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By: McKenzie Kearl HLTH 1050 Professor Ibarra

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1 By: McKenzie Kearl HLTH 1050 Professor Ibarra
Marijuana By: McKenzie Kearl HLTH 1050 Professor Ibarra

2 How it effects the brain
When marijuana is smoked it immediately enters the blood stream which carries THC (Tetrahydro Cannabinol) to the brain. This passes through the cannabinoid receptors and causes the “high” most users experience. Cannabinoid receptors are mainly found in parts of the brain that react to memory, pleasure and sensory. The Marijuana plant contains over 400 chemicals and 60 of them are cannabinoids that produce psychoactive reactions when the drug enters the body.

3 Effects of Marijuana Short term: -Cotton mouth -Slow reaction time
-Increased heart rate -Red eyes -Panic/anxiety

4 Effects of Marijuana Long Term:
-The drug works with the immune system to prevent illness. -Study difficulties due to a motivational syndrome, loss of motivation. -Personality and mood changes. -Inability to perform and understand things clearly due to thinking about other things. -Increased risk of heart attack because the heart increases speed due to THC

5 Positives There are actually many positive outcomes when using weed. Scientist believe that being high might make it easier to associate words and concepts in the brain. This could be the reason many people turn to cannabis for inspiration. The drug itself has a lot of medical benefits as well. Marijuana can be used to help treat cancer, glaucoma, muscle spasms and many other medical issues. Many prescription medications have multiple side effects when using, Marijuana is a non toxic, natural substance and is much safer to use in most cases.

6 Negatives Although marijuana has many positive effects there are also some negative effects that can cause some damage. Other than being a cause for heart attack due to the increase in heart rate, THC in cannabis interferes with the brain hippocampus and has a difficult time telling the body what it can and cannot do. The altering of the minds perception can make something as simple as jumping over a ditch the most difficult process in the world. While most researchers believe marijuana is not an addictive substance, many users can develop a tolerance for the drug. There have been records of withdrawal symptoms occurring with weed but are very mild.

7 Legalization Medical purposes
Marijuana is currently available for recreational uses in 4 states. (Alaska, Washington, Oregon and Colorado) 23 states have made it legal for medical uses only. Medical purposes Marijuana would be safer and regulated to cancer patients and others suffering from medical issues. Can possibly help treat PTSD, Parkinson’s, eliminate nightmares, ect.

8 History of Marijuana Marijuana has been used for achieving euphoria since ancient times. The first direct reference to the cannabis plant dates back to 2737 BC


10 Cannabis can be used in many different ways.
How it’s used Cannabis can be used in many different ways. Smoked as joint, pipe or bong Eaten as cookies, brownies and candy Medically can be ingested in a pill form

11 Facts Over 15 million Americans admit to smoking cannabis at least once a month. The “high” starts almost immediately when smoked and can last up to 2 hours. Marijuana has been proven to be safer than tobacco and alcohol although it has been linked to causes of a heart attack because the heart rate tends to increase when using. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control Marijuana is one of the safest, therapeutically active “foods” in it natural form There are many different street names for marijuana such as ganga, dope, ashes, skunk, ect

12 Hemps and Oils The marijuana plant has many uses other than just getting high and medical purposes. Hemp is a term that is used for high-growing varieties of the cannabis plant. It can be used to make rope, oil, cloth, paper and many other products.

13 FAQ What happens when cannabis is eaten rather than smoked?
What if Marijuana was decriminalized? Drug arrests would decrease. There is a drug arrest every 18 second in America and more than 800,000 pot related arrest that occurred in 2008. More jobs would become available May cause more accidents and people in the ER due to the impairment of motor skills and judgment. What happens when cannabis is eaten rather than smoked? Smoking is an instant high, only lasting about 2 hours while eating a brownie made with the drug the high can last up to 6 hours after it is eaten. Because the digestive process takes longer to dissolve the THC many people tend to eat to much because they don’t feel the effects fast enough.

14 Marijuana Among Youth The brain of an adolescent is very susceptible to the effects of marijuana. Kids are at a larger risk of addiction because their brains are still developing. Adolescents who frequently use cannabis can drop up to 8 points in IQ Many young teens experience anxiety, depression and psychosis when using the drug and this can cause long term issues. Those who use marijuana are twice as likely to attempt suicide.


16 <VS> 2.7 million 847,000 Yearly arrests due to alcohol
Yearly arrests due to marijuana <VS> 2.7 million 847,000

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