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The Religion of Islam Islamic Society of Southeastern Idaho Dr. Daniel Hummel.

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Presentation on theme: "The Religion of Islam Islamic Society of Southeastern Idaho Dr. Daniel Hummel."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Religion of Islam Islamic Society of Southeastern Idaho Dr. Daniel Hummel

2 What does it mean to be a Muslim? 5 Pillars of Islam Testify Faith – There is no God but God and Muhammad is His Messenger Pray – 5 times per day Fast – Fast the 30 / 29 days of Ramadhan Charity – Obligatory charity Pilgrimage – Travel to Mecca 6 Principles of Faith Believe in God Believe in the angels Believe in the revealed messages from God Believe in the messengers sent by God Believe in the Resurrection and the Day of Judgment Believe in Pre-Destination

3 Predestination in Islam Chapter 92 (Al-Lail: The Night) verses 5 – 10 – As for he who gives and fears God and believes in the best (reward), We will ease him toward ease. But as for he who withholds and considers himself free of need, and denies the best (reward), We will ease him toward difficulty Abu Bakr (one of the companions of the Prophet) asked Muhammad if doing good deeds had any relevance if everything is pre-decided Muhammad responded that good or bad deeds are made easier depending on the pre-determined status. In essence, no one is exempt from doing good deeds.

4 The Muslim World Map from Dr. Alan Godlas at the University of Georgia

5 Population of Muslims in the United States According to Dr. Ihsan Bagby at the University of Kentucky in his 2011 report on mosques – 2.6 million Muslims attend Eid-ul-Fitr prayer (celebration of ending of Ramadhan) – 76% of all mosques were established since 1980 In 2011 there were 2,106 mosques – 74% increase over 2000 – 97% of all mosques are composed of multiple ethnic groups South Asians, Arabs, and African Americans are the dominant groups Somalis, West Africans and Iraqis are also rising in prominence

6 Map of Muslim Presence in the United States

7 Change in Muslims 2000 - 2010

8 Rise of Islamophobia in the United States In October 2001 ABC poll found that 47% of Americans had a favorable view of Muslim Americans In 2010 27% have a favorable view of Muslim Americans 09/11/13-years-after-9-11-anti-muslim- bigotry-is-worse-than-ever.html

9 Increase in Mosque Building Disputes

10 Increase in passage of Anti-Sharia Legislation

11 Problems with Knowledge about Islam According to Robert Jones, CEO of Public Religion Research Institute – 6% of Americans say they have had a conversation with someone Muslim once a day – 30% of Americans say they have had an occasional conversation with someone Muslim – 1 in 5 Americans say they know a lot about Islam – 1 in 4 Americans say they know nothing about Islam

12 Mosque Ideology in the United States According the Dr. Bagby – The majority of mosques adopt a flexible approach to interpretations of the Qur’an and Sunnah (traditions of the Prophet Muhammad) Considers context and overall purposes of sharia (law) – Mosque leaders encourage Muslim integration in U.S. society – Most mosque leaders do not feel American society is hostile to Islam

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