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Proprietary & Confidential | For Internal Use Only Safety Orientation for New Employees ENGL-2100 Project 2, Option 3 To: Professor Laryssa Waldron and.

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1 Proprietary & Confidential | For Internal Use Only Safety Orientation for New Employees ENGL-2100 Project 2, Option 3 To: Professor Laryssa Waldron and Classmates By: Randy Norton


3 We all have someone who depends on us to come home. Every day. Who depends on you?

4  Safety is the first of Granite’s Core Values.  Personal relationships with employees.  Granite recognizes that employees are its most important assets.  Managers and supervisors are evaluated on safety performance  Safety performance impacts Granite’s ability to bid work  Financial impact to the company Safety Isn’t Expensive….It’s Priceless

5 Employee Authority  Granite gives any employee the right and authority to stop any process or operation that the employee feels is unsafe.  The operation will be reviewed to determine the proper way to move forward.  This authority is not just a right, but an obligation.  There will never be any negative repercussion for exercising this right. Never Pass By an Unsafe Act or Condition

6 Employee Training  The company will provide ongoing task and safety training to all individuals to make sure they understand how to perform the work in a safe manner.  Granite provides Employee Safety Meetings, Take 5 for Safety and Productivity and Toolbox Meetings.  Work plans and Job Hazard Analysis are provided before any work takes place in the field.

7 Tools and Resources  Employees should only use tools that are designed for the intended task.  Granite will provide the correct tools and the training to use them properly.  Granite will provide the appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for the task and environmental conditions.

8 Procedures  Accident Prevention Program.  Critical to safe accomplishment of work.  Explains in detail the proper PPE, tools and procedures to do a job safely.  Is written by you… the people actually doing the work.  Granite’s Accident Prevention Program is a living document that is being updated constantly.

9 Safety Professionals  Granite has a staff of highly trained and qualified Safety Engineers and Professionals.  They are a resource, not “cops”.  Safety Professionals are assigned to each Granite project to provide guidance and resources to employees to help them go home safely every day.

10 Be Somebody  Always report and accident, injury or incident to your supervisor, no matter how minor it may seem.  Never, ever pass by an unsafe act or condition without reporting or correcting it.  Take the time to understand the proper way to do the work without endangering yourself or others. In the end, we are responsible for the safety of ourselves and those around us. Granite will provide the training, tools and procedures necessary, but it is the employees responsibility to use them. Remember, don’t assume somebody else will take care of safety… BE THAT SOMEBODY.

11 Remember those who love and need you. Granite’s goal is to send each employee home intact, every day.

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