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Social Issues.

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Presentation on theme: "Social Issues."— Presentation transcript:

1 Social Issues

2 Social Issue "A social problem is a social condition (such as poverty) or a pattern of behavior (such as substance abuse) that harms some individuals or all people in a society and that a sufficient number of people believe warrants public concern and collective action to bring about change" (Kendall, D.  Social Problems in a Diverse Society (4th ed).  Boston:  Pearson, 2007, p. 4.

3 Social Issue "A social problem exists when people subjectively perceive and have empirical evidence to show that social conditions combine at a local, societal, or global level to cause personal problems" (Crone, J.  How Can We Solve Our Social Problems.  Thousand Oaks, CA:  Pine Forge Press, 2007, p. 2)

4 Is making art about social issues risky?
What factors prevent or encourage people to take creative risks?

5 Ai Weiwei Chinese Artist Political and Cultural Themes
Secretly Detained 81 Days April- June 2011

6 Ai Weiwei

7 Sunflower Seeds

8 Ai Weiwei A Conversation

9 What risks are you willing to take and for what purpose or cause?

10 Social Issues Abortion Affirmative Action Ageism / Age Discrimination
Pro Choice Pro Life Affirmative Action Ageism / Age Discrimination Airport Screening Procedures Airport Security Alcoholism Animal Rights Anti-Muslim Discrimination Binge Drinking Birth Control Bullying Campus Crime Capital Punishment / Death Penalty Chemical Weapons Child Labor Classism Cloning Colorisim Corporate Downsizing Disaster Relief Domestic Violence Dream Act Drinking and Driving Driving While Black

11 Drug Abuse / Drug Addiction Eating Disorders
Embryonic Stem Cell Research Environmental Pollution Environmental Racism Equal Pay Euthanasia / Assisted Suicide Felony Disenfranchisement Gang Violence Gay Rights Genetic Engineering Gentrification Global Warming Gun Control Gun Rights Hate Crimes Hazing Health Care Disparities HIV / AIDS Homelessness Honor Killings PBS Human Trafficking Hunger Illegal Immigration Legalization of Marijuana

12 Mall Shootings Mass Murder Minimum Wage National Rifle Association Obesity Outsourcing Jobs Photo bombs Poverty Prayer in Schools Racial Disparities in Health Care Racial Disparities in Sentencing Racial Profiling Racism Retail Profiling Recycling and Conservation Right to Work Same-Sex Marriage Sexism Sexual Harassment Sexting

13 Shopping While Black Texting While Driving Single Parenting Texting While Walking Smoking / Tobacco Use Unemployment Social Networking and Privacy Union Busting Violence in Schools Stand Your Ground Laws Violence in Music Videos Steroid Use in Sports Violence in Video Games Stereotyping Voter Disenfranchisement Sweat Shops Voting Rights Restrictions Teen Pregnancy Terrorism 

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