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Vegetable Gardening.

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Presentation on theme: "Vegetable Gardening."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vegetable Gardening

2 Home vegetable gardening
Produce value of $14 billion per year (U.S.) 40% of families have vegetable gardens

3 Why grow vegetables? Taste Saves money Health Attracts wildlife
Can be chemical-free Exercise Attracts wildlife

4 Planning a garden Location Water supply Full sun
Well drained loam, pH 6-6.5 Away from trees Away from slopes

5 Planning a garden Size Start small (25’ x 25’ or less)
Most seed packs plant a 15’ row

6 Garden layout Rows oriented east to west
Taller & trellised plants on north side Shorter plants towards south side Plant perennials together



9 Block (bed) gardening



12 Vegetable garden design
Rows Beds Mixed beds (flowers/vegetables) Containers Window boxes

13 Planning a vegetable garden
What uses? Fresh, canning, freezing (p. 500) Climate assessment Dates of avg. spring & fall killing frosts Frost free period = # days from last spring frost to first fall frost (ranges from days)

14 Planning a vegetable garden
Vegetable characteristics Days to maturity Warm season vs. cool season Warm season – restricted to frost free period Cool season – can tolerate light frost Start indoors & transplant for Spring crop Plant as seed for late fall crop


16 Planning a vegetable garden
Vegetable characteristics Harvested crop and light requirements Fruit > 8 hours Root > 6 hours Leaf > 4 hours Harvested crop and nutrient requirements Leaf crops – high N Root crops – High K, lower N

17 Planning a vegetable garden
Intercropping Succession planting (double cropping) Relay planting Crop rotation Companion planting Row to row distance

18 Intercropping

19 Succession planting


21 Relay planting Planting at intervals for continuous, extended harvest
Beans, sweet corn, lettuce Sow when previous crop has emerged (germinated)

22 Crop rotation


24 Companion planting Some plants do better next to certain types of plants Some plants have insect repellant properties Some plants attract beneficial insects Example: corn/squash canopy disorients squash vine borer


26 Companion planting for pest control

27 Beneficial insects

28 Poor plant combinations
Plant antagonism – some plants secrete growth-suppressing chemicals Beans do not follow onions well Tomato/potato do not follow Brassicas well

29 Plant spacing Can determine final size of plants
Equal access to water, nutrients, light Canopy can suppress weeds

30 Planting a vegetable garden
Seed Viability & storage Direct vs. indirect sowing Prepared seed types Seed tapes, primed, pelleted, treated Pre-germinating seed (p. 493) Thinning

31 Growing vegetables from indirect seeding
Warm for germination Seedlings in good light, lower temp. Hardening off Transplanting at proper depth

32 Vegetable garden cultivation
Watering Fertilizing Weed control Mulching Pests

33 Garden watering Heavy & occasionally Critical watering periods
Germinating seeds, seedlings, transplants – frequent & light Critical watering periods Water in evening Soaker, drip irrigation

34 Garden fertilizing Vegetable plants vary in N-P-K needs
Annual application of compost (5-11lbs./sq. yd.) or manure (12lb./sq. yd.) Green manure crops (legumes, rye) overwinter or intercropped Granular N-fertilizers applied in Spring (one month before planting)

35 Weed control Hand weeding Hoe weeding Mulch Proper plant spacing
Plastic, organic, newspaper Proper plant spacing

36 Vegetable garden pests (p. 498)
Animals Birds, rabbits, deer, voles, insects Insects Sucking insects, chewing insects Moths/caterpillars; beetles/grubs Microorganisms Bacteria, fungi, viruses Virginia Tech – Insect pests of vegetables


38 Training plants Optimize use of space
Lessen contact of fruit with soil

39 Training plants

40 Cages

41 Home gardening resources
NCSU Information leaflets

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