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Ratios and Proportions

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1 Ratios and Proportions
Lesson 6.1

2 Getting Started… Name an equivalent fraction :
Which fraction is larger?

3 Definitions Ratio: a comparison of two quantities by division.
Equal Ratio: Represent the same comparison Proportion: An equation that states two ratios are equal is called a proportion. Cross Product Property:

4 How to Recognize a Ratio
How can we express the ratio of blue to yellow squares? As a fraction 8/12  2/3 With a colon: 2 : 3 With the word, “to” : to 3

Equal Ratios Getting Started question… THIS IS ALSO A PROPORTION!

6 Proportions Proportions are also expressed in three ways.
A proportion is just 2 ratios combined. 5 is to 6 as 10 is to 12 5 : 6 :: 10 : 12

7 Cross Products Since 21 is Greater than 16 16, 3/8 is larger!
Which fraction is larger? Instead of finding the LCD, we could use the cross product property. Since 21 is Greater than 16, 3/8 is larger! 16 21

8 Try a few! Use the cross-products property to determine if the proportion is true or false. 216 210 FALSE! 42x 42x TRUE!

9 Homework Extra Practice 6.1

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