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Hormonal control in the Digestive system: Gastric hormones

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1 Hormonal control in the Digestive system: Gastric hormones
GASTRIN: Secretion: By enteroendocrine (G) cells in gastric pits of the mucosa. Stimulus: Stomach distention and acid pH of chyme causes Gastrin. Action: 1. increases HCl production in stomach 2. increases gastric motility 3. stimulates growth of gastric mucosa 4. contract lower esophageal sphincter 5. relaxes pyloric sphincter 6. relaxes ileocecal sphincter

2 Hormonal control in the Digestive system: Gastric hormones
Somatostatin: Secretion: By enteroendocrine (D) cells in gastric pits of the mucosa in the pylorus. Stimulus: continuously released, overridden by Gastrin and nerves Action: Inhibition of Gastrin production

3 Hormonal control in the Digestive system: Small Intestinal hormones
SECRETIN: Secretion: By Enteroendocrine (S) cells in the Crypts of Lieberkuhn of small intestine. Stimulus: Acid chyme in small intestine causes secretion of Secretin: Actions: stimulate secretion of pancreatic juice and bile that is rich in bicarbonate ions. inhibit production of HCl in stomach promote growth and maintenance of the pancreas enhance effects of Cholecystokinin (CCK) Increases rate of bile secretion by hepatocytes

4 Hormonal control in the Digestive system: small intestinal hormones
CHOLECYSTOKININ (CCK): Secretion: Enteroendocrine (CCK) cells in the small intestine mucosa Crypts of Lieberkuhn Stimulus: Chyme rich in amino acids, triglycerides and fatty acids enter the small intestine. Actions: increases secretion of pancreatic juice rich in digestive enzymes opens the Sphincter of Oddi contracts the gallbladder Inhibits gastric secretion and motility May reduce hunger

5 Hormonal control in the Digestive system: small intestinal hormones
Gastric Inhibitory Peptide (GIP): Secretion: Enteroendocrine cells in the small intestine mucosa Crypts of Lieberkuhn Stimulus: Chyme rich in triglycerides, fatty acids, and glucose enter the small intestine. Actions: Stimulates release of insulin by beta cells Inhibits gastric secretion and motility Stimulates lipogenesis by adipose tissue Stimulates glucose use by skeletal muscle cells

6 Hormonal control in the Digestive system: small intestinal hormones
Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide (VIP): Secretion: Enteroendocrine cells in the small intestine mucosa Crypts of Lieberkuhn Stimulus: Chyme entering the small intestine. Actions: Stimulates buffer secretion Inhibits gastric secretion Dilates intestinal capillaries

7 Hormonal control in the Digestive system Pancreas and Islets of Langerhans
Endocrine cells make up 1% of the pancreas and are observed as Islets of Langerhans: 1. Alpha Cells: Secrete Glucagon (increases blood sugar) 2. Beta Cells: Secrete Insulin (decreases blood sugar) 3. Delta Cells: Secrete Human Growth Hormone- Inhibiting Hormone (inhibit secretion of both glucagon and insulin and slows rate of nutrient absorption) 4. F-Cells: Secrete Pancreatic Polypeptide (inhibit secretion of digestive enzymes and inhibits contraction of the gallbladder)

8 Enzymatic Digestion of Carbohydrates
Enzyme Source Substrate Product Amylase Salivary glands Pancreas Starches Amylose Maltose Dextrins Dextrinase Brush Border cells Glucose Maltase Sucrase Sucrose Fructose Lactase Lactose Galactose

9 Enzymatic Digestion of Lipids
Enzyme Source Substrate Product Lipase Tongue (Lingual) Triglycerides Fatty acids monoglycerides Stomach (gastric) Milk butterfats Pancreas (pancreatic)

10 Enzymatic Digestion of Proteins
Enzyme Source Substrate Product Pepsin Pepsinogen (HCl) Chief Cells Proteins Peptides Amino acids Trypsin Trypsinogen (enterokinase) Acinar Chymotrypsin Chymotrypsinogen (Trypsin)

11 Enzymatic Digestion of Proteins
Enzyme Source Substrate Product Elastase Proelastase (Trypsin) Acinar Cells Proteins Peptides amino acids Carboxypeptidase Procarboxypeptidase Acinar cells Terminal AA on the carboxyl end Amino acids Enterokinase Brush Border Trypsinogen Trypsin

12 Enzymatic Digestion of Proteins
Enzyme Source Substrate Product Aminopeptidase Brush Border Terminal AA at the amino end Amino acids Dipeptidase Dipeptides Amino Acids

13 Enzymatic Digestion of nucleic Acids
Enzyme Source Substrate Product Ribonuclease Acinar Cells Ribonucleic acids Nucleotides (A, G,, C, or U) Deoxyribonuclease Deoxyribo- nucleic acid (A, G, T, C) Nucleosidases Brush Border Nitrogenous Bases, pentoses, phosphates



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