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Temperaments Meredith Shirley.

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1 Temperaments Meredith Shirley

2 What is a Temperament? The combination of mental, physical, and emotional traits of a person Every human being has a personality that makes them different from others. It is common for most people to be of two types

3 4 different Temperaments
Sanguine Melancholy Phlegmatic Choleric

4 The Sanguine Sanguine temperaments are very extraverted and love to be around people. Salesmen, PR representatives, teachers are some of the careers that are great for sanguine because of their energetic personality Strengths: motivators, inspiring, joyful, optimistic Weaknesses: Waste time talking, have a tendency to interrupt, can be egotistical

5 Melancholy Very intuitive, studious, tend to be very into music and art. Doctors and musicians are normally melancholies because of their creativity and genius prone temperament. Often very analytical and gifted in many ways intellectually, very organized Weaknesses: can be overly sensitive, depressed easily over imperfections, Critical of others

6 Phlegmatic Very laid back temperament, unenthusiastic, takes life as it comes, tends to work great under pressure Enjoys being around people, normally quiet but has a good sense of humor, great mediators and problem solvers Weaknesses: laziness, overly sensitive, unorganized

7 Choleric Choleric temperaments are great leaders. Most CEO’s and owners of companies are choleric. Strengths: Confident, driven, idealistic, goal oriented, won’t let any obstacle get in the way Weaknesses: can be harsh, can’t relax, often gets very stressed and takes it out on others, bossy

8 Review Question What are the four different temperaments?
What is one trait from each temperament? Is it possible to have more than one personality type?

9 Works Cited

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