the other Why do you feel the painting on the left became the image that was spread throughout the colonies? What is wrong with using the one on the right?
OI- Townsend Tea Tax and Boston Massacre
10) What was the Townsend Act? Sales tax (on finished goods) Why is this tax upsetting to Americans? 11) What was the cause of the “Boston Massacre”? British soldiers were taking second jobs and willing to work for less money than Am. workers
12) Who was Crispus Attucks?
Af/Am leader of protest shot at Boston Massacre 13) Think-Who do you feel should be blamed for the Boston Massacre? British- excessive force, did not have to open fire on crowd Americans- it is not a crime to work for less pay (“illegal immigrants”), get a better job
Boston Tea Party Tea Act- lowered price of tea but added a tax
Seen as a trick to violate “No taxation w/out Representation Boston Tea Party- thousands of pounds of tea dumped into Boston Harbor Seen by England as a violent act of disobedience England feels the colonists want independence
ID-The Boston Tea Party (132)
Summary 6- What group dumped the tea into Boston Harbor? Sons of Liberty OI- Parliament Passes the “Intolerable Acts” Define the following Intolerable Acts- meant to punish Mass. for the BTP Mass. Governor’s Act- Mass. losses it’s charter (rights and democracy)
14) Boston Port Bill Closed Boston Harbor How does this hurt Boston economically? Can’t trade (pay back fine for BTP) 15) Quartering Act Forced Bostonians to house Br. Soldiers in their own homes What right does this infringe on? Privacy
16) Quebec Act Made the Ohio Valley a part of Canada/Quebec, Catholic is the official language, no democracy in Quebec Why would this law infuriate colonists? (Think of all the American rights that you lose moving to Quebec and Fr/Ind. War) 17) Think- Why would these acts infuriate and worry the colonists? (Other colonies) Because if these rights could be taken away from one colony, then other colonies could lose their rights too
1st Continental Congress (Sept 1774)- colonies meet to discuss how they should react to the Intolerable Acts Three Aims of Convention- what to do about Intolerable Acts Basis of American Rights Natural Rights (Life, Liberty, Property) Colonial Charters- rights of Englishmen ID how these rights have been violated by England against the colonies? Limit of Parliamentary Power- Parl. Can regulate trade but not the right to tax Resistance Boycott- stop trade again Armed Militias- local armed armies *Colonies want a return to Benign Neglect, not independence ? How is England going to react? ?How would it be different if the colonies did not arm themselves?
Lexington and Concord- 1st shots fired that begins the Revolutionary War
700 Br. Troops sent to Concord to seize guns Lexington- 1 shots 8 Americans dead Concord-Americans ready Minutemen- miliia fighters Indian Tactics- hide behind trees and fire Casualties (Br- 275, US-95) What would happen today if a gang opened fire on US troops? How will Eng react?
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