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Welcomes you to The amazing technique that enables you to trigger positive emotions whenever you choose.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcomes you to The amazing technique that enables you to trigger positive emotions whenever you choose."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcomes you to The amazing technique that enables you to trigger positive emotions whenever you choose

2 Anchors are everywhere and are often built up unintentionally. Examples of anchors include hearing a song on the radio which takes you back to a certain memory, or the smell of baking bread that takes us back to some childhood memories. Home Anchoring in Daily Life The Good News The Sensory Nature of Anchors How to Anchor a Positive Emotion Testing the Anchor Maximizing Benefits Resources Contact Page

3 Often we are unaware that anchors have been triggered and therefore we appear to be happy or sad for no apparent reason. These anchors have been built up accidently although we believe that these moods “just happen”. Home Anchoring in Daily Life The Good News The Sensory Nature of Anchors How to Anchor a Positive Emotion Testing the Anchor Maximizing Benefits Resources Contact Page

4 The good news is, you can create your own anchors to trigger positive emotions whenever you choose!!! Home Anchoring in Daily Life The Good News The Sensory Nature of Anchors How to Anchor a Positive Emotion Testing the Anchor Maximizing Benefits Resources Contact Page

5 Anchors are not just Auditory (A), they can be Visual (V) using a gesture or expression, or created Kinesthetically (K) with a touch. A sense of smell can trigger an anchor, but in general is harder to create at will. Home Anchoring in Daily Life The Good News The Sensory Nature of Anchors How to Anchor a Positive Emotion Testing the Anchor Maximizing Benefits Resources Contact Page

6 1. Identify the positive emotion that you are seeking. For example, when you have been pain free and energised. 2. Think about a time when you experienced this emotion at its most intense. Home Anchoring in Daily Life The Good News The Sensory Nature of Anchors How to Anchor a Positive Emotion Testing the Anchor Maximizing Benefits Resources Contact Page

7 3. Visualise this resourceful experience as if you were still there. To help build up the vision, ask yourself all or some of the following questions: Home Anchoring in Daily Life The Good News The Sensory Nature of Anchors How to Anchor a Positive Emotion Testing the Anchor Maximizing Benefits Resources Contact Page

8 Visual: Is the image you see seen through your own eyes or are you watching yourself in the picture? Is the picture still or do the images move? Is the picture in black and white, or colour? If it is in colour, are the colours bright, dull or normal? Are the images blurred or in focus? How big are the images? Are the images close, or far away? What else can you see, and where? Home Anchoring in Daily Life The Good News The Sensory Nature of Anchors How to Anchor a Positive Emotion Testing the Anchor Maximizing Benefits Resources Contact Page

9 Auditory: Can you hear any noises? If so, describe them. Can you hear words or sounds? Are the noises loud or soft? What is the clarity of the sounds? Are the sounds close by or far away? How long do the sounds last? What else can you hear? Home Anchoring in Daily Life The Good News The Sensory Nature of Anchors How to Anchor a Positive Emotion Testing the Anchor Maximizing Benefits Resources Contact Page

10 Kinesthetic: Describe any internal feelings (emotional or muscular) Where in your body do you have these feelings? Do they have a shape? If so, how big? Is the feeling hard or soft? Does it have a temperature? If so, is it hot or cold? What is the intensity of the feeling? Does it have a colour? If so, what is that colour and what does it mean to you? Home Anchoring in Daily Life The Good News The Sensory Nature of Anchors How to Anchor a Positive Emotion Testing the Anchor Maximizing Benefits Resources Contact Page

11 4. Don’t worry if you can’t find the answer to some of the questions above, as not everything may be present in each experience. You may also find that one or more of the senses (Visual, Auditory or Kinaesthetic) may also not be present. The important thing is to make the experience as real as possible for you. Home Anchoring in Daily Life The Good News The Sensory Nature of Anchors How to Anchor a Positive Emotion Testing the Anchor Maximizing Benefits Resources Contact Page

12 5. Think of the last film that you saw (this is known as a state breaker). Home Anchoring in Daily Life The Good News The Sensory Nature of Anchors How to Anchor a Positive Emotion Testing the Anchor Maximizing Benefits Resources Contact Page

13 6. Choose what you are going to do in order to anchor that emotion. Make sure that it is something that you don’t normally do but that you can repeat easily, such as tug on your ear. Home Anchoring in Daily Life The Good News The Sensory Nature of Anchors How to Anchor a Positive Emotion Testing the Anchor Maximizing Benefits Resources Contact Page

14 7. Now relive the resourceful experience. 8. As the experience becomes really powerful, fire the anchor (tug your ear, or whatever you have decided to do) and hold it for five seconds. Home Anchoring in Daily Life The Good News The Sensory Nature of Anchors How to Anchor a Positive Emotion Testing the Anchor Maximizing Benefits Resources Contact Page

15 9. Remember what you had for dinner last night (another state breaker) Home Anchoring in Daily Life The Good News The Sensory Nature of Anchors How to Anchor a Positive Emotion Testing the Anchor Maximizing Benefits Resources Contact Page

16 10. Repeat steps 7 and 8 at least another three times in order to reinforce your anchor. Home Anchoring in Daily Life The Good News The Sensory Nature of Anchors How to Anchor a Positive Emotion Testing the Anchor Maximizing Benefits Resources Contact Page

17 You now need to test your anchor to see if it works. If it doesn’t reproduce the experience you want to replicate, then repeat steps 7 and 8. Home Anchoring in Daily Life The Good News The Sensory Nature of Anchors How to Anchor a Positive Emotion Testing the Anchor Maximizing Benefits Resources Contact Page

18 Here are some quick tips on how to maximise the benefits of your anchor. 1. Whatever you use to anchor, be it Visual, Auditory or Kinaesthetic, it is imperative what you do is unique, and not a gesture that you would make in normal day to day life. 2. Try to create the anchor just before the experience reaches peak intensity. This is why it is best to run through the experience at least once before you apply the anchor, so that you can gauge the peak experience point. 3. The anchor must be easy to reproduce. It is possible to have a number of different anchors that will replicate different emotions that you can tap into at will. Home Anchoring in Daily Life The Good News The Sensory Nature of Anchors How to Anchor a Positive Emotion Testing the Anchor Maximizing Benefits Resources Contact Page

19 Websites Home Anchoring in Daily Life The Good News The Sensory Nature of Anchors How to Anchor a Positive Emotion Testing the Anchor Maximizing Benefits Resources Contact Page

20 Mark Bristow Telephone: 0161 440 9568 Skype: mark.bristow-skype Mail Web Home Anchoring in Daily Life The Good News The Sensory Nature of Anchors How to Anchor a Positive Emotion Testing the Anchor Maximizing Benefits Resources Contact Page

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