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Detection and Prevention

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1 Detection and Prevention
Power System Fault: Detection and Prevention Ryan Habib Wilkes University Huy Tran Richland College

2 Purpose Construct a simple data acquisition system to mimic the measuring of an arc flash incident

3 Arc Flash A rapid release of energy in the form of an electrical explosion that results from a low impedance connection between lines of different voltage or phases

4 Arc Flash damage Most burns from electrical accidents are a result of arc flash Temperatures can reach up to 20,000⁰C Most occurrences are in industrial settings due to required power levels

5 Arc Flash Experimentation
Fiber Optic Internet Connection Slug calorimeters and Pressure sensors NI cRio: 16 Differential AI 16 TTL Compatible DI/O AD210 + MOV Analog Devices 7B-47-K-04-1 (Build-in CJC) Experimental DAQ System

6 Arc Flash Simulation


8 SCADA (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition) Systems
Versatile industrial control system Components Sensor Remote terminal unit Central computer

9 Sensors Reads a signal from a physical property and converts it into one usable by a control system Photoresistor Hall effect sensor

10 Thermocouple Type K thermocouple
Produces output voltage dependent on temperature Made of two metals with different conducting properties Temperature range of ⁰C to 1350⁰C

11 Types of Thermocouples
Materials Traits B/R/S Platinum-Rhodium Low Sensitivity, High Cost E Chromel-Constantan High Sensitivity, Non-metallic J Iron-Constantan Low Range, High Sensitivity K Chromel-Alumel Inexpensive, Versatile, Reliable N Nicrosil-Nisil More stable in high-energy environments T Copper-Constantan Very Stable, especially at lower temperatures

12 Analog to Digital Conversion
7B47 Signal Conditioning Module Successive Approximation ADC

13 Data Logger Records digital data from the sensors
Easily connected to other machines to display information in real time

14 GL800 Simultaneously displays and records data from up to 20 inputs

15 LabVIEW Large quantity of functions for data acquisition, signal conditioning, and data analysis purposes Extensive support for accessing instrumentation hardware

16 System Setup Seven thermocouples were each connected to their own 7B47 signal conditioning module Each module was connected to an input of the GL800 USB/Ethernet cable connected GL800 to computer

17 Test Process Place thermocouple in water to be measured
Send digital pulse to trigger the GL800 data recording Connect computer to GL800 to record data on the computer Convert data from GL800 from voltage to temperature

18 Setup


20 Results: Change from Air to Hot Water

21 Results: Change from Air to Hot Water (Average)

22 Results: Change from Air to Cold Water

23 Results: Change from Air to Cold Water (Average)

24 Results: Change from Hot Water to Air

25 Results: Change from Hot Water to Air (Average)

26 Results: Change from Cold Water to Air

27 Results: Change from Cold Water to Air (Average)

28 Results: Change from Hot Water to Cold Water

29 Results: Change from Hot Water to Cold Water (Average)

30 Results: Change from Cold Water to Hot Water

31 Results: Change from Cold Water to Hot Water (Average)

32 Results: Change from Adding Hot Water to Cold Water

33 Results: Change from Adding Hot Water to Cold Water (Average)

34 Data Analysis System did a solid, yet unspectacular, job of reading changes in water temperature Variance in quality of measurements throughout the different tests Could be attributed to variety of factors, including low sample rate and lack of memory

35 Comparisons with LabVIEW
Using LabVIEW would’ve solved the issues with sample rate and memory Interface is much less intuitive Weeks/months to master skills necessary for this type of task

36 Conclusion The DAQ system was able to measure changes in temperature in a relatively effective manner The components in the system are versatile enough to be used in a wide array of situations For these specific tests, a data logger with a higher sampling rate, along with a sensor with a more narrow range, would have been more effective

37 Acknowledgements Dr. Wei-Jen Lee Zhenyuan Zhang Zhaohao Ding
The University of Texas at Arlington National Science Foundation

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