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V O K I From “Communication, Creativity, and Collaboration” V O K I From “Communication, Creativity, and Collaboration” 21CL Innovative Educators Conference.

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Presentation on theme: "V O K I From “Communication, Creativity, and Collaboration” V O K I From “Communication, Creativity, and Collaboration” 21CL Innovative Educators Conference."— Presentation transcript:

1 V O K I From “Communication, Creativity, and Collaboration” V O K I From “Communication, Creativity, and Collaboration” 21CL Innovative Educators Conference June 1, 2010 Colorado Springs, Colorado Suzanne Shanks SHANKLS@D11.ORG

2 voki

3 What is Voki? Voki is a free service that allows you to create personalized speaking avatars. HTML DigiStory

4 21 st Century Skills & Learning American Association of School Librarians Inquire Think critically Draw conclusions Pursue personal and aesthetic growth. Gain knowledge Make informed decisions Apply knowledge to new situations Create new knowledge Share knowledge and participate ethically and productively as members of our democratic society Council on 21CL Flexible, Critical THINKERS Self-directed, Lifelong LEARNERS Visionary LEADERS Collaborative COMMUNICATORS Aware, Adept INFORMATION MANAGERS Caring, Global CITIZENS Adept, Literate PERFORMERS Healthy HUMANS Colorado Dept. Ed. (CDE) An analytical thinker A problem solver An effective communicator An effective collaborator Information and media literate Globally aware Civically engaged Financially and economically literate Oracle Ed. Foundation Critical thinking Self-direction Communication Teamwork Cross-cultural understanding Creativity Technology

5 Vokis are great for embedding in blogs – wikis – emails – etc. You can record them as a screencast, too.

6 Vokis In The Classroom Collaboration From A Distance (And When You Can’t Have a Video Conference) Students can create avatars that are similar in looks or personalities and record a message that tells about themselves. Students can exchange these avatars with e-pals either within their own setting or anywhere in the world. Students can generate questions to ask their avatar e- pals. Helen OtwayHelen Otway – Classroom2.0

7 Vokis in Math We are doing math word problems to start the class. I will record the problem on a Voki for my low readers and also give them some ideas about how they can go about solving the problem. Then, they will show me their work in a daily journal. I have set up a temporary example at Make Vokis that give clues about mystery numbers, such as 'I am a multiple of three. I am an even number, and my ones place times two equals my tens place. Who am I?' Make Vokis of great historical mathematicians explaining the concepts they are famous for. Make Vokis explaining how to solve algebraic problems, i.e. Order of Operations.

8 Vokis in Science Research careers in science and present the findings with a Voki. For details, rubrics, etc. see Lesson-Plan1 Students who are low ability, very young or ELL may not be able to read and comprehend written directions. A writing assignment for any content area could ask students to respond to a pictorial scene and a corresponding Voki verbally describing the scene. The student will be expected to write about the scene depicted. Students will be able to replay the writing prompt as many times as necessary and can later make a Voki of their response.

9 Vokis in Language Arts An 11th grade student performs a poem written in response to reading the novel To Kill a Mockingbird. The title of the poem is Boo Radley. A sample email sent from an instructor to a student in an email, giving feedback on a writing assignment. Students can create an avatar that resembles a character from a story, add a setting and give it speech. The speech could be from the story or a creative point of view (POV) from the character on an event. Helen OtwayHelen Otway – Classroom2.0

10 Reading Response / Persuasive Writing http://tweentr ntent/does- your-cafeteria- put-america- risk Annika

11 Vokis in Geography graphy/population_settlement/population/spin y_cactus.htm m/2007/06/voki- geography.html

12 A Screencast / Tutorial on Getting Started With Voki ders/Jing/media/5f844ab7-f93b-4a30-b055- c98da7a2330a ders/Jing/media/5f844ab7-f93b-4a30-b055- c98da7a2330a

13 Guest Login USERNAME/EMAIL: PASSWORD: Room06 Use a ZERO here

14 Links, Slideshow, Videos, Etc. Can Be Found At WWW.2020Nexus.Org/Presentations Suzanne Shanks SHANKLS@D11.ORG

15 Glogster V T

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