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Presented to Strategic Planning Committee April 5, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented to Strategic Planning Committee April 5, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented to Strategic Planning Committee April 5, 2012

2  The ultimate goal is institutional improvement and long-term program viability.  The process is ongoing and will change with the University.  Goals and measures will vary, but the process should be consistent across the University.  Both effectiveness and accountability measures will be necessary.

3  Alignment with Higher Learning Commission  “Regional accreditation as carried out by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) assures quality by verifying that an institution (1) meets threshold standards and (2) is engaged in continuous improvement.”  Alignment with MnSCU Board Policy 3.36  Part 7. Academic Review. Each system college and university shall regularly review its academic programs for the purpose of academic planning and improvement.

4  Stage 1: Long-range Planning ◦ University Strategic Action Plan ◦ Unit/College level Strategic Action Plans ◦ Accreditation, Program Review and Service Evaluation  Stage 2: Annual Planning ◦ Annual Work and Resource Planning  Stage 3: Measurement and Reporting ◦ Data Collection ◦ Year-end Reporting

5  Annual Work Planning and Reporting  Improvement Project  Program Review

6  Area’s planned activities and initiatives for that fiscal year  How activities and initiatives support the college/unit/university strategic plans  Expected outcomes from those activities  How outcomes will be measured and reported  Budget plan

7  Improves student learning and success within current programs  Develops a new program that is interdisciplinary in design and/or clearly meets workforce needs  Supports a strategic objective within SCSU’s Strategic Action Plan

8  Section 1: Outcomes and Achievements:  Section 2: Programs and Services ◦ Program Quality ◦ Services or Other Non-degree Programs ◦ Program Demand  Section 3: Constituents and external stakeholders ◦ Needs assessment ◦ Collaboration ◦ Community Engagement

9  Section 4: Strategic and Resource Planning  Section 5: Faculty and Staff  Section 6: Leadership and Governance  Section 7: Future Direction and Continuous Improvement

10 Aug Sept- Oct Nov-DecJan-FebMarch June- July SCSU Annual Report completed AWP+1 template created Units meet w/ Dean or VP Units submit AWP+1, budget Divisions submit AWP+1, budget Deans meet w/Provost, VPs meet w/President to discuss draft Deans, VPs submit AWP+1, budget Draft SCSU AWP+1, budget shared w/campus SCSU AWP+1, budget finalized Unit Year- end progress reports submitted Division year-end progress reports submitted AWP Implementation


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