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Parent Lunch and Learn 3-5 January 23, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Parent Lunch and Learn 3-5 January 23, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Parent Lunch and Learn 3-5 January 23, 2015

2 3rd Grade Fractions Know that a fraction names equal parts of a whole
Understand a fraction as a number on a number line Recognize simple equivalent fractions Compare two fractions

3 3rd Grade Measurement & Data Tell and write time to the nearest minute
Solve word problems involving elapsed time Use a ruler to measure to the nearest ½ and ¼ Measure volume and weight using standard units- grams, kilograms, liters Create picture graphs and bar graphs to represent data

4 3rd Grade Numbers & Operations
Add and subtract within 1,000 using place value strategies Know multiplication facts to 10x10 from memory

5 Addition Strategies Base Ten Blocks = 591

6 Addition Strategies 342+236= Break Into Place Value 578 300+200=500
40+30=70 2+6=8 =578

7 Addition Strategies 264+124= Open Number Line 264 364 374 384 388 +100
385 386 387 388

8 Subtraction Strategies
Base Ten Blocks = 218 x x x x x x x x x x x

9 Subtraction Strategies
Break Into Place Value = 318 =343 343-20=323 323-5=318

10 Subtraction Strategies
Open Number Line = 129 -100 -10 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 129 130 131 134 132 133 144 244

11 4th Grade Fractions & Decimals Multiply a fraction by a whole number
Compare two decimals to the hundredths place using < > =

12 4th Grade Geometry Classify two-dimensional figures based on angles and parallel or perpendicular lines Identify right triangles Recognize lines of symmetry for two dimensional figures

13 4th Grade Measurement & Data Measure angles using a protractor
Numbers & Operations Add and subtract whole numbers up to 1 million using standard algorithm Multiply and divide multi-digit whole numbers using place value strategies

14 Multiplication Strategies
Partial Products 45 x 58= 2,610 50 8 2000 250 320 2610 40 2000 320 5 250 40

15 Division Strategies 168 ÷ 14 = Partial Quotients 14 168 12 140 10 28
+ 12

16 5th Grade Fractions Add and subtract fractions with unlike denominators Multiply a fraction by a fraction and a fraction by a whole number

17 5th Grade Geometry Classify two-dimensional figures based on characteristics Graph points on a coordinate plane Measurement Measure volume of solid figures

18 5th Grade Numbers & Operations Multiply multi-digit whole numbers
Divide numbers up to four digits by two digit numbers (using standard algorithm)


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