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Mrs. Snyder May 15, 2015.  I have chosen this career for a few reasons. Among those reasons are that I always excelled in my English classes in high.

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Snyder May 15, 2015.  I have chosen this career for a few reasons. Among those reasons are that I always excelled in my English classes in high."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Snyder May 15, 2015

2  I have chosen this career for a few reasons. Among those reasons are that I always excelled in my English classes in high school. I also LOVE literature, and really enjoy sharing this passion with others. Finally, I feel fortunate that as a teacher, I have the opportunity to fill the role as counselor, advisor, friend, and mom to students, as well.

3  Required:  Bachelor of Arts/Sciences in virtually any major (it helps if your major is English- mine was Liberal Studies)  Single Subject Teaching Credential in English  16 weeks of student teaching in a high school English classroom

4  Many teachers pursue a Masters Degree for various reasons  To improve their teaching practice  To obtain a position at a competitive school  To move up in the salary scale (aka more chedda)

5  Some teachers may also pursue an Administrative Credential  This means they can become a principal of a school, or hold a similar position in a school district  To move up in the salary scale (aka more chedda)

6  Some teachers may even pursue an Educational Doctorate  This is the highest degree achievable  To move up in the salary scale (aka more chedda)

7  Teachers are also required to attend professional development seminars and meetings to stay current on teaching strategies and theories.


9  Starting salary for a first year high school teacher with no experience or Masters Degree is $42,325.  The salary will increase with each year of service, and with each unit of education obtained, until you max out on the salary scale.



12  High School English Teachers do not work a typical 40-hour week.  Many teachers arrive to work an hour or more early, and stay an hour or more after the final bell- that’s 45-50 hours just in the classroom.

13  Teachers also spend many nights, weekends, and vacations working- lesson planning, grading, parent emails and phone calls, writing letters of recommendation, extracurricular activities like coaching sports or advising clubs, etc.  On average- 65 HOURS A WEEK


15  Is teaching stressful?  YES. ▪ Why? ▪ Kids. Deadlines. Attitudes. Responsible for educating the future. Pleasing parents. Pleasing principals. Pleasing other teachers. Dirty classroom. No air. Bad wifi. Not one second of silence. Work through your lunch period. Did I mention attitudes? Making sure kids “Get it”. What do you do when they don’t “Get it”? Is that BO that I smell? Why is there part of a weave on my floor? Can y’all be quiet and just take notes?

16  Working conditions are usually clean and safe (except for the errant kid that barfs in class or the snot rags left behind on desks).  Teachers do get sick…A LOT. Good thing we have UH-MAY-ZING health insurance.

17  Planning, developing, and organizing instruction  Housekeeping and Recordkeeping  Managing Student Conduct  Presenting Subject Material and Facilitating Learning  Assessing Student Learning  Meeting Professional Obligations

18  To become and English teacher, you should  Be able to understand your subject matter  Communicate effectively  Emotional/Social/Interactional Abilities

19  Imparting knowledge and wisdom  Making a difference in the lives of kids  Every day is new and exciting  The job is actually fun

20  Long days  Stressful  Often ill  Little recognition  Rude kids  Dirty classroom


22  Classes you should be taking in high school include:  Your 4 years of required English  Challenge yourself with Honors, AP, or Intercultural Literature or Myths and Legends  Join clubs that peak your interest, like Poetry Club or Journalism


24  I feel as though I am a perfect fit for this job. I love sharing my knowledge with kids, and the feeling I get when I know my students are learning and having fun at the same time is indescribable.

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