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Diesel Engine The only difference between diesel engine and a four-stroke gasoline engine is: No sparkplug on Diesel engine. Has a higher compression ratio.

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Presentation on theme: "Diesel Engine The only difference between diesel engine and a four-stroke gasoline engine is: No sparkplug on Diesel engine. Has a higher compression ratio."— Presentation transcript:

1 Diesel Engine The only difference between diesel engine and a four-stroke gasoline engine is: No sparkplug on Diesel engine. Has a higher compression ratio. (14:1 to 25:1) Better fuel mileage.

2 Diesel Engine Intake Stroke: Piston moves from TDC to BDC
creating vacuum in the cylinder Intake valve opens allowing only air to enter the cylinder and exhaust valve remains closed

3 Diesel Engine Compression Stroke Both valves stay closed
Piston moves from BDC to TDC, compressing air to 22:1 Compressing the air to this extent increases the temperature inside the cylinder to above 1000 degree F.

4 Diesel Engine Power Stroke Both valves stay closed
When the piston is at the end of compression stroke(TDC) the injector sprays a mist of diesel fuel into the cylinder. When hot air mixes with diesel fuel an explosion takes place in the cylinder. Expanding gases push the piston from TDC to BDC

5 Diesel Engine Exhaust Stroke Piston moves from BDC to TDC
Exhaust valve opens and the exhaust gases escape Intake valve remains closed

6 Diesel Engine Four Strokes of Diesel Engine

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