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Get ‘em Involved: Problem Solve One of the world’s top mathematicians, Laurent Schwartz, reflected in his memoir that he was made to feel unintelligent.

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Presentation on theme: "Get ‘em Involved: Problem Solve One of the world’s top mathematicians, Laurent Schwartz, reflected in his memoir that he was made to feel unintelligent."— Presentation transcript:

1 Get ‘em Involved: Problem Solve One of the world’s top mathematicians, Laurent Schwartz, reflected in his memoir that he was made to feel unintelligent in school because he was the slowest math thinker in his class. But he points out that what is important in mathematics “is to deeply understand things and their relations to each other. This is where intelligence lies. The fact of being quick or slow isn't really relevant.” It is fortunate for Schwartz, and all of us, that he did not grow up in the speed and test-driven classrooms of the last decade that have successfully dissuaded any child that thinks deeply or slowly from pursuing mathematics or even thinking of themselves as capable.

2 Get ‘em Involved: Problem Solve History –Problem Solving/Testing Importance of Mindsets Creating a Problem Solving Atmosphere Ideas (Links) for activities

3 Get ‘em Involved: Problem Solve One Constant involved contrary to testing My History “Traditional” Teaching Show me how Learned “Hands On” in college education not math classes Student taught traditional UI, CI, CC, UC 1 st job – 6 classes – traditional Nekoosa to teach math – traditional Green Lake new ideas and activities (deviate from the book) Math Standards

4 Get ‘em Involved: Problem Solve Moved up Pretest Think about what I was doing Taught to the test Got them to perform Had to show them first Found out I was UI and now I was CI Teaching for Understanding Sometimes I feel like I am being asked to be CI by teaching to the test. Mindsets “I’m good/not good in math.”

5 Intelligence is static and leads to a desire to look smart so therefore a tendency to: Challenges avoid challenges Obstacles give up easily Effort see effort is fruitless or worse Criticism ignore useful negative criticism Success of others feel threatened Fixed Mindset

6 Intelligence can be developed leads to a desire to learn and therefore a tendency to... Challenges embrace challenges Obstacles persist in the face of setbacks Effort see effort as a path to mastery Criticism learn from criticism Success of others find lessons and inspiration in the success of others Growth Mindset

7 Not about the book you use, it’s how you use it – CMP Figure out? Find own shortcuts and patterns. Fraction pieces from Fraction Factory Cannot be afraid to make mistakes Goal is NOT to “Get a Grade” Goal is to Learn and Understand Math Group/Partner work We try to figure stuff out - answers are often posted We do problems on our own and compare Fun to learn new stuff When you tell them “How”, the thinking process stops Doesn’t mean you never tell them how If you do, get them to tell others Effort Determines Success Build a Problem Solving Atmosphere

8 Introduction to Problem Solving Guess a number There are 350 pebbles in a jar. There are 50 more black pebbles than there are white pebbles. How many white pebbles are there? Sometimes you have to get it wrong before you get it right. The Problem Solver Build a Problem Solving Atmosphere

9 3 Act Math Act One What question do you have? Act Two What information do you need from me? Act Three Solve it Penny Problem Build a Problem Solving Atmosphere

10 Nana’s Chocolate Milk

11 Pyramid of Pennies Act One What question do you have? Act Two What information do you need from me? Act Three Solve it

12 Messing with Numbers (Number Talks) In place of Timed Tests Memorizing is the only way Ask “How” Doesn’t mean “never” Computation : 198 + 479 Find as many ways as possible Will do right to left like paper and pencil L to R Add 200 and subtract 2 round both then adjust Move 2 from 479 to 198 600/4, 12x5 (6x10) How many different ways can you do these? Whole class, partner, and groups Build a Problem Solving Atmosphere

13 Messing with Numbers (Number Talks) Build a Problem Solving Atmosphere InputOutput 1 2 37 4 5 6 715 8 100 x

14 LOGO (Be the turtle) Polygon Activity Groups: Turtle make triangle fd 5, rt 60, fd 5, rt 60 fd 6 rt 60 Intro to programming or coding Make polygons, initials, and a house Plan, write program, try it, debug Online and/or download from UCB Hour of Code Puzzle Tables Handout “Create” them (computation, fractions, decimals, algebra) “24” cards Build a Problem Solving Atmosphere

15 What is Algebra? Letters for numbers Symbols for numbers Variables Math for really smart people Equations Boring, frustrating Extreme math, math on steroids Introduction to Algebra Border Problem (Marilyn Burns) Pastures (Beginning Algebra Thinking) Puzzle Tables Number Talks (Input, Output) Build a Problem Solving Atmosphere

16 The Border Problem How many squares are shaded? (4x10) – 4 10+9+9+8 100-64 10+10+8+8 (2x10)+(2x8) 4x9 EdgeShaded 38 412 516 620 1036 100396 n(n-1) x 4

17 Pastures

18 Puzzle Tables

19 Number Talks InputOutput 1 2 3 4? 5 6 720 8 100 x What is the output for 4 and how did you get it?

20 Coin Flip Activity Figure out using manipulatives Build a Problem Solving Atmosphere

21 Mathalicious Kids create videos Willing to spend time “Teaching Videos” long division using manipulatives Taste Test commercials Build a Problem Solving Atmosphere If you allow kids to “create”, they must solve problems.

22 “How to Teach Math” (MOOC) Massive Open Online Course 40,000 students Phoenix Park and Amber Hill Schools Study Traditional and Problem Based Better problem solvers and test takers SO... If you are told “You need to teach to the test”, so then, according to the data, you must stop teaching to the test. Build a Problem Solving Atmosphere

23 Get ‘em Involved: Problem Solve

24 One of the world’s top mathematicians, Laurent Schwartz, reflected in his memoir that he was made to feel unintelligent in school because he was the slowest math thinker in his class. But he points out that what is important in mathematics “is to deeply understand things and their relations to each other. This is where intelligence lies. The fact of being quick or slow isn't really relevant.” It is fortunate for Schwartz, and all of us, that he did not grow up in the speed and test-driven classrooms of the last decade that have successfully dissuaded any child that thinks deeply or slowly from pursuing mathematics or even thinking of themselves as capable.

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