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Keeping Your Kids Safe Online

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Presentation on theme: "Keeping Your Kids Safe Online"— Presentation transcript:

1 Keeping Your Kids Safe Online

2 What Is Social Networking?
Social networks are websites that provide a virtual community for people interested in a particular subject or to “hang out” together. These sites are like virtual club houses. Once you become a member and create a profile, you can interact and connect with family and friends via online activities like chat, , photos, events and status updates. Examples: Facebook MySpace My Yearbook Club Penguin Webkinz

3 Why Are Social Networking Sites So Cool?
Social networking sites are popular because they allow your kids to: •Communicate with friends and family •Meet new people •Reconnect with old buddies •Share messages, videos, and photos •Plan their social life •Participate in a group or cause that interests them •Play online games with other members Why Are Social Networking Sites So Cool?

4 Why Social Networking Can Be Risky?
“TMI” or “too much information. ”Your kids need to understand that if they reveal too much about their personal lives, it could lead to problem--like susceptibility to cyberbullies, online predators, invasion of privacy, and identity theft. With social networking, the volume of content has grown and become much more personal and is easily seen by anyone. Example of TMI on social networking websites: A student was rejected admission at a college after gushing about the school while visiting the campus, then trashing it online.6

5 Talk to Your Kids and Set Limits
Kids have a tendency to want to share information with their friends and connections-A profile on a social networking website is like a window into their lives. They need to understand that they need to protect their privacy and their reputation diligently. Set some limits and make a few rules for your children with regard to their online behavior, especially on social networking sites. Talk to Your Kids and Set Limits

6 1. Time Limits Limit the amount of time your kids are allowed to spend on the Internet.

7 2. Keep it Visible Keep the computer in an open space like the living room or kitchen.

8 3. Keep it Appropriate Discuss what is and is not appropriate to share online and remind your child that nothing is secret in cyberspace (photos, messages, information).

9 4. Beware Advise your children to beware of people they don’t know who want to join their network—these “friends” may be predators or cyberbullies who want to do them harm.

10 5. Know The Risks Teach them the risks and dangers of sharing passwords, phone numbers, addresses, and social security numbers and other personal information—even with their best friends.

11 6. Keep it Discreet Encourage them not to use their full name, city, school, and age in text or images, so this information can not be used to locate them offline.

12 7. Tell a Parent Have them inform you if they notice anything odd or unusual, such as messages from “friends” that seem out of character or photos that your children never posted.

13 8. No Meeting Tell your kids that they cannot meet face to face with individuals they’ve met online.

14 9. Trust Your Gut Tell your kids that if they have suspicions or feel uncomfortable or threatened, they should come and tell you or another trusted adult.

15 10. Share Keep an open line of communication with your child.


17 Quiz Answers

18 Great Sites About Internet Safety .php/education/166-social- media-safety

19 Additional Safety Tips
Most of these popular websites care about the safety of your children and offer stringent privacy policies and valuable tips for parents who want to make sure their kids’ online experience is enjoyable and free of problems. Facebook: “Working Together to Keep You Secure” by Jeff Williams, Reporting abuse Privacy My Space: Safety and security Privacy settings myYearbook: Webkinz: Parent’s area General privacy policy

20 Personal Safety Unit Kindergarten-5th Grade

21 What Has Sirens? When do they go off?

22 Listen to Your Instincts
Instincts are feelings inside of us that give us hints about what to do in certain situations.

23 Listen to the Siren in Your Belly

24 Using Your Instincts You have special tools to help you. You can think about the right thing to do.

25 Strangers Can Be People They Have Met But Do Not Know Well
Kids need to learn how to identify strangers by their behavior instead of by their appearance or familiarity. Teach children about watching for actions that lead to abduction or abuse.

26 Don’t Take That Bait! Recognize the lures or bait used to short-circuit your brain and trick you

27 NO ~ Say No GO ~ Run Away TELL ~ Tell an Adult 3-Step Safety Plan

28 Grade 4 Basic rules for Internet safety and “Netiquette” The Internet can be fun, and it can also be a good resource. However, we want to make sure we are using it safely and politely.

29 My Rules For Online Safety
Never give out personal information to people you meet on the internet. Spam is unwanted sent to everyone. Don’t open spam. Delete it. Don’t use bad or mean language on the internet. Don’t stay on the computer for long periods of time - get some exercise!


31 Grade 5 Introduce Internet Safety Terminology
Teach Internet Safety Rules Practice by applying rules to real-life situations

32 Internet Matching Game
Netiquette Chat Room IM Surfing Instant Message Electronic Mail. Open it only if you know who sent it. Using good manners when sending s or chatting. Visiting Different internet sites A place where you talk with people on your Buddy List

33 Internet Safety Rules I will ask my trusted adult before sharing information like my name, address, and phone number I will tell my trusted adult if anything makes me feel sad, scared, or confused I won’t meet face-to-face with anyone from the internet I will always use good netiquette and not be rude or mean online

34 “What Rule is it Anyway?”
Ex: All of your friends are talking about this great new website with the best games ever, but to play you have to sign up. You check out the website and find out that to sign up, you have to send them your name, telephone number, home address, and address. What rule should you follow?

35 Questions?

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