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Electronic Instrumentation

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1 Electronic Instrumentation
European PhD – 2009 Transducers and Signal Conditioning Horácio Fernandes

2 Useful Signal When converting a signal to a quantity, it is only useful if its representation is kept unchanged within a knew error Signal conditioning and transmission is very important in applied physics

3 Signal paths Preserve signal quality DAS less demanding
Preserve and adjust dynamic bandwidth Resize operational limits Offset Amplitude Bandwith Linearization Galvanic isolation Buffering

4 Sensors and Transducers
Device capable of changing one form of energy into another Active – External power supply Passive – Internal source (self-generating) Sensors Changing of a characteristic in an electric circuit (R; L, C); Generate an output signal proportional to the stimulus Basically a sensor is a transducers where the output is electric

5 Sensores Related energy Example Comment Mechanic Flow-meter
Strain gauge Pulse counter Momentum transfer Thermal Thermocouple Thermal radiation Junction voltage Infrared sensor Electromagnetic Antenna Space electromagnetic power converted to electric signals Magnetic Hall sensor MDH Probes Voltage derived from Hall Effect Induced EMF Chemic pH sensor Ionic concentration Nuclear Ionization chamber Scintillators Current generation induced by free charges Indirect light proportional to brehmstrallung

6 Sensors Transducer Principles
Resistive Strain gauges: Force measurements (W. Bridges) Temperature: RTDs, termistors Light: photoelectric cells and photodiodes Position: potentiometers as dividers, grids

7 Sensors Transducer Principles
Capacitive Movement Dielectric constant Geometric configuration Cell chargers Inductive LVDT –Differential Transformer Hall Effect Motors as generator

8 Sensors Selection Scale: limiting extremes (Worst Case) Threshold
multiples sensors for scale spanning Threshold Least detected variation (resolution) Behavior Temporal response Dynamic response Accuracy and resolution Stress (consistency) Reproducibility and hysteresis Price

9 Sensors Operation Environment Dirty Pollution Extreme Temperatures
Water presence and moist Chemical corrosion: solvers, acids e bases Environmental protection Susceptibility: eletric/explosion/chash

10 Sensors Operation Human use Radiation Corrosion/Chemicals manipulation
Immersion Erosion/Vibrations Explosion Electric Interference (EMI- high impedance, low current)

11 Sensors Operation Power Signal Conditioning Physics size
Circuit Charger (photocell) Excitation source (noise) Signal Conditioning Physics size

12 Calibration Measurement Error – Comparison standard should be more exact than sensor resolution Calibration table – Calibration curve Physic model Static and dynamic calibration Bandwidth Impulsive response

13 Linearization Transfer function errors Compensation Non-linearity
Sensor Electronics Signal path Compensation Non-linear electronic circuit Piecewise interpolation

14 Buffering Source/Input isolation Transducer output
Impedance adaptation Maximum feed power Voltage signal Transducer output Preserve signal Next stage charge circuit

15 Meters and bridges Differential mode Common mode

16 Wheatstone Bridge Potentiometer divider Zero Measurement CMR>100 dB
Sensibility Thermal immunity

17 Wheatstone Bridge Application

18 Kelvin bridge Very low resistors (<1R) Double terminals

19 Maxwell Bridge

20 Bridges Configurations

21 Bridges circuits AC generators Current sources OPAMPs applications

22 Bridge noise immunity Pick-up noise Cable resistance Signal Bandwidth
3-wire connection

23 Noise reduction …If noise blocking fails in the origin…
…Nightmare begins!

24 What can we filter? Signal sampling: analog goes digital at what rate?
Nyquist criteria: fs>2fmax Low-pass filters (cutoff -40 dB) Guard-band Sampling band: [fs-fmax, fs+fmax] guard band is an unused part of the radio spectrum between radio bands

25 Useful Storage Bandwith
Pratical figures USB=fs/2.5 Sin Interpolation USB=fs/10 Linear Interpolation USB=fs/25 No Interpolation USB=fs/4.6 Digital correction (factor 1.6) x (1/0.35)

26 Aliasing

27 Perceptual aliasing

28 Image aliasing

29 Filters Pass-band Cut-off Stop-band Ripple Order
Phase and amplitude characteristics

30 Common Filters Lowpass Highpass Passband Notch
Digital filtering (made possible with fast ADCs) Advantages: High order, cutoff frequency, complex transforms Signal correlation

31 Time offset in fluctuation studies

32 Other Techniques Periodic signals Lock-in amplifiers
Cross correlation Boxcar integration Multichannel mean Overlap of periodic signals S/N~N1/2 Operation of a lock-in amplifier relies on the orthogonality of sinusoidal functions - locka a fase conhecida a frequencia tornando a media nula do ruido Boxcar (fig) - signal which has a constant phase relationship to a synchronizing pulse.

33 Other Techniques Pulsed signals Constant Fraction discriminator

34 Transimpedance amplifier
Allow very low current sources detection, ex: photodiodes Tomography Spectrometers Line radiation filters Charge measurements, ex: ion beam High bandwidth ~10 pA

35 I(V) probes Current detection Ground loop Safety - galvanic isolation
Sweep waveforms – capacitive coupling and distortion Fast sweeping – plasma limit operation I(V) probe

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