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“ to observe closely ” Focus Tech Solutions.

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1 “ to observe closely ” Focus Tech Solutions

2 Focus Tech Solutions Focus – “To Observe Closely” Tech – ‘An art of planning, organizing, directing and controlling the assigned activities that takes place to accomplish objectives.’ Solutions- “Solutions is an attribute of a product or service that fulfils or exceeds the human expectations. These expectations are based on the intended use and selling / service price.

3 WHY Focus Tech Solutions
Focus Tech Solutions does not make you compromise service quality for cost ; we offer highest level of service at competitive rates. Focus Tech Solutions has special double checking & controlling system to monitor inspection services . 5% of the inspection case will be double inspect by the Supervisor or Team Leader . Focus Tech Solutions manage inspection tightly. For example - our staff makes sure that we have received clear requirement from our clients. Furthermore a team leader or supervisor (other than job inspector ) edit and review the inspection report. Before it is sent to our customer. Focus Tech Solutions does not have “ conflict –of --interest “ with any supplier. We are not involved with import -export or manufacturing, and we do not represent interest of any supplier. We only focus on verification and inspection services. Focus Tech Solutions will share report with client before receiving of ship material. Quality and delivery time are most important to our customer. We do an excellent job in quality control which help s you with long term business relationship. As most factories are affected by their sub- suppliers , we can be your partner to manage your supplier. Data Analysis, Trend and Pareto Charts and reporting in customer specific format and frequency.

4 Organization Structure of FTS
Top Management HR Department Marketing/Sales Accounts/Finance Purchase Inspection Services Project Management Customer Support Department CQA

5 Types of Services 100 % Sorting Inspection
Pre-Production Inspection In-Process Inspection First Piece off Inspection Final Inspection Containment Inspection/CQR CSL-1,CSL-2,GP-12 100 % Sorting Inspection 100 % Sorting Inspection services is to sort out defective product from good product for known defect. When you need 100 % Sorting Inspection? When product received or before pre-shipment 100 % Sorting Inspection will be done for known issue instead of doing re inspection for all parameter. Benefits of 100 % Sorting Inspection 100 % sorting inspection can make sure that each part of product meet specific quality requirement. Sort out all defective part. Only good product will be delivered to production line. % of rework is done by factory. % of defect affecting production line.

6 Pre-Production Inspection
Types of Services 100% Sorting Inspection Pre-Production Inspection In-Process Inspection First Piece Off inspection Final Inspection Containment Inspection/CQR CSL-1,CSL-2,GP-12 Pre-Production Inspection The Pre-Production Inspection is to find out all the potential defect in the product and solve out problem before mass production take place. When you need pre-production inspection? Pre-production inspection will be done at the beginning or pilot run of the production line and it is based on customer requirement or as per approved product sample. Benefits of Pre-Production Inspection Avoid unexpected delay and cost. Product will make as per customer requirement. Minimize communication gap between manufacture and customer. Corrective action will be taken before mass production to match customer requirement. You will get clear idea about product shipment and status of problem affecting schedule.

7 In-Process Inspection
Types of Services 100 % Sorting Inspection Pre-Production Inspection In-Process Inspection First Piece Off Inspection Final Inspection Containment Inspection/CQR CSL-1,CSL-2,GP-12 In-Process Inspection The in-process inspection is to identify the problem which is arise during production process due to which final shipment will be delay. When you need In-Process Inspection ? The in-process inspection will be done when production are on going. Benefits of In-Process Inspection Our quality engineer check production step by step. Supervise your production. Get daily detail feedback of production . Understand the production process and quality control process of factory as per customer requirement. Detect discrepancies early and implement corrective action. We also audit job inspector, machine operator , condition of material handling during production process and condition of machine. All the actual non conformity status will be reported and suggestion for corrective action will be given by us.

8 First Piece off Inspection
Types of Services 100 % sorting Inspection Pre-Production Inspection In-Process Inspection First Piece off Inspection Final Inspection Containment Inspection/CQR CSL-1,CSL-2,GP-12 First Piece Off Inspection The first Piece off inspection is to identify the problem which is arise after production of first piece due to which final shipment will be delay. When you need First Piece Off Inspection ? The first piece off inspection will be done when production are on going. Benefits of First Piece off Inspection Our quality engineer check production step by step. Supervise your production. Get daily detail feedback of production . Understand the production process and quality control process of factory as per customer requirement. Detect discrepancies early and implement corrective action. We also audit job inspector, machine operator , condition of material handling during production process and condition of machine. All the actual non conformity status will be reported and suggestion for corrective action will be given by us.

9 Types of Services Final Inspection When you need final inspection?
100 % Sorting Inspection Pre- Production Inspection In-Process Inspection First Piece off Inspection Final Inspection Containment Inspection/CQR CSL-1,CSL-2,GP-12 Final Inspection The final inspection to ensure that the part is ready for dispatch is manufacture according to customer requirement. When you need final inspection? Final Inspection will be carried out when material is full manufacture and ready for dispatch. Benefits Of Final Inspection Type of defect and what % of defect The quality of product you can refuse shipment if required. Material Handling, Packing , Labeling will be check. Material ship to you will be manufacture according to requirement. Production line will not be stop. No Rework or sorting require at your end. Only good part will be deliver to you.

10 Containment Inspection/CQR
Types of Services 100 % Sorting Inspection Pre-Production Inspection In-Process Inspection First Piece off Inspection Final Inspection Containment Inspection/CQR CSL-1,CSL-2,GP-12 Containment Inspection Effective Containment , Communication & Monitoring. Competent human resources that consist of training and consulting experts from automotive industry. Saving in front of Overseas Supplier Onsite Support. Less communication barriers. Short Response Time Customer Quality Representative (CQR) Quality issue that happen at your customer end required a personal visit of your engineer, which is time consuming and expensive. FTS can solve this issue for you by providing Customer Quality Representative (CQR) who resides near your costumer's site. Our CQR will performing the following on your behalf Our CQR make regular visits to your customers in their area and may also assist your suppliers' product quality performance. The CQR is responsible for resolving customer quality issues and acts as a liaison with your own plant quality control and manufacturing operations to resolve quality issues. Analyze issues and make recommendations as to root cause and irreversible corrective actions.. Plan , organize and supervise on-site inspection and sorting operations at customer plants.

11 Types of Services CSL-1 CSL-2 GP-12 CSL-1,CSL-2,GP-12
100 % Sorting Inspection Pre-Production Inspection In-Process Inspection First Piece Off Inspection Final Inspection Containment Inspection/CQR CSL-1,CSL-2,GP-12 CSL-1 Review the non-conformance that resulted in the CS1 entry Establish boundary samples and/or specifications for acceptance/rejection of parts Review and approve the supplier's containment process, which includes Escalation/reaction plan Control of nonconforming parts Data Collection using an I-Chart and other statistics and graphs as requested such as Pareto Charts Frequency and format of communication from supplier to customer CSL-2 Review the non-conformance that resulted in the Level 2 Restricted Shipping Review and approve the supplier's containment process which includes: Data collection utilizing an I-chart Communication back to the customer (including format and frequency) Control of non-conforming product Review of Third Party Containment Services Provider's actions/ assessments as required Review and approve the supplier's escalation/reaction plan for the containment activity Establish boundary samples and/or specifications for acceptance/rejection of the parts Establish exit criteria for Level 2 GP-12 GP-12 is to be used for all pre-production, production, service and accessory part requirements that; Require Production Part Approval Process (PPAP) Represent significant risk to the customer facility as mandated by GM

12 Reporting Capability Daily Report The daily report will be distributed by TPI Coordinator . The format will be dynamic and will be subject to continual change as and when required. The report will comprise of the overall inspection. Quality highlights of the day. Areas of concern. The report shall be distributed by with a hard copy to the Client and Supplier. Weekly Report The Weekly Report will be generated by TPIA Coordinator and distributed every Monday for each Ongoing Project. Formats will be dynamic and subject to continual change as and when required. This report will comprise the list of outstanding Alertness, Issue and Non-Conformity generated during the week, their cumulative statistics. Photographs indicating Non Conformities. Part wise rework rate, rejection rate, etc Status of the Inspection of the items. Details on each of the areas of concern, with suggestions. Foreseen areas of concern. Monthly Report The Monthly Report will be generated by TPI Coordinator at all Ongoing Project and activities completed during the month and distributed by 7th P P of every month. The report shall state the quality highlights for the month. The report shall state the areas of concern in brief Part-wise trends for rework rate, rejection rate, etc. Trend graphs of key observations along with their comparisons with different months. Highlight bottle necks of the project. Quality index for each specific process and the project as a whole. Monthly and Cumulative Statistics of the Alertness, Issue, Nonconformity both issued and closed. Relevant Photographs of shortcomings, Issue Nonconformity etc. The report shall be submitted duly signed and stamped Special Report The report shall state the lessons learnt during the execution of the activity. The report shall make elaborate suggestions in respect of necessity of clarity in the specific specifications. Details of deviations taken during the Project and suggestive actions Details of type of non-conformities which repeated frequently and suggestions to block their re-occurrence. Details of non-conformities which were not closed till the end of the activity and suggestions. Quality Index of the performer & activity with brief on concern areas. Quality Index of each of the supplier . The report shall be reviewed by a higher level of inspector.

13 Training The most important aspect of a successful Third Party Inspection Service is it’s caliber to perform as a team and identify, research and solve problems. Appropriate training needs to be imparted for the optimum performance by the Third Party Inspection Services. Training comprises of: Brief orientation program for Job Inspector. Program for Team Leader/Supervisor. Training for Manager. Training for Management Team..

14 Process of operation Communicate with client about quality requirements, customer's main concerns, approved sample, etc. Analysis on client requirement. Prepare a quality plan for the project. Take approval from client for quality plan Orientation training program is organized for project team Supplier communication to confirm the production status and the inspection schedule Doing the inspection Issuing the inspection report and communicate with client and supplier.

15 Action and Implementation
Assess Recommend Focus Tech Solutions Inspection Report Analyse

16 Tools Control Chart Scatter Diagram Histogram Cause & Effect diagram
Flowchart Check-sheet Pareto Diagram

17 Problem ID Solution Organization Training Presentation Brainstorming
Form Team members Training Group Processes Data collection Problem Analysis Problem ID Brainstorming List alternatives Consensus Data collection & Analysis Cause & effect Solution Problems Result Presentation Implementation Monitoring

18 Benefits of Focus Tech Solutions
It pushes the supplier to improve the quality level of the product because of the pressure of inspection and non –acceptance. It forces your supplier to meet your PO term and product specification requirements, or to compensate you for any discrepancy. You do not receive defective part after receiving of material. You have time to take decision and plan according to that. The supplier can rework the part in own company ,and will be more careful in the future. Over the long term regular inspection and customer feedback contribute to improving your suppliers reliability.

19 Focus Tech Solutions L-207, Mega Center Hadapsar, Pune Maharashtra ,India Pincode Phone: Mob: ; Web :

20 Thank You

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