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The Home Base Professional Development Tool Presenters Tericia Eller, Online Professional Development Facilitator Geetanjali Soni, Educational Consultant:

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Presentation on theme: "The Home Base Professional Development Tool Presenters Tericia Eller, Online Professional Development Facilitator Geetanjali Soni, Educational Consultant:"— Presentation transcript:


2 The Home Base Professional Development Tool

3 Presenters Tericia Eller, Online Professional Development Facilitator Geetanjali Soni, Educational Consultant: Instructional Design Team Lead Mandy Taylor, Professional Development Lead for Region 7

4 Session Objectives: identify and locate professional development resources available in the Home Base system. select appropriate online professional development implementation models that meet specific local needs. explore and understand the potential of the Home Base Professional Development System. plan and create professional development that meets specific local needs. (considering removing this one)

5 Why is online PD attractive/effective? Share your ideas in this padlet –

6 Courses Offered by NC DPI

7 Accessing PD in Home Base

8 Models for implementation: maximizing learning opportunities Districts and schools should determine which model best serves the needs of their educators and can best be supported by available resources.

9 Cohort or PLC with an on-site facilitator: Synchronous or blended learning

10 LEA appointed on-site facilitator guides and monitors progress. Educators complete the module as a group. Participants work independently online and collaboratively face-to- face. Facilitator is present with the team during group meetings. Facilitator leads and coordinates discussions, implements timelines, sets beginning and end dates, and coordinates meetings. Face-to-face meetings can occur during PLC meetings, staff meetings, or department meetings, before and after school, during half-day sessions, or as decided by the LEA.

11 Cohort or PLC with online facilitator

12 Similar to last model except that the facilitator and learners meet online not face-to-face. Districts provide facilitator and a means of online interaction. Communication can be –asynchronous manner (where participants do not have to be present at the same time) Ex. Edmodo, LMS like Moodle, blogs wikis etc. –synchronously (when the group meets in “real-time” on a regular, scheduled basis). Ex. Go-to-Meeting, Adobe Connect.

13 Cohort or PLC without a facilitator

14 Though we strongly recommend using a facilitator to maximize learning from the modules…. A group of educators can work together as a team. Start and complete the module together. Arrange for times to meet and hold group discussions.

15 Independent learning

16 Cohort or PLC with an online instructor

17 NCDPI will provide a section of the course. Access to Moodle will be provided. LEA must provide a trained and qualified instructor for each section. Instructor will be able to teach a separate section of the module. The instructor has the ability to customize the modules somewhat through discussion forums and incorporation of more collaborative learning.

18 Course taught by an NCDPI instructor


20 Different Learning Contexts Completely Web Based –Self paced OR Instructor led Blended Instruction –Self paced OR Instructor led Web Supported –Self paced OR Instructor led

21 Completely Web Based Online PD Models Online facilitator Independent learning Online instructor Cohort only Taught by NCDPI instructor Self Paced Mentor Training EVAAS Modules Instructor-led Digital Literacy: Learn about it. Create it. Submit it. Receive feedback. Repeat. Available through NCDPI or Created Locally

22 Blended Instruction Online PD Models Online facilitator Onsite facilitator Online instructor Self PacedInstructor-led Example Meet f2f Access content and interact online Meet f2f Created Locally

23 Web Supported Online PD Models Onsite Facilitator Self Paced Register for a local event to get credit through the PD System. Follow-up to a f2f meeting. Instructor-led Example Meet every Tuesday for a month. To prep for meeting, access content online. Similar to a flipped classroom. Created Locally

24 Questions Questions for us? Questions for you –Google “Go Soap Box” –Choose “” –Event code: 157-462-239 Dashes not required.

25 Building PD in Home Base Course Administration

26 Course Management: View Roster

27 Course Management: Grade/Roster Status

28 Certificates of Completion


30 Course Surveys

31 How might the PD Tool Work for… Use the GoSoapBox app to brainstorm. Brainstorm ideas for future modules applicable across the state. Brainstorm ways to implement the PD System with districts and charters.

32 State-level Titles in Catalogue Global Awareness Differentiation Understanding by Design Teaching Standards Executive Standards Evaluation Process

33 District and Charter Ideas Align to/support strategic plan Align to/support School Improvement Goals “Just in Time” learning Keep track of local PD Participants can access their transcript of PD

34 What other ideas or suggestions do you have? Go back to GoSoapBox App. Post suggestions and ideas for using PD System.

35 Thank you! Tericia Eller Geetanjali Soni Mandy Taylor

36 Reflection Please take the quiz on GoSoapBox. Please answer the following questions on the index card provided.

37 1. This worked well for me: 2. I wish we had time to: 3. Next I need: 4. Comments: 5. Contact information if you’d like us to address “next I need.” Thank you!

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