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Section 19-3 NATIONAL UNIFICATION AND NATIONALISM Even though revolutions through Europe in the 1840’s failed nationalism did remain a strong dominating force. This force will eventually lead to the unification of Italy and Germany which had not seen unifications for hundreds of years.

2 A. Toward National Unification
Revolutions of 1848 failed but by 1871 unification would happen. The changes that made this possible began with the Crimean War. To understand the unification of Italy and Germany we first need to look at the struggles btw the ottoman empire and Russia which led to the Crimean war. ottoman empire had controlled southeaster Europe known as the Balkans for a long time. by the 1800’s this control and the empire itself began to weaken which left it open to conflict over territory and potential upset of the balance established by the congress of Vienna.

3 Toward National Unification
1. Breakdown of the Concert of Europe Crimean War was the result of the long term struggle between Russia and the Ottoman Empire. Ottoman power was becoming weaker and Russia as a nation without a warm water port. If Russia could get a port it would become a power in Eastern Europe Russia invaded the Turkish Balkans provinces of Moldova and Walachia. Great Britain and France joined with Ottoman. War was poorly planned and fought. The effect of the war was to destroy the Concert of Europe. Russia needed access to the Mediterranean sea and to have hold of the Balkans would allow this=money because they could become as force in trade and competition for the British who dominated the seas and trade. Other European nations feared this but more so just wanted the area for themselves. Because the war was so badly planned there were no land gains but political alliances did change. The countires who had been involved in the congress of Vienna and dividing up Napoleons empire now were enemies themselves and alliances were broken.

4 Toward National Unification
2. Italian Unification Austria was still the dominant power on the Italian Peninsula. People began to look to Piedmont for leadership in achieving unity. King Victor Emmanuel II turned it over to Count Camillo di Cavour. He pursued a policy of economic expansion to increase government revenues and enable the kingdom to equip a large army. Made an alliance with France and then provoked Austria into declaring war in They had success here and it caused several states to fall under Piedmonts control. 1848 Italy tried to unify and break from Austria This failed and in 1850 Italian states turned to Piedmont a kingdom to the north ruled by Victor Emmanuel II and he hired a prime minister named Camillo di covour to be his prime minister. Covour knew that the kingdom of Piedmont did not have strong enough of an army themselves to defeat the Austrians and would need an alliance with a stronger military force-France Louis-Napoleon and in 1859 Canour declared war on Austria. In the end the french gianed terrotiory and the kingdom of piedmont did as well getting closer to unifying Italy.

5 Count Camillo di Cavour
King Victor Emmanuel II

6 Toward National Unification
Meanwhile in southern Italy, Giuseppe Garibaldi raised an army of RED SHIRTS. His forces landed n Sicily and controlled this island. They then began to march up Italian Peninsula. He chose to turn over his conquests to Piedmont. Austria still held Venetia, which through a war was given to Italy. Rome was won during a war also and with this all of Italy was unified. While Piedmont had taken care of the north Giuseppe Garibaldi would take care of the south. Raised an army of volunteers called the red shirts. He started a march which began on the island of Sicily and then marched up the Italian peninsula. He then turned his conquest over to Piedmont in the north. After a final war the austrian-prussain war the Italians gained control of Venetia because they had supported the Prussian forces. In the Franco-Prussian war the French would be driven from Rome and then all Italy would be united into one state.

7 Toward National Unification
3. German Unification Germans looked to Prussia for unification. Prussian king had firm control over both the government and the army. Prussia was known for its military. King William I turned it over to Count Otto von Bismarck. He was a believer in REALPOLITIK or politics based on practical matters rather than on theory or ethics. He proceeded to collect taxes and strengthen the army. Prussia, through war, gained control of Schleswig and Holstein. He defeated the Austrians. He now organized the German states north of the Main River into the North German Confederation. The South remained split until the Franco Prussian war. The French proved no match for the Prussian army. German stats in the south now agree to join North German confederation. William I was proclaimed Kaiser of the Second German Empire. German unity now a reality. Germany had been divided just like Italy for a few hundred years ( before the 15 hundreds). They now wanted to be unified but need the power of a strong nation to help them which the found in Prussia who had a strong authoritarian government and army. Remember Prussia had this military because they depended on militarism for protection and since they had no natural defenses. Prussian leader William the 1st wanted to enlarge the military further with taxes but was denied so he hired Otto von Bismarck who was a man of reality and followed politik (politics of reality). He ignored parliaments decision to not raise taxes and did anyway. He also laid the groundwork for war which he used Austrian help. This led to the unification of Denmark, Schleswig Holestein. He then turned against his Austrian allies and gained the German states to the north ( the North German Confederation.) the German states to the south were catholic and feared the protestant Prussia but feared the French more so they signed and alliance with Prussia which angered franc because they did not want to see a unification of the German state which would led to the Franco- Prussian war of the southern German states helped the Prussians win the war against the French and then joined the German confederation creating the new German state and the new strongest state in Europe.

8 B. Nationalism and Reform in Europe
1. Great Britain Managed to avoid the revolutionary upheavals. More men got the right to vote and they were chiefly members of the industrial middle class. Parliament continued to make social and political reforms that helped the country stay stable. It also had continuing economic growth. During the later half of the 1800’s Great Britain will become more liberal while the governments of France Austria and Russia grow more authoritarian. Britain unlike the rest of Europe was able to avoid revolution by opening up rights of parliament to more social classes parliament passed a bill allowing the increase of male voters who were from the industrial middle class. by giving the middle class interest in ruling they avoided revolution. Britain did have control of Ireland which was not as peaceful and still remains today. They wanted control over there own affairs and not the British. IRA (Iris Republican Army).

9 Nationalism and Reform in Europe
2. France After 1848 events moved them toward the restoration of the monarchy. Louis Napoleon won a plebiscite (popular vote) and assumed the title of Napoleon III. France clearly is an authoritarian government. Only he could introduce legislation and declare war. He completely controlled the government and limited civil liberties. He also carried out a vast rebuilding of the city of Paris. Second Empire fell after Franco – Prussian war. France had overthrown the bourbon monarchy in 1848 and replaced it with a republic and a president who would rule for 4 yrs. Louis Napoleon pushed for the restoration of the empire and with a 97% vote the empire was restored with him becoming napoleon III emperor of France. This was an authoritarian government where Napoleon controlled the armed forces, police, and civil service. Only he could introduce legislation and declare war. the legislative Corps gave the illusion of a representative government because they were elected for six yrs terms by universal male suffrage but in reality they had no say. First 5 yrs were a great success even though liberties of the people slowly disappeared he did expanded the economy greatly with stimulus that fostered development. He also rebuilt Paris. He also revamped Paris with boulevards, squares and wider streets. The purpose of this was to prevent barricades if revolt occurred and to move troops through Paris streets quicker there was some opposition to his authoritarian rule so he opened up legislative power to the Legislative corps. This success finally ended when the second empire ended after the French defeat in the Franco –Prussian War.

10 Nationalism and Reform in Europe
3. The Austrian Empire Nationalism presented special problems. So many ethnic groups. Hapsburgs restored centralized, autocratic government to the empire. Warfare made them give concessions to the Hungarians that resulted in the Compromise of It created a dual monarchy of Austria – Hungary. Francis Joseph was both emperor of Austria and King of Hungary. Nationalism proved a problem in 19th century Europe, especially for the Austrian Empire. The empire was made up many different ethnic cultures and each wanted their independence and own . Hungary being the nationalistic of these groups. After the Austrians had gone to war with Prussia, Austria had been weekend and was forced to Compromise with the Hungarians in this created the Austrian/Hungarian empire each with its own constitution, legislature, government, and capital. The unifying force holding the two together was emperor/king Francis Joseph, a common army, political system and finances. They were individual in domestic policy. This did not satisfy the smaller ethnic groups still fighting for there own independence.

11 Nationalism and Reform in Europe
4. Russia Russia was overwhelmingly rural, agriculture, and autocratic. The Czar used soldiers, secret police, repression and censorship to withstand the revolutionary fervor. Czar Alexander II made some reforms-like serfdom where he emancipated the serfs. He attempted other reforms but he soon found that he could please no one. In the 19th century Russia was still rural, agricultural and autocratic (ruler with all power) Romanov. They had used the military, secret police, censorship and repression to avoid the revolutions of the early 1800’s the Russians suffer the defeat of the Crimean war and it was realized how far Russia was falling behind the rest of western Europe. Czar Alexander II decided to make some changes. Serfdom which was still in practice was abolished and the peasants were given rights to own property and marry as they choose. Unfortunately this only led to a poor peasantry because the landowners kept the good land for themselves and only sold the band land to the peasants' which meant that they starved. Unfortunatly for the Alexander II hi reforms came to slow for the peasants and upset the landowners and he was assassinated His son Alexander the III abandoned reforms and returned to the old methods of oppression.

12 C. Nationalism in the United States
Constitution committed the nation to liberalism and nationalism, yet unity did not come easily. Two factions fought bitterly. They were the Federalists who favored a strong central government and the Republicans who wanted the federal government to be subordinate to the state governments. Slavery had become a threat to American unity with the south’s economy so dependent on it because of cotton. In the north, was a big abolitionism movement. Led to South Carolina seceding from the country which led to the Civil War. Federalists- string central government Republicans-wanted strong state government 1812 s2nd war of independence covered these divisions with nationalism Civil war would threaten nationalism again-slavery southern economy Civil war divided the country-but national unity would prevail

13 19-3 Review Created the dual monarchy of Austria-Hungary, created a single monarch to govern both Austria and Hungary, and established a common Austria-Hungary army. The Compromise of 1867 Austria, France, and the legislature opposed who at first? Otto von Bismarck Britain avoid any form of Revolution in 1848 by doing what? Gave the industrial middle class the vote.

14 19-3 Review Emperor Kaiser Withdraw from or choose not to be part of
Secede Reliance on military strength Militarism Was a major threat to American national unity during the 19th century? Slavery

15 19-3 Review Louis-Napoleon assumed the title of Napoleon III, Emperor of France, and at first he limited what? Civil liberties Law that freed Russian serfs Emancipation edict Bismarck’s theory of practical, as opposed to idealistic, governance realpolitik


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