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Welcome to the Eastern Region Laboratory Procedures Manual ERLPM

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1 Welcome to the Eastern Region Laboratory Procedures Manual ERLPM
Guillermo Felix FAA – Eastern Region Paving Engineer March 17-19, 2008

2 Workshop Objectives Present concept for pavement design and the structural function of various layers Present an understanding of material characteristics and principles for mix design to satisfy loading and environmental conditions. Marshall design and Superpave Discuss purpose and principles to measure the quality of mixing and placing asphaltic materials (Quality Assurance)

3 Workshop objectives Discuss principles and practices for sampling and testing bituminous mixes Explain statistical methods to determine quality of materials and pay factors Present Contractor testing to control the quality of the mixes (Quality Control) What happen after this workshop?

4 Criteria for Pavement Design
Loads: Expressed in aircraft weight and Aircraft annual departures (passes) Soil strength: expressed as a relation to a standard soil for flexible pavement design. California Bearing Ratio (CBR)

5 Surface course, P-401 Base course –stabilized or not Sub base course Sub grade – prepared support

6 Aircraft weight for P-401 Less than 12,500 (Highway Spec)
12,500 lbs. but less than 60,000 Lbs. 60,000 Lbs or more

7 WHAT IS P-401? Surface course and defined by AC 150-5320-6
Specification that details de quality of the surface course

8 What is P-403? Specification for Stabilized Bituminous Base Course
Binder Course Truing and Leveling Courses Testing requirement has been reduced

9 What is the ERLPM Eastern Region Laboratory procedures Manual
Born in the Eastern Region to use statistical methods to determine quality vs range or media (average) Origen – Military specs, now MS-2 Document to be used in combination with P required in Eastern region Provide forms for project submittal - Appendices

10 AGENDA Mix Design – Jim Smith/Chris Brower/Rodney Joel
Random Sampling- Guillermo Felix Quality Acceptance (Marshall) – Ken Rowbotham Statistical Analysis – Carl Steinhauer Computer Software – Guillermo Felix Contractor’s Quality Control – Cindy LeFleur ERLPM Test and List - Guillermo

11 How many of you are Consultants? Testing laboratories? Contractors?
Material supplier? Government?

12 Questions? Let’s welcome Jim and Chris

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