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High School Social Studies Joe Walla Click to Start.

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2 High School Social Studies Joe Walla Click to Start

3  The issue of slavery divided American politics from the onset, as the more agrarian south relied on slave labor to produce cash crops like cotton, sugar cane, and tobacco.  In contrast, the more industrial north had an economy based on wage labor in urban settings.  These tensions escalated, as future political power hinged upon the extension of slavery into new territories. Next

4  Because of the differences in economies, the North advocated for higher tariffs (taxes on imports/exports), while the South, relying on foreign markets to export cotton, advocated for lower tariffs. This economic battle fueled tensions as animosity grew between the North and the slave South. Next

5  Dating as far back as the constitutional convention, America has debated the federalist system and the relationship between state and federal governments. As the issue of slavery’s expansion dominated political debates, southern states increasingly argued against the right of the federal government to impose laws.  In addition to this tension, state’s rights became the South’s justification for secession and formation of the Confederate States of America. Review

6 Which of these statements about the regional differences in economies between the North and the South are true? The South’s reliance on slave labor in an agrarian society focused on foreign exports conflicted with Northerner’s desire for higher tariffs on industrial goods. The Southern industrial society competed with the North for markets abroad. The North wanted to decrease tariffs to lower the burden of taxes on wealthy industrialists. The North resented Southern slave holders and wanted to punish them with heavy tariffs

7  Well Done! Go On!

8  Well, the answer is A. The North’s industrial economy wanted higher tariffs to raise revenue for the country. However, Southerner’s opposed the increased tax as it hurt their ability to sell cotton on the global market. Try Again

9 The South justified secession because… A belief in state’s rights to decide issues like slavery and tariffs. They believed the North to be evil. They believed God willed it. They felt no need to justify their decision.

10  Well Done! Go On!

11  Well, the correct answer is C. The South justified their secession on the basis of state’s rights, mainly over the issue of slavery’s future. Try Again?

12  Of the several causes of the Civil War, the most powerful cause is the question of slavery. It’s implication in economic issues and the political future of the South eventually led to secession and the assertion of Southern state’s rights in the coming Civil War. References Replay

13 

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