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 A drug, which when used, may lead to the use of more addictive substances.  Gateway Drug (B)

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2  A drug, which when used, may lead to the use of more addictive substances.  Gateway Drug (B)

3  A semisolid substance that comes from the sap of some plants and trees. It is used in varnishes, paints, adhesives, inks and medicines.  Resin (J)

4  Added a small amount of a substance to food or drink.  Laced (E)

5  An inflammation of the windpipe ‘s two branches that carry air into the lungs  Bronchitis (A)

6  Consists of all the organs and processes in the body that protects a person from illness and infection.  Immune System (D)

7  Existing or happening during pregnancy but before childbirth  Prenatal (I)

8  Having a temporary false feeling of happiness, with reduced physical and mental control, by use of alcohol or a drug.  High (C)

9  In a non-pregnant woman, the discharge of blood and other material from the lining of the uterus about once a month  Menstrual Cycle (F)

10  The natural or developed ability to resist the effects of the continued or increasing use of a drug.  Tolerance (L)

11  The passage formed by the mouth, nose, throat, and lungs through which air passes during breathing  Respiratory Tract (K)

12  The strength of something such as a drug or alcoholic beverage.  Potency (H)


14  Marijuana is used to describe the dried flowers, seeds and leaves of the Indian Hemp plant.  Hashish is the related form of the drug made from the resins of the Indian Hemp plant › Hashish is 6 times stronger than marijuana

15  Cannabis describes any of the different drugs that come from the Indian Hemp plant  Marijuana and Hashish are considered hallucinogens › “THC” is the chemical the causes the distortion. › The actual amount of THC may vary in any given batch of marijuana but overall the percentage has increased.

16  Marijuana is the most common illegally smoked drug in the world  14.4 million Americans smoked marijuana at least once during the previous month in the 2007 national drug survey

17  Methods › Cigarette  Joint › Pipe › Blunt  Cigars are opened up and the tobacco is replaced with marijuana › The least common ways is mixed in with food and eaten or brewed as a tea › Can be laced with more powerful drugs


19  The user feels the affects within minutes of smoking a joint  The immediate sensations are › Increased heart rate › Lessened coordination and balance › “Dreamy” unreal state of mind  The immediate sensations peak within 30 minutes and wear off between 2 and 3 hours depending on how much the user takes and the potency of THC and other drugs

20  Impact on the lungs › Typical smoker inhales and holds the smoke longer than a cigarette › Causes discomfort in the chest › One joint gives just as much exposure to the cancer producing chemicals as smoking 5 cigarettes  Mental consequences › Poorer memories and mental aptitude › Structural damage to the brain

21  The Indian Hemp plant was initially grown to use as a hallucinogen more than 2000 years ago  Cannabis contains over 400 chemicals but THC is the main one.  The factors that determine the amount of THC in the plant are the weather and soil primarily.  In 1974 the THC level was 1%. In 1994 the level was raised to 4%. The highest amount was in 2008 at 9.6%  The THC levels in sinsemilla, another form of cannabis, were from 7.5% to 24%

22  158.8 million people around the world have used marijuana.  According to the 2007 drug survey there were 2.1 million people who used marijuana for the first time that year  In 2007, 6.7% of 12-17 yr olds were current marijuana users  In 2000 $10.5 Billion was spent on marijuana  40% of males tested positive for marijuana at the time of their arrest  Next to alcohol, marijuana is the 2 nd most frequently found substance in the bodies of drivers involved in fatal car accidents

23  Immediate effects › Rapid heart beat › Disorientation › Lack of physical coordination › Depression or sleepiness  THC remains in the body for weeks or longer  Marijuana smoke contains 50% to 70% more cancer-causing substance than tobacco smoke  Long term smokers often suffer from bronchitis  Heavy marijuana use has been connected brain abnormalities › Can see changes in the brain similar to those who abuse other major drugs


25  For males, the structure of the sperm cells can become deformed causing sterility  For females, their menstrual cycle can be affected  Hereditary defects › Abnormal cell division  Children are affected by: › Reduced initiative › Lessened abilities to concentrate › Less likely to pursue life goals  Prenatal use causes › Birth defects › Mental abnormalities › Increased risk of leukemia


27  What are the short term effects? › Sensory distortion › Panic › Anxiety › Poor coordination of movement › Lowered reaction time › After an initial “up”, the user feels sleepy or depressed › Increased heartbeat (risk of heart attack

28  What are the long term effects? › Reduced resistance to common illnesses › Suppression of the immune system › Growth disorders › Increase of abnormally structured cells in the body › Reduction of male sex hormones › Rapid destruction of lung fibers and lesions to the brain could be permanent › Reduced sexual capacity › Study difficulties › Apathy, drowsiness, lack of motivation › Personality and mood changes › inability to understand things clearly

29  Because a tolerance builds up, marijuana can lead users to consume stronger drugs to achieve the same high  Vast majority of cocaine users (99.9%) began by first using a “gateway drug” like marijuana, cigarettes, or alcohol.  Not every user goes to a harder drug, some never do and some just quit

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