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1 1 1 MANAGING THE DIGITAL FIRM DIGITAL FIRM Chapter This lecture is based on materials in Essentials of Management Information Systems by Laudon and Laudon.

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Presentation on theme: "1 1 1 MANAGING THE DIGITAL FIRM DIGITAL FIRM Chapter This lecture is based on materials in Essentials of Management Information Systems by Laudon and Laudon."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 1 1 MANAGING THE DIGITAL FIRM DIGITAL FIRM Chapter This lecture is based on materials in Essentials of Management Information Systems by Laudon and Laudon 5/e and the summary slides available on their website. However, some material herein also represents the perspective of Gregory Rose of Washington State University. Where materials are taken verbatim from the Laudon and Laudon slides, they represent the views of the book and are copyrighted by the authors and the publisher. Where the sequence or content differ, the content is considered the work of Gregory Rose with all copyrights reserved.

2 2 What is the role of information systems in today’s competitive business environment? What exactly is an information system? What do managers need to know about information systems? How are information systems transforming organizations and management? How has the Internet and Internet technology transformed business? Essentials of Management Information Systems Chapter 1 Managing the Digital Firm OBJECTIVES- at the end of this lecture, we should be able to answer the following

3 3 Essentials of Management Information Systems Chapter 1 Managing the Digital Firm The New Role: The Widening Scope of Information Systems TOWARD THE DIGITAL FIRM: THE NEW ROLE OF CBIS’s IN ORGANIZATIONS Relative importance --------------- Area of impact What happened!

4 4 Essentials of Management Information Systems Chapter 1 Managing the Digital Firm WHY (COMPUTER-BASED) INFORMATION SYSTEMS? Non-existent in 1940’s due to technology Expensive in 1950’s-1970’s Affordable in 1980’s but not unequivocally valuable until 1990s - WHY? Coincided with four radical worldwide changes that have altered the business environment: Emergence of the Global Economy Transformation of Industrial Economies Transformation of the Business Enterprise The Emerging Digital Firm Will talk about each of these in details later (write these down). But first, what do CBIS’ do that enabled these…

5 5 Computers (and computer systems) are great at four things (write these down): Storage and retrieval of data Distribution of digital content Enabling and enforcing standardization of process Automation (most effectively of tedious tasks or those too complex to be done reliably by humans) –Can automate whenever you see a pattern Let’s look at each of the 4 changes in the business environment and discuss how these radical changes may have been enabled by CBIS’…but first an overview of how radical change occurs Essentials of Management Information Systems Chapter 1 Managing the Digital Firm Computer-Based Information System (CBIS) WHY (COMPUTER-BASED) INFORMATION SYSTEMS?

6 6 S1S1 S2S2 S3S3 S4S4 Pattern: Phase: Stages of Innovation Resulting from Discontinuous Tech Change (DTC). Happens when limits in base technologies are overcome, causing an innovation wave. fluid Stage: transitionspecific Adapted from Lambe and Speckman (1997). Product ExplorationProduct Exploitation Process Exploration Product Exploitation Process Exploitation Radical Product Innovation dominant Radical Process Innovation dominant Incremental Product and Process Innovation dominant

7 7 Each Discontinuous Tech Change (DTC) wave moves along until the next limits in base technologies are overcome, causing the next wave. Adapted from Lambe and Speckman (1997). Cumulative research effort Performance DTC1 (Mainframes) DTC2 (Personal Computers) DTC3 (Local Area Networks) DTC4 (Internet Computing) Here is an example of innovation for computer-based innovations. Cumulative research effort is within a domain. So this diagram would be the same for any innovation domain such as metallurgy or electronics.

8 8 Essentials of Management Information Systems Chapter 1 Managing the Digital Firm First of 4 changes: Emergence of the Global Economy Management and control in a global marketplace –helped by IT because distributed, fast, real-time or asynchronous, rich interface, reduced media breaks –Global work groups Allows low marginal cost competition in world markets –24x7 point of contact –Global delivery systems of digital products How did 4 things computers do well enable this? (e.g. what was possible before computers & what limits do they overcome to allow innovation?) The Competitive Business Environment and the Emerging Digital Firm WHY (COMPUTER-BASED) INFORMATION SYSTEMS?

9 9 Essentials of Management Information Systems Chapter 1 Managing the Digital Firm Second Change: Transformation of Industrial Economies WHY (COMPUTER-BASED) INFORMATION SYSTEMS?

10 10 Essentials of Management Information Systems Chapter 1 Managing the Digital Firm 2. Transformation of Industrial Economies Knowledge- and information-based economies in developed world –Knowledge: a central productive and strategic asset –High margin & tougher to replicate –Marked by time-based competition, shorter product life, and turbulent environment –Low-knowledge jobs more commodity-like and mostly fled to LDCs –Allows some poorer economies to leapfrog in status (e.g., Finland, India and Ireland) How did 4 things computers do well enable this? (e.g. what was possible before computers & what limits do they overcome to allow innovation?) The Competitive Business Environment and the Emerging Digital Firm WHY (COMPUTER-BASED) INFORMATION SYSTEMS?

11 11 Essentials of Management Information Systems Chapter 1 Managing the Digital Firm Third Change: Transformation of the Business Enterprise IT accommodates management in orgs that are: Flattening Decentralizing Flexible Location independent And striving for: –Low transaction and coordination costs; empowerment; collaborative work and teamwork How did 4 things computers do well enable this? (e.g. what was possible before computers & what limits do they overcome to allow innovation?) The Competitive Business Environment and the Emerging Digital Firm WHY (COMPUTER-BASED) INFORMATION SYSTEMS?

12 12 Essentials of Management Information Systems Chapter 1 Managing the Digital Firm TOWARD THE DIGITAL FIRM: THE NEW ROLE OF CBIS’s IN ORGANIZATIONS Benefits of media break reduction and subsequent automation. There are negative consequences too. We will look at this with the Cisco case next week.

13 13 Essentials of Management Information Systems Chapter 1 Managing the Digital Firm Fourth Change: Emergence of the Digital Firm We talk about digital firms in this class. The book doesn’t provide a definition of “digital” and it should. Basically, digital firms use digital networks throughout their processes. Digital networks send digital information across them. For purposes of understanding what it is to be a digital firm, please consider the definition on the following two slides from (source,,sid9_gci211948,00.html) The Competitive Business Environment and the Emerging Digital Firm WHY (COMPUTER-BASED) INFORMATION SYSTEMS?

14 14 Essentials of Management Information Systems Chapter 1 Managing the Digital Firm Digital describes electronic technology that generates, stores, and processes data in terms of two states: positive and non-positive. Positive is expressed or represented by the number 1 and non-positive by the number 0. Thus, data transmitted or stored with digital technology is expressed as a string of 0's and 1's. Each of these state digits is referred to as a bit (and a string of bits that a computer can address individually as a group is a byte). Digital Defined: WHY (COMPUTER-BASED) INFORMATION SYSTEMS?

15 15 Essentials of Management Information Systems Chapter 1 Managing the Digital Firm Prior to digital technology, electronic transmission was limited to analog technology, which conveys data as electronic signals of varying frequency or amplitude that are added to carrier waves of a given frequency. Broadcast and phone transmission has conventionally used analog technology. Digital technology is primarily used with new physical communications media, such as satellite and fiber optic transmission. A modem is used to convert the digital information in your computer to analog signals for your phone line and to convert analog phone signals to digital information for your computer. Digital definition continued: WHY (COMPUTER-BASED) INFORMATION SYSTEMS?

16 16 Essentials of Management Information Systems Chapter 1 Managing the Digital Firm With that in mind - Fourth Change: Emergence of the Digital Firm One with almost no media breaks in, within, or out –Digitally-enabled relationships with customers, suppliers, and employees –Core business processes accomplished via digital networks –Digital management of key corporate assets Rapid sensing and responding to environmental changes The Competitive Business Environment and the Emerging Digital Firm WHY (COMPUTER-BASED) INFORMATION SYSTEMS?

17 17 Truly digital firm is one that uses Web and Internet- based tools and protocols to create a firm without media breaks Book says: “all significant business processes and relationships with customers, suppliers, and employees are digitally enabled, and key corporate assets are managed through digital means” That is extreme. Subset of digital firm is electronic business that reduces media breaks and uses those tools and protocols Essentials of Management Information Systems Chapter 1 Managing the Digital Firm To Be a Digital Firm TOWARD THE DIGITAL FIRM: THE NEW ROLE OF CBIS’s IN ORGANIZATIONS

18 18 Essentials of Management Information Systems Chapter 1 Managing the Digital Firm TOWARD THE DIGITAL FIRM: THE NEW ROLE OF CBIS’s IN ORGANIZATIONS How did 4 things computers do well enable this? (e.g. what was possible before computers & what limits do they overcome to allow innovation?)

19 19 An information system is a set of interrelated components that collect (or retrieve), process, store, and distribute information to support decision making, and control in an organization. It can also generate product in an information services firm for others to use in decision making and control. Essentials of Management Information Systems Chapter 1 Managing the Digital Firm I have made the case why CBIS’s are important. So, what exactly is an Information System? WHY (COMPUTER-BASED) INFORMATION SYSTEMS?

20 20 INPUTOUTPUTPROCESS FEEDBACK Essentials of Management Information Systems Chapter 1 Managing the Digital Firm The three activities in an information system WHY (COMPUTER-BASED) INFORMATION SYSTEMS? (Feedback enables modification of input stage)

21 21 Essentials of Management Information Systems Chapter 1 Managing the Digital Firm IS’s serve the firm within and outwardly WHY (COMPUTER-BASED) INFORMATION SYSTEMS?

22 22 That was a summary of what Information Systems are in general. And not all IS’s are computerized. But Computer-Based Information System (CBIS) are what we cover in this course So what are they? Essentials of Management Information Systems Chapter 1 Managing the Digital Firm WHY (COMPUTER-BASED) INFORMATION SYSTEMS?

23 23 Finally: Definition of CBIS’ and what they do: CBIS’s are formal systems –Fixed definitions of data, procedures –Collecting, storing, processing, disseminating, using data But they are indeed also computerized…so they take advantage of the 4 things computers do well Are technology-enabled organizational and management solutions to challenges posed by the environment. Automated support for input, processing, and output of business processes. Essentials of Management Information Systems Chapter 1 Managing the Digital Firm WHY (COMPUTER-BASED) INFORMATION SYSTEMS?

24 24 Essentials of Management Information Systems Chapter 1 Managing the Digital Firm CHARACTERISTICS OF (COMPUTER-BASED) INFORMATION SYSTEMS? Conclusion: IT went from obscure luxury for only largest organizations to mainstream and mission critical across entire enterprise You will need to adopt and manage this resource regardless of your discipline Next week we talk about all the ways IT can support functionality of the firm Consider it a menu from which your firm could shop Then we will talk about how to buy off the menu with a finite budget


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