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Presentation on theme: "HUMAN RESOURCES AT LOUGHBOROUGH UNIVERSITY"— Presentation transcript:

Rob Allan Director of Human Resources May 2013

2 Working at Loughborough
Very friendly Good atmosphere Nice environment Long serving staff Quite bureaucratic/committee focussed Not used to organisational change Good “despite” not “because of” systems & processes

3 Staff Statistics 3200 staff (approx) Approx 50:50 split by gender
12% BME 78 nationalities (approx) 1.6% (declared) disabled 36% part time

4 What is HR/HRM? Replaced “Personnel” in 1980s
Personnel viewed as being more administrative and reactive (transactional) HR viewed as being more strategic and proactive (transformational) Public sector a little behind private sector? Helping the organisation get the most from its staff. Helping managers manage. HRM is every manager’s job

5 Context for HRM at L’boro
LU’s Strategy “Towards 2016” emphasises the need to develop the University’s approach to the management of its Human Resources Past HEFCE feedback (2007) on self-assessment of people management at LU – “There was an absence of a clear commitment to on-going continuous improvement in people management.”

6 Towards 2016 (HR) Culture / Working Environment
Leadership Style and Management Development Simplicity Extend application of existing capabilities to include staff. Appoint HRD & HR restructuring

7 Areas for post-HR Director arrival
Areas that required personal championing from new HR Director: Agreed priorities from staff survey (2008) Definition and implementation of revised HR structure Capability development of HR staff Performance & development review

8 Management at Loughborough
No book of Loughborough Management Loughborough style? Continuous Improvement Role Models - Lead by example Common sense Accepting /Taking Responsibility Not working in isolation Corporate purpose

9 Common Organisational Challenges
Building organisational capability Attracting & retaining talent Building Performance Building Commitment Building HR Effectiveness (not just HR Dept)

10 Challenges for HEIs Major funding challenges/uncertainty about the future Doing more with less Managing major change (restructures, redundancies) Cost of absenteeism (Sickness costs approx £700 per person pa, so £2,240,000 to Loughborough) Focus motivation and performance Employer profile and reputation Increased competition

11 Challenges Ahead

12 HRM Challenges Ahead In challenging economic times, it is more important than ever to ensure that staff remain motivated, engaged, healthy and able to perform HRM - far too important to be left to the HR Department!

13 Management Challenges
Performance management (incl attendance; discipline; grievance; nb. bullying/harassment) Reward (incl JE) Managing change (supporting staff) Communication Staff involvement/consultation Workload/Bureaucracy Staff Development (including career dev) Develop our strengths as well as weaknesses


15 Getting the balance right

16 Absence Management Back to Work meetings
Improve data recording and review Be aware (of all your staff) Take action Avoid absence culture Communication Leadership Deal with poor performers

17 Reward National Pay Bargaining Local Pay Elements - Equality?
- Consistency? - Supporting organisational objectives? - Transparency? Subsidiary companies

18 Reward Systems University Rewards (Financial & non-financial)
Inconsistency Setting the bar too low Consolidated v Non-consolidated? Inappropriate promises Perverse rewards Passive Job Evaluation

19 Job Evaluation Defence for Equal Pay claims Upward Grade Drift
Over graded jobs Still cases of personal reward Ops Comm process – wrong way round?

20 “We talk about it for 20 minutes and then we decide I was right."
Grievance Interviews “We talk about it for 20 minutes and then we decide I was right."

21 Recruitment Quality control Efficiencies Centralise
Move to E Recruitment Temporary staff – best value? Fixed term contracts

22 Staff Development Management & Leadership
- Action Learning sets Mentoring & Coaching - Secondments People Management skills Succession Planning/ Talent Pool Career Development PDR Organisational Development Equalities & Diversity Induction

23 Employee Relations Good relationships with Trade Unions (UCU; Unison; Unite) Communication Consultation & Negotiation (J.N.C.C.) Policies & Procedures (nb Simplicity) (n.b. performance; conduct; sickness;)

24 Redeployment & Redundancy
Organisation as employer Internal adverts FTCs Tensions re Redeployment Security of Employment (6 months) Protection Failure to consult Avoidance of our own procedures

25 Staff Support Occupational Health Staff Counselling
Confide (Bullying & Harassment) Career Guidance ‘Buddying’ & Mentoring Staff Support Groups SUPPORTING MANAGERS TOO

26 Equality & Diversity consult & support staff across all diversity issues. implement Single Equality Scheme refresh the E & D training incl induction ensure diversity issues are ‘main-streamed’ Ensure organisations meets its statutory duties (Equality Act 2010) Treat individuals fairly & with respect

27 How are we doing? Quarterly reports to HR Committee (HR scorecard/ KPIs) Staff Surveys Benchmarking Accreditation Publicise internally What should be included?

28 Staff Survey (Org Culture)
Established where we were (2008) Excellent results – response rate and scores Some issues requiring attention Interesting Benchmark data – for comparison with 2012 survey

29 Staff Survey 2012 64% response rate
92% (95%) felt it a good place to work 92% generally enjoy their work 80% understand core values 76% communication is effective 87% would recommend to a friend

30 Areas for Attention Communication Managing change (supporting staff)
Staff involvement Workload/Bureaucracy Efficiency Training & Development (including career dev) Performance management Develop our strengths as well as weaknesses

31 ? Questions


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