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Digestive System How our body gets energy and gets rid of waste.

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Presentation on theme: "Digestive System How our body gets energy and gets rid of waste."— Presentation transcript:

1 Digestive System How our body gets energy and gets rid of waste

2 Digestive System Function – To get energy out of the food and liquids we eat by breaking it down Doctor: Gastroenterologist

3 Digestive System Types of Digestion – Mechanical – physical movement of the food to break it down. Happens in the mouth, stomach. – Chemical – when chemicals are added to the food to break it down. Happens in the mouth, stomach, and small intestine – Nutrient Absorption – taking the good stuff the body needs out of the food. Happens in the small intestine. – Water Absorption -- taking the water out of the food and liquids you eat. Happens in the large intestine or colon.

4 Digestive System – Structure Structure is the look and size of a part.

5 Parts of the Digestive System Mouth – Mechanical digestion using the teeth and chemical digestion from the chemicals released from the salivary glands. Esophagus – Mechanical Digestion by pushing the food from the mouth to the stomach Stomach – Mechanical digestion through churning the food and Chemical Digestion with the chemicals given from the liver, gallbladder, and pancreas. Liver/Gallbladder/Pancreas – gives chemicals to the stomach to help breakdown. Bile and insulin are chemical names.

6 Small Intestine –finishes digestion through chemical digestion and absorbs nutrients. Examples are minerals, vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. Large Intestine/Colon – absorbs water and makes solid waste Rectum/Anus – gets rid of solid waste

7 Mouth Esophagus Liver Stomach Gallbladder Pancreas Colon/Large Intestine Small Intestine AppendixRectum Anus

8 Homeostasis All parts of your body working together to be healthy and balanced. How does your digestive system help keep your body in homeostasis? – Gets energy – Removes solid waste

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