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Audience/Environment Audience:  5 th grade students with little or no experience in football. Learners have experience on computers before and understand.

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Presentation on theme: "Audience/Environment Audience:  5 th grade students with little or no experience in football. Learners have experience on computers before and understand."— Presentation transcript:


2 Audience/Environment Audience:  5 th grade students with little or no experience in football. Learners have experience on computers before and understand how to point and click. Environment:  Each learner will have their own computer and headphones while going through a PowerPoint learning module. Learners will work alone and quietly. Objective:  Students will identify different positions in football and what their role is with 100% accuracy.  Given a picture of a football formation, students will be able to label positions  Given a picture of a football formation, students will be able to label positions with 100% accuracy NEXT Teacher’s Page

3 Sign Up! Enter your name

4 Welcome to football camp! Click on audio link below. NEXT

5 Click the picture on the side of the football team you want to learn about, then after studying both take the quiz. Offense: Focus on scoring touchdowns and moving the ball Defense: Focus on tackling ball carrier and preventing scores Take Quiz

6 MAIN MENU Offensive football: The basics While on offense, the football team is made up of several different positions who each have their own role in helping score points. Click on each position below to learn more about their role and duties. Afterwards, fulfill the activities. Each position relies on each other! QBWR O-lineRB Activity 1 Activity 2

7 WR stands for Wide Receiver! The wide receiver is the player who catches the football from the quarterback by running a “route”. A route is a pre-planned direction the WR will run during the play. Click on the video below to watch an actual WR explain routes Go Back Wide receivers stand at the edge of play Please don’t drop me!

8 QB stands for Quarterback! The quarterback is the player who throws the football and calls plays before each down. The QB must have good awareness and recognize which player is open to catch the ball. The QB is normally looked upon as a leader of the team! Click on the video below to watch highlights from an actual QB from Purdue. Go Back This is where the QB stands GO PURDUE!

9 O-line stands for Offensive Line! The O-line is very important because they block for the quarterback or running back. Players in this position must be strong because they are constantly pushing the opponents away. Click the video below to see what successful blocking looks like. Go Back O-line stands in front of QB Blocking is very important

10 RB stands for Running Back! The running back is a player who stands behind the quarterback and receives a “hand-off”. A hand-off is when the QB hands the ball to the running backs chest. The running back then runs forwards towards the opponents end zone to score a touchdown. Watch a highlight below from a NFL running back. Go Back RB’s typically stand behind QB

11 Use the word bank at the bottom to answer where each offensive position stands on the football field, then compare your answers on the next page. Position may be used more than once! QB WR OL RB Next

12 How did you do? Check your answers! Offensive Line QB WR OL RB Wide Receiver Quarterback Running back MAIN MENU

13 Watch the video below and listen carefully to the description of what the player does, then guess which position that player plays! Type the answer in the text box below. Check your answer on the next slide. Next

14 Did you guess Quarterback!? If so, then you’re correct! Main Menu Offensive Positions

15 MAIN MENU Defensive football: The basics While on defense, the football team is made up of several different positions working together to stop the offense from scoring. Click on each position below to learn more about its roles and duties, then complete the activity. You can’t win if you can’t stop your opponent from scoring DLLB CBSActivity 2 Activity 1

16 MAIN MENU DL stands for defensive line! The defensive line are the players going directly against the offensive line each play. The DL is supposed to rush the QB or stop the run each play. Click on each defensive lineman to learn more. Defensive Line Offensive Line Back to Defensive Positions

17 Go back Lineman at the end of the defensive line typically focus on pass rushing QB from edge. Edge Rusher

18 Go back Lineman in the middle of the line typically focus on stopping the run! Run-Stopper

19 Go back Lineman in the middle of the line are usually larger than other defensive lineman! Some defensive lineman in the NFL are 340 lbs! Run-Stopper

20 Go back Defensive lineman at the end of the line are typically smaller and faster than defensive lineman in the middle of the line because their goal is to tackle the QB. Defensive End

21 Go back Defensive lineman at the end of the line are typically smaller and faster than defensive lineman in the middle of the line because their goal is to tackle the QB. Defensive End

22 Go back LB stands for linebackers! The linebackers are the players who stand behind the defensive line. These players are important because they stop both the run and pass. Click on each LB to learn more. Linebackers

23 Go back Linebackers can stop the pass not rushing the quarterback, but instead covering wide receivers!

24 Go back Linebackers can stop run by rushing between defensive lineman to close gaps in order to stop running back.

25 Go back Linebackers usually get the most tackles than any other defensive position! That is a lot of tackles!

26 S stands for Safeties! The safeties are the last line of defense and stand the furthest back on the field. They are similar to linebackers because they focus on stopping the run and pass! Click on the audio link below find out more about safeties. Back to Defensive Positions Where do they stand?

27 Go back Since the safety position is the line of defense, they stand behind the linebackers. DL CB LB S

28 CB stands for cornerbacks! They get their name because they are standing in the corner of the play directly opposite the wide receiver. The main job of cornerbacks is to stop the WR from catching the ball by deflecting a pass by batting it down or intercepting the ball by catching it. Watch the video below to see what a successful corner looks like. Back to Defensive Positions Where do they stand?

29 Go back Cornerbacks are usually on the far left and right side of the field. They line up across from wide receivers. DL CB LB S

30 Check answers Using the word bank provided, label each position below in the appropriate text box. Position may be used more than once. DL CB LB S

31 Go back Did your answers look like this? If so, great! If not, please study more. DL CB LB S

32 Watch the video below and listen carefully to the description of what the player does, then guess which position that player plays! Check your answer on the next slide. Next

33 Did you guess Cornerback!? If so, then you’re correct! Defensive Positions

34 Now that you have studied different offensive and defensive positions, you may take this quiz to successfully complete football camp! You may also go back and review more if needed. Go Back to Review Proceed to Quiz Are you ready!?

35 Which position below goes directly against the offensive line each play? A) Safety C) Defensive Line B) CornerbackD) Linebacker

36 Nice try but incorrect. Hint: this position focuses on stopping the run and rushing the quarterback Try again

37 The defensive line plays against he offensive line each down. Next Question

38 Which offensive position focuses on running routes and catching passes? A) Wide Receiver C) Quarterback B) Offensive LineD) Linebacker

39 Wide receivers run pre-planned “routes” so the QB knows where to throw. Next Question

40 Nice try but incorrect. Hint: which position focuses the most on catching the ball? Try again

41 Which offensive position calls the offensive play before each down? A) Quarterback C) Running back B) Wide Receiver D) Offensive Line

42 Nice try but incorrect. Hint: Drew Brees plays this position Try again

43 The QB can be considered “The coach on the field”. Next Question

44 Which defensive position is the “last line of defense?” A) Linebacker C) Defensive Line B) CornerbackD) Safety

45 Nice try but incorrect. Hint: This position stands the furthest back when defending Try again

46 The safety stands the furthest back in case his teammates miss tackles Next Question

47 Which offensive position blocks for the running back or quarterback every play? A) Wide Receiver C) Offensive Line B) LinebackerD) Cornerback

48 Nice try but incorrect. Hint: This position plays directly against the defensive line Try again

49 The offensive line is often under appreciated! Next

50 You finished the quiz and completed football ! Keep up the hard work and you’ll be in the NFL in no time! Next Good Job!

51 football field picture talking football picture drew brees picture 00&Border=0&Purdue-football-Boilermakers-Darrell-Hazell purdue defense football formation urlacker intercept / reggie bush tackle peyton-hillis.jpg tackle cromartie interception video landry tackle route running video drew brees highlights video marshawn lynch run castonzo block ricardo allen,0, 00&Border=0&Purdue-football-Boilermakers-Darrell-Hazell / peyton-hillis.jpg,0,

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