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Himalayan foreland Foreland basins

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Presentation on theme: "Himalayan foreland Foreland basins"— Presentation transcript:

1 Himalayan foreland Foreland basins

2 Huge potential for erosion in modifying stresses is nowhere better illustrated than Himalaya; however critical taper theory only approximates outer edge of system

3 Collisional mountain belt

4 Flexure of beams Infinite Semi-infinite Forebulge Accommodation space (Hole) Pinchout point

5 Flexure of the lithosphere M0M0 Amount of flexure Flexural parameter Flexural rigidity

6 Basin types – Ocean-arc boundary

7 Basin types – Orogenic belts

8 Taiwan

9 Mountain belt/foreland basin coupling Initial recognition of dependence of foreland basin on thrust geometry and growth (Beaumont, 1981; Jordan, 1981) Subsidence = Sea-level Topographic load (L topo ) f(L topo Subsurface load (L sub ) + L sub V plate + f(V plate ) V thrust = V thrust dx topo /dt f(dx topo /dt) + f(V plate ) V onlap V onlap = dx topo /dt + f(V plate ) V plate is key determinant of foreland basin metrics,Te)

10 Early analyses System simulated by a tapered wedge overthrusting an elastic beam with surface redistribution by diffusion (Flemings & Jordan 1989; Sinclair et al., 1991)

11 Pro-peripheral foreland basin Retro-peripheral foreland basin Geometry Tectonic subsidence Chronostratigraphy time distance Onset of orogenesis growth Steady-state Onset of orogenesis growth Steady-state Onset of orogenesis growth Steady-state depth Naylor & Sinclair, submitted to Basin Research

12 Taiwan





17 Chronostratigraphy time distance Onset of orogenesis growth Steady-state time

18 Seismicity (Jer-Ming Chiu)

19 Aquitaine Basin Ebro Basin Topography Topographic cross-section Geodynamic model S N The Pyrenees


21 Thrust propagation consumes foreland basin (D. Garcia-Castellanos et al, 1997)D. Garcia-Castellanos

22 Price 1973 Flexural Basin Concept Flexure Thrusting Foreland basin Pinchout point

23 Pro-peripheral basin (Over subducting slab lots of thrusting)


25 basement Upper Senonian Lower Cretaceous Oligocene Upper Eocene Lower Eocene (sandst.) Lower Eocene (carbonates) Palaeocene 0 50km Foreland basin succession Ebro Basin Aquitaine Basin - Ebro Basin (Pro-peripheral) from Verges et al., 1995. - Aquitaine Basin (Retro- peripheral) from Desegaulx and Brunet 1990. orogenesis time distance time (Retro) (Pro)

26 Foreland Basin Summary Foreland basins are elongate basins located at ocean-continent and continent-continent collision zones They form in flexural depressions –The flexural depression can be modelled using an elastic beam –The growth of topography loads the beam The basin is bound by the thrust front and the stable craton The advection of the basin fill towards the mountain belt creates accommodation space The basin is consumed as the thrust front propagates out



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