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 Digestive Enzymes.  What is an enzyme?  How do enzymes work?

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Presentation on theme: " Digestive Enzymes.  What is an enzyme?  How do enzymes work?"— Presentation transcript:

1  Digestive Enzymes

2  What is an enzyme?

3  How do enzymes work?

4 The Basics  Enzymes tend to end in the suffix “ase”  The first part of the name gives you a clue as to what they digest  ie. lipase  Enzymes always work for a SPECIFIC substance.

5 The Basics  There are specific things that effect how effectively enzymes work.  Coenzymes, inhibitors, temperature, pH and surface area.

6 Co-enzymes Inhibitors Term Definition Diagram Enzymes and…

7 Temperature pH Term Definition Diagram Enzymes and…

8 Surface Area Term Definition Diagram Enzymes and… Chemical and Mechanical digestion working together!

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