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Presented by: Megan Knicley

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2 Presented by: Megan Knicley


4  Can you and your colleagues brainstorm possible issues that could occur with students and/or teachers use of computers?  I’ll give you 30 seconds.


6  Legal  Fraud  Illegal downloading  Hacking  Ethical  Computer crimes  Bullying  Safety  Online Predators  All of these issues can be addressed with an AUP.

7  Proper use  What to not do with the computer  What we will do with the computer  Protection for teachers and students  To meet the demands of a changing society, Day and Schrum (1995) declare that sound AUPs are needed to prepare schools to adequately address the issues involved with students' use of the new technologies.(Flowers 2000).

8  Anne Arundel County School’s policy for students can be found at  The policy specifically outlines what the computer should be used for in the classroom environment.  It highlights that the students will be using the internet for school research, access to instructional materials, and testing.  The Employees’ AUP can be found at on pages 12-18  The policy discusses appropriate use from email to resources used in the classroom.


10  Make students and parents aware of the policy  Print a copy to be signed  Show a copy at back to school night  Post a link on the schools website  Use/create Digital Citizenship lessons to align with Maryland Technology StandardsMaryland Technology Standards  Other Lessons can be found through Common Sense Media Common Sense Media  Monitor students computer use

11  There are many issues regarding safe usage of computers including legal, ethical, and safety issues.  To insure safe computer usage in the classroom both students and teachers need to be aware of their AUP.  Implementing an AUP can be easy if you make students aware by teaching Digital Citizenship.

12  AUP Check. (2000-2011). Retrieved from:  Common Sense Media Inc. (2012). Retrieved from:  Endicott-Popovosky, B. (2009). Seeking a Balance: Online Safety for Pur Children. TeacherLibrarian, 37(2), 29-34. Retrieved from: 52f4-43bd-bfff- 844c7622065e%40sessionmgr11&vid=13&hid=116&bdata=JnNpdGU9Z WRzLWxpdmUmc2NvcGU9c2l0ZQ%3d%3d#db=ehh&AN=47500188 52f4-43bd-bfff- 844c7622065e%40sessionmgr11&vid=13&hid=116&bdata=JnNpdGU9Z WRzLWxpdmUmc2NvcGU9c2l0ZQ%3d%3d#db=ehh&AN=47500188  Flowers, B. C. (2000). Analyses of Acceptable Use Policies Regarding the Internet in Selected K-12 Schools. Journal Of Research On Computing In Education, 32(3), 351.  Laughton, P. A. (2008). Hierarchical analysis of acceptable use policies. South African Journal Of Information Management, 10(4), 2.

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