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Nerves BIEN 500 Steven A. Jones.

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1 Nerves BIEN 500 Steven A. Jones

2 Divisions of the Nervous System
Higher brain/cortical level Memory storehouse Thought Control of other parts of the nervous system Subconscious activities Medulla Pons Mesencephalon Hypothalamus Thalamus Cerebellum Basal ganglia Spinal Cord Reflex activities (walking, withdrawal from pain, leg support, control of blood flow Control of respiration & arterial pressure Emotion

3 Conduction generally occurs in one direction.
Neuron Anatomy Signals from dendrites can be transmitted either to knobs on the cell body or knobs on the dendrites Brain Cell Body Dendrites Axon Conduction generally occurs in one direction. Spinal Cord

4 Signals Nerves deliver sequences of spikes.
Spike frequency translates to signal strength. Time

5 Frequency of discharge (s-1)
Signals Response threshold and maximum spike frequency depend on nerve type. Note: Threshold for Neuron 3 has a higher threshold, but ultimately has higher frequency of discharge. 600 Neuron 1 500 3 Frequency of discharge (s-1) 400 300 2 200 100 Excitatory State

6 Fatigue Nerve is incapable of producing more action potentials
Causes are: Depletion of transmitter substances in the presynaptic terminals Inactivation of postsynaptic membrane receptors Buildup of abnormal amounts of ions at the postsynaptic cell

7 Other Effects Post-tetanic facilitation – nerve becomes more excitable after resting from intense stimulation. pH Alkalosis causes higher excitability Acidosis causes lower excitability Hypoxia – reduces excitability

8 Drugs Increases Excitability (Reduced Threshold)
Caffeine, theophylline, theobromide (coffee, tea and cocoa, respectively) Decrease Inhibition Strichnine – can cause muscle spasms Increase membrane threshold Most anesthetics

9 Connections Synaptic cleft (2-3 nm wide) Presynaptic Terminal has
Mitochondria Neural Transmitter Vesicles Postsynaptic Terminal (cell soma) has: Receptor Proteins Transmitter Vesicles Mitochondria Soma Receptor Proteins

10 Causes of Synaptic Delay
Discharge of neural transmitter. Diffusion of the transmitter across the cleft. Response of membrane receptor to the neural transmitter. Action of the receptor to increase membrane permeability. Inward diffusion of sodium. Discharge Na+ Receptor Response Diffusion Receptor Effect

11 Release of Neural Transmitter
Voltage gated Ca++ channels release Ca++ Ca++ causes release of neural transmitter. Each vesicle secretes transmitter by pinocytosis. Transmitter Acetylcholine molecules per vesicle Enough vesicles for 10,000 action potentials

12 Ion Receptor Responses
Cation Channels Short term, excitatory Allow passage of cations (Mostly Na+, but also K+, Ca++) Anion Channels Short term, inhibitory Allow passage of anions (Mainly Cl-, inhibitory hyperpolarization)

13 Transmitter Substance
G Protein Receptors Extracellular Transmitter Substance Intracellular  Portion affects the neuron (e.g. opening potassium channel, transcription, enzyme activation)

14 Second Messenger Receptor Responses
Long-term responses. G Protein Channels have ,  and  components.  component is released, possibly causing: Opening of an ion channel Activation of cyclic Adenosine Monophosphate (cAMP) Can alter cell structure and excitability. Activation of intracellular enzymes Activation of gene transcription Formation of new proteins. Change in metabolic machinery Can be important in memory

15 Action Potential Potential Inside (mV) -70 Time (ms) Influx of Na+
Potential Inside (mV) -70 Time (ms) Influx of Na+ Excessive K+ Inside Outflux of Na+, Influx of K+

16 Mechanisms of Excitation
Opening of sodium channels Makes inside potential less negative Depressed chloride or potassium channel conduction Metabolic changes Direct impact Increase in the number of excitatory receptors Decrease in the number of inhibitory receptors.

17 Mechanisms of Inhibition
Opening of chloride channels makes inside more negative Increasing K+ Conductance (K+ diffuses out) Activation of inhibiting receptor enzymes

18 Neural Transmitters Approximately 50 neural transmitters are known.
Small molecules Fast-acting Acute responses Large polypeptides Slow-acting Long-term responses

19 Neural Transmitters Factors in response
Amount of transmitter generated Number of receptors Transmitter uptake mechanisms Transmitter inactivation Receptor inactivation

20 Small Molecule Neural Transmitters
Class I: Acetylcholine Class III: Amino Acids Class II: The Amines -Aminobutyric acid (GABA) Norepinephrine Glycine Epinephrine Glutamate Dopamine Aspartate Serotonin Class IV: Histamine Nitric Oxide

21 Recycling of Transmitter Vesicles

22 Recycling of Transmitter Vesicles
Concentrating Proteins

23 Recycling of Transmitter Vesicles
Concentrating Proteins

24 Recycling of Transmitter Vesicles

25 Small Neural Transmitters
Acetylcholine: Excitation (mostly) Norepinephrine: Glutamate: Excitation Dopamine: Inhibition Glycine: GABA: Serotonin: Pain inhibition, Sleep Nitric Oxide (NO): Memory, Smooth muscle relaxation, inhibits platelets and cellular proliferation. NO is not stored.

26 Selected Neuropeptides
Hypothalamic Leuteinizing hormone Pituitary Growth Hormone Vasopressin Oxytocin Acting on Gut and Brain Insulin Glucagon Others Angiotensin II Bradykinin Sleep Peptides

27 Neuropeptides Usually one type per neuron. Must be removed
By diffusion from synaptic cleft By enzymatic destruction By active transport into presynaptic terminal (recycling) Synthesized in cell body. More “expensive” to generate. Transmitted to synapse by streaming. Vesicles are not reused. More potent than small neural transmitters More prolonged action.

28 Response Time for Neural Transmitter
If L is 3 nm and D is 3.45 x 10-6 cm2/s (D for serotonin), then: It follows that the transport of the neural transmitter across the synaptic cleft is not the time limiting factor in neural transmission.

29 Other Factors in Response Time
Release of transmitter. Response time of receptors. Response time for action after receptor response.

30 Connections Facilitated (subthreshold or subliminal) Zone
Discharge Zone Transmitting nerve will trigger receiving nerve Facilitated Discharge

31 Connections Inhibition Zone
Exists when dendrites are inhibitory instead of excitatory. Inhibition Zone (entire field of inhibiting neuron)

32 Simultaneous Excitation and Inhibition
Different neural transmitters for excitation and inhibition. Intervening Inhibitory synapse Might be used to control opposing muscles Excitatory Synapse Excitation Inhibition Inhibitory Synapse

33 Divergence To increase the intensity on a given element:
To cause the same effect on different elements:

34 Afterdischarge Response lasts longer than input
Reverberatory (positive feedback-fig 46-13) Can add facilitation and inhibition (like FET?) Without Afterdischarge Potential Inside (mV) With Afterdischarge Time (ms) Time

35 Afterdischarge Simplest case – neuronal signal feeds back on itself, causing re-triggering.

36 Afterdischarge with Facilitation/Inhibition
External Neuron External neuron excites or inhibits the feedback connection.

37 Circuit Analogue to Oscillatory Pool
Schmitt Trigger (has hysteresis, positive feedback) + - R1 Saturation Voltage (V) Time (s) Voltage (V) Time (s) Integrator Substitute FET transistor for R1 to get voltage (signal) controlled oscillator.

38 Continuous Neural Signals
Intrinsic Neuronal Excitability Reverberatig Circuits Can be controlled by facilitation/inhibition Dog scratching, breathing Uncontrolled – epilepsy Inhibition mechanisms Inhibitory feedback Synaptic fatigue

39 Memory Mostly occurs in the cerebral cortex
May also occur in basal sections of brain & spinal cord. Facilitation – The more often a synapse fires, the easier it is to fire again. Pathways can fire without the initial stimulus.

40 Ch. 47: Somatic Sensations
Categories of somatic senses Mechanireceptive somatic sensors Tactile Position Thermoreceptive senses Pain sense Position senses Rate of movement Static position Tactile senses Touch, pressure, vibration, tickle.

41 Tickle and Itch Receptors are almost exclusively in the superficial layers of the skin Transmitted by small, type C, unmyelinated fibers (similar to slow, aching pain). Useful in detecting fleas, flies, etc. Pain inhibits itch by lateral inhibition

42 Somatic Sensory Pathways
Dorsal Column Touch signals for localization Touch sensations for fine intensity Phasic (e.g. vibratory) sensations Position Sensations Fine Pressure Anterolateral System Pain Warm and Cold Crude touch and pressure Tickle and Itch Sexual Sensations

43 Somatic Sensation II, Pain, Headache, and Thermal Sensations
Fast Pain Sharp/pricking/acute/electric pain As when stuck by a needle or electric shock Slow Pain Types of slow pain Slow burning pain Aching pain Throbbing pain Nauseous pain Chronic pain Usually indicates tissue destruction

44 Purpose of Pain Patient: “Doctor, it hurts when I do this.”
Doctor: “Well, don’t do that!”

45 Pain Receptors All pain receptors are free nerve endings.
Pain receptors are found in: Superficial skin layers Periosteum Arterial walls Joint surfaces Falx and tentorium of cranial vault Other areas are sparsely populated Any widespread tissue damage can cause slow, chronic aching pain.

46 Types of Pain Stimuli Mechanical Thermal Chemical
Caused by bradykinin, serogonin, histamine, K+, acetylcholine, proteolytic enzymes Enhanced by prostaglandins, substance P.

47 Causes of Pain Rate of tissue damage
Pain is felt at about 45 degrees. This is the temp at which tissue becomes damaged. Extracts from damaged tissue will induce pain. Ischemia (possibly because of lactic acid)

48 Pain Fibers Fast pain Slow, chronic pain
Transmitted by type A fibers (6 to 30 m/s) Probably transmitted by glutamate Tells you to take immediate action (take hand off of burner) Highly localized Passes through neospinothalamic tract Slow, chronic pain Transmitted by type C fibers (0.5 to 5 m/s) Probably transmitted by Substance P Becomes more painful over time Reminds you that you did something stupid Poorly localized Transmitted through paleospinothalamic pathways

49 Analgesia System Stimulation of the periaqueductal gray area or the raphe magnus nucleus can suppress strong pain from the dorsal spinal roots. Enkephalins and serotonin (neurotrans-mitters) are involved. Opiate system – Endorphins and Enkephalins Inhibition by tactile sensory signals E.g. rubbing the skin

50 Referred Pain Classic example is heart attack
Pain may be felt in arm, or masked as indigestion. Pain receptors follow pathways to other areas of the body (cross-wiring).

51 Visceral Pain Gut Pain – not so much acute, but highly sensitive to diffuse pain. Some viscera do not feel pain Parenchyma of the liver Alveoli of the lungs Causes are Ischemia Chemical stimuli Spasm (e.g. of ball bladder, bile duct, ureter)

52 Abnormal Pain Hyperalgesia (excitable pain pathway) Thalamic syndrome
Excessive sensitivity of pain receptors (e.g. sunburned skin) Facilitation of sensory transmission Thalamic syndrome Herpes Zoster (Shingles) Herpes virus infects dorsal ganglia Also causes skin rash Tic Douloureux Felt in one side of the face Feels like electric shock

53 Headache Brain is insensitive to pain
Regions around the brain are sensitive Meninges Nasal Sinuses Venous sinuses Tentorium Dura

54 Types of Headache Migrane Meningitis
Cause is not well understood May result from vessel spasm – vessel expands after the vessel is exhausted. Meningitis Infection of meninges West Nile virus Low cerebral spinal fluid (brain impinges on dural surfaces) Alcoholic Headache (“don’t drink that poision!) Constipation headache (occurs even if spinal cord is cut). Muscle spasm headache (muscles attached to scalp & neck) Sinus Headache (inflammation, pressure)

55 Thermal Sensations Warmth Receptors Heat Pain Cold Pain Cold Receptors
Impulses per Second 45 5 25 60 Temperature (ºC)

56 Thermal Sensation If temperature is too cold, subject stops feeling pain. Cold pain and hot pain feel similar. Receptors are more sensitive to rates of change of temperature, rather than temperature itself. Pool water seems colder when you first get in. Nerves adapt to the cooler temperature. Eventually loss of heat will cause shivering.

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