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ARQ part II data management Training pack 2: Monitoring drug abuse for policy and practice.

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1 ARQ part II data management Training pack 2: Monitoring drug abuse for policy and practice

2 Monitoring Monitoring is the systematic observation (surveillance) of defined aspects of reality for the purpose of: (in policy and practice) –Signalling changes that may call for responses (interventions) –Evaluating the effects of responses (in research) –Explaining changes

3 Context Evidence-based policy and practice is growing in importance Monitoring is needed for evidence-based policy and practice: –To assess situations and developments –To define targets –To evaluate and adapt policies and interventions –To justify interventions and resource allocations

4 Objects of drug monitoring For the ARQ, part II, the objects of drug monitoring are: The extent and patterns of drug abuse The negative health consequences of drug abuse Other objects of monitoring: The extent and reach of interventions The results of interventions The social and economic costs of drug abuse

5 Responses to drug abuse The main fields of intervention are: Law enforcement Prevention Harm reduction Treatment and rehabilitation

6 Conceptual framework Responses Drug use and problems Data sources

7 Drug monitoring system Elements of a drug monitoring system: Objectives Indicators Data collection Analysis Reporting Interpretation

8 Objectives “Why?” precedes and defines “what?”, “when?” and “how?” Examples: –Defining policy targets –Planning interventions –Allocating resources –Evaluating policy strategies –Evaluating the effects of interventions

9 Indicators Drug abuse and drug problems too complex Indicators are selected and used as descriptors of reality Monitoring drug abuse and drug problems is monitoring indicator data Indicators must be: –Valid –Considered appropriate by experts

10 Data collection Relevant environment  Population statistics  Socio-economic statistics  Studies on attitudes, etc. Drug use/interventions  Existing quantitative data  Informed expert opinions  Purposive estimates  Qualitative studies Indicator data  Patterns of drug use  Drug-related problems  Extent of interventions Context information Selection Retrieval

11 Analysis Different types of analysis: Trends and differences (statistical analysis) Influence of environment (explanation) Effects of interventions (evaluation) Construction of additional indicators –Continuation of drug abuse –Incidence of (problem) drug use

12 Reporting Requirements for reporting the results of monitoring: Data formats must be systematic and consistent The results of the analysis must be reported The objectives of the monitoring must be addressed The margins of error and possible bias must be stated

13 Interpretation What do the observed changes and developments mean for policy and practice? Recommendations on policies and intervention strategies

14 Network of monitors Experts Stakeholders Data Conclusions Discussion Interpretation Recommendations Coordination Government administration Researchers Police Treatment Field workers Health services Data collectors

15 Setting up a monitoring system Assess capacities and resources (information, needs and resources analysis) Create a network of experts and stakeholders Define your objectives Assess the starting or baseline situation (rapid situation assessment) Select indicators (ARQ, IDIS) Make a feasible implementation plan for data collection, analysis, reporting and interpretation

16 IDIS, including INRA _module1.pdf Integrated drug information system (IDIS), including information, needs and resources analysis (INRA)

17 Rapid situation assessments

18 ARQ Part II uest/arq_part2_2002.doc

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