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Prepared by: Buccat, rIA r. Macaranas, Melissa m. Uy, janina p.

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Presentation on theme: "Prepared by: Buccat, rIA r. Macaranas, Melissa m. Uy, janina p."— Presentation transcript:

1 Prepared by: Buccat, rIA r. Macaranas, Melissa m. Uy, janina p.
UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization) Prepared by: Buccat, rIA r. Macaranas, Melissa m. Uy, janina p.

2 UNESCO MISSION UNESCO’s mission is to contribute to the building of peace, the eradication of poverty, sustainable development and intercultural dialogue through education, the sciences, culture, communication and information.


4 ABOUT THE CONFERENCE The 2014 UNESCO ICT Conference on Creativity and Innovation in Philippine Education is to promote the attainment of the Standards for Technology in Education in the Philippines. It will bring together stakeholders of the educational and industrial sectors of ICT in the Philippines. The conference will be an avenue for the sharing of insights from innovators, thinkers, strategists and futurists in order to transform thinking, inspire creativity and unlock fresh thoughts relevant to the needs of Philippine education.

5 Information technology: a driver for peace in Mindanao


7 MSU- IIT LET Review Center gives ICT
Mindanao State University- Iligan Institute of Technology 5 day Seminar-Workshop on Assessment and ICT Multimedia Integration in the 21st Century Classrooms Focus on UNESCO’s ICT Multimedia Integration for Teaching and Learning


9 Google > Yahoo/Bing/Ask
SEARCH TIPS: Right Search Engine. Google > Yahoo/Bing/Ask

10 UNESCO < UNESCO program in the Philippines
SEARCH TIPS: 2. Use Boolean Operators Specific key words UNESCO < UNESCO program in the Philippines

11 SEARCH TIPS: 3. Search Intuitively

12 Sources:

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