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Isolation of Hazardous Energy Understanding the Requirement of Lockout Tagout 29 CFR 1910.147.

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1 Isolation of Hazardous Energy Understanding the Requirement of Lockout Tagout 29 CFR 1910.147

2 References OSHA CFR 29 1910.147 Accutech’s Energy Control Plan

3 Objectives Introduce the requirements of the lockout tagout standard. Understand types of hazardous energy. Demonstrate understanding of lockout tagout devices. Understand the requirements for LOTO procedures. Understand the company lockout tagout program.

4 The purpose of Lockout Tagout The purpose of lockout tagout is to protect employees from exposure to uncontrolled hazardous energy. This is accomplished by the use of locks and tags to protect employees.

5 Lockout Tagout Standard Requirements 29 CFR 1910.147 requires that employers: ◦ Develop a written plan for dealing with the isolation of hazardous energy from machines and equipment where unexpected startup could occur, or the release of stored energy could injure employees. ◦ Employers must:  Provide energy isolation devices to employees.  Provide proper lockout tags.  Provide lockout tagout procedures.  Provide training for Authorized, Affected, and Other employees.  Perform periodic inspections to ensure that lockout tagout policies are being properly followed.

6 Exceptions to the Rule LOTO is not required when: ◦ Hazardous energy does not exist. ◦ Activities are performed during routine production processes. ◦ Work on cord-controlled devices, where the technician has direct control of the cord. ◦ Hot tap operations where shutdown is not possible. (Special procedures must be used!)

7 Types of Hazardous Energy Electrical Stored Mechanical Energy Moving Machinery Steam Springs Gravity What other sources of hazardous energy are present in your work place? Pressurized Fluids

8 Types of Equipment that may require Lockout Tagout Accumulators Saws Conveyors Pumps Production equipment Fluid Systems Motors Guillotine Forklift(s) What equipment in your work place requires Lockout Tagout?


10 Lockout Tagout Isolation Devices There are many different type of isolation devices: ◦ Locks ◦ Valve Covers ◦ Chains ◦ Multi-lock hasps ◦ Blocks ◦ Ball valve covers ◦ Piping Blanks What lockout tagout devices are used at your facility?

11 Lockout Tagout Device Requirements Durable ◦ Tags and locks must be tough enough to withstand the environment they are placed in. Standardized ◦ The company needs to use the same equipment across the business. Substantial ◦ The equipment must be large enough to be recognizable. Identifiable ◦ The equipment must be recognizable by employees.

12 Lockout Tagout – Affected Employees “Affected Employees” are employees that: ◦ Operate equipment. ◦ Infrequently adjust LOTO equipment. ◦ Work in the area of equipment that requires LOTO. Affected Employees can be nearly everyone in a facility. Affected Employees must be trained in and have the ability to recognize LOTO requirements.

13 Affected Employee Responsibilities It is the responsibility of the affected employee to: ◦ Leave lockout tagout devices undisturbed. ◦ Notify proper personnel when equipment needs maintenance or adjustment. ◦ Check that equipment operates safely after LOTO. ◦ Follow procedures and safety rules when operating equipment.

14 Lockout Tagout – Authorized Employees Authorized Employees are employees who: ◦ Maintain equipment. ◦ Perform maintenance on equipment. ◦ Perform detailed inspections of equipment. It is critical that Authorized Employees are fully trained in LOTO, and have a strong understanding of the LOTO procedures that are specific to their equipment.

15 Authorized Employee Responsibilities Place a Danger tag on locked out equipment. Inform affected employees of the lockout tagout operation. Ensure that all energy sources are isolated. Test the equipment to verify energy is dissipated. Repair equipment as needed. Remove LOTO devices when completed and restart equipment.

16 Lockout Tagout Procedures Six Basic Steps Notify employees Shutdown Equipment Isolate Energy Attach Lockout Device Release Stored Energy Verify Lockout Service & Maintenance Specific lockout tagout procedures are required for each piece of equipment that requires lockout tagout. Where are these procedures located? LOTO Procedure Activity

17 Group Lockout Tagout What do you do when more than one person will be working on a locked out piece of equipment? Each person must hang their own lock on the device. This can be accomplished by using multi-lock hasps and group lock boxes.

18 Using a Tagout System Tags cannot be used as a substitute for locks. They can invoke a false sense of security. They can only be used alone if there is no other way to positively control the hazardous energy. ◦ They don’t provide the physical protection that locking devices do. ◦ They can only be removed with authorization of the authorized person who hung the tag. The tag cannot be bypassed, ignored, or otherwise defeated. Tags and their means of attachment must be made of materials that can withstand the environmental conditions of the workplace. Tags must be securely attached so that they cannot be accidently detached. DANGER DO NOT OPERATE REMARKS: ______________ _____________________ ___ _____________________ SEE OTHER SIDE

19 Forcible Removal of a LOTO Device Need for lock and tag removal is identified to person's supervisor. Attempt to contact the owner is documented on the Abandoned Lock Removal Form. An evaluation of the entire system must be made to ensure that an injury can not occur before the lock is removed. (Names are documented on the form.) Bolt cutters or other removal device are acquired. Supervisor or designee removes the lock. (Names are documented on the form.)

20 Written Lockout Tagout Standard Every business is required to have a written Lockout Tagout Program. This program describes the lockout tagout program at your facility. Where is the Lockout Tagout Standard stored at your facility?

21 Questions?

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