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Ministry of Social Affairs and Health 1 Basic course of Corporate Security Teemupekka Virtanen Helsinki University of Technology Telecommunication Software.

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Presentation on theme: "Ministry of Social Affairs and Health 1 Basic course of Corporate Security Teemupekka Virtanen Helsinki University of Technology Telecommunication Software."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ministry of Social Affairs and Health 1 Basic course of Corporate Security Teemupekka Virtanen Helsinki University of Technology Telecommunication Software and Multimedia Laboratory

2 Ministry of Social Affairs and Health 2 1.Lecture The arrangements of the course The content of the course Introduction to security

3 Ministry of Social Affairs and Health 3 The lecturer Teemupekka Virtanen, PhD, MSec MSc in EE, PhD in CS Programming and design in several companies Information security specialist in the Prime minister’s office The head of information security in the Finnish military The head of security in Alma Media corporation The professor of telecommunucation software (Security on the Intenet) A Senior advisor in Ministry of Social affairs and Health The national head of security in health The security adviser in eHealth projects

4 Ministry of Social Affairs and Health 4 The goal of the course A general level course in security No prerequirements Introduction to the security in organizations ”Something every engineer should know about security” No computer science

5 Ministry of Social Affairs and Health 5 The lectures Lectures are in III term on Tuesdays 8-10, T3 Thursdays 8-10, T3 The lecturer: Teemupekka Virtanen Can be met during the lectures No other staff Language: English

6 Ministry of Social Affairs and Health 6 The material The material will be delivered as handouts Slides ?? The other material There is no good book in this area available

7 Ministry of Social Affairs and Health 7 Passing the course An examination Lectures Additional material in handouts March, May, October

8 Ministry of Social Affairs and Health 8 The minor in corporation security Has been cancelled It is not possible to start anymore Those who have started can finish it CS background is not required Brings security view to the major Leads to head of security position The courses T-110.5600 Introduction to corporate security T-110.5610 Security in personnel management and premises T-110.5620 Development processes in information security T-110.5690 Seminar in corporate security Number of optional courses

9 Ministry of Social Affairs and Health 9 About words In the Finnish language there is only one word for both security and safety In this course both of these words are used In this course both of these words belong to this context as a part of function we called corporate security

10 Ministry of Social Affairs and Health 10 Security in organizations Working conditions Environmental protection Product safety Information security Fraud prevention Crime prevention Fire protection Public safety Continuity Bookkeeping Traffic security Risk management

11 Ministry of Social Affairs and Health 11 The content of the course 1. Introduction 20.1. 2. Security management and security in an organization, 22.1. 3. Legislation and authorities, 27.1. 4. Risk management, 29.1. 5. Physical security, 3.2. 6. Personnel security, 5.2. 7. Fire protection and civil safety, 10.2.

12 Ministry of Social Affairs and Health 12 The content cont. 8. Security in business processes, 12.2. 9. Information security, 24.2. 10. Operational security 26.2. 11. Business continuity, 3.3 12. Conclusion and current topics, 5.3. There is a break on week 8 (16.-20.2.)

13 Ministry of Social Affairs and Health 13 Views to security

14 Ministry of Social Affairs and Health 14 A legal view Security is based on laws Legislation protects individuals and organizations against various Security is the function to keep these rights and protects people and property Security is prevention by guarding and locks

15 Ministry of Social Affairs and Health 15 A quality view There are incidents that cause disturbance in work Security meand preventing such incidents Security means changing target from correction to prevention Security is prevention by designing processes and working conditions

16 Ministry of Social Affairs and Health 16 A risk view Business means taking risk Risk is the key factor to success Avoiding risk means avoiding losses but then there is no win neither Even breaking laws is taking a risk Security means managing risk so that it can be handled Security is prevention by gambling

17 Ministry of Social Affairs and Health 17 A brand view Security is a way to make a difference Customers exist who want higher security and are willing to pay for it Personal safety (cars) Exact deliveries (electricity) Secrecy (military) In this segment price is not the main argument to select the product Security is an enabler to find a new market segment

18 Ministry of Social Affairs and Health 18 A private view Prevention of surprise negative incidents A protection of health and property Economical continuity Security is not rational but emotions

19 Ministry of Social Affairs and Health 19 Different approaches to security in an organization A lawyer view Security means a minimal set of requirements set from outside Legislation, agreements There is no interest in security An engineer vies Security means efficiency by prevention harmful incidents An economistic view Security means new sell and new market area Security is a brand

20 Ministry of Social Affairs and Health 20 Trends

21 Ministry of Social Affairs and Health 21 Security situation in Finland The level of violency has always been high in Finland The number of legal weapons is one of the highest in the world per capita One of the biggest gaps in living standards is between Finland and Russia Finland is target for all kind of activities An another criminal culture

22 Ministry of Social Affairs and Health 22 Trends in society Unexpected violency has incresed Criminal activities concentrate on certain people and places Gangs Internet groups Internatinal aspects Criminals Organizations

23 Ministry of Social Affairs and Health 23 Trends in companies The requirements for efficiency increase There must be no stops There are no spare resources Short terms Design in quarters Internationalization Common procedure in every country New competitors

24 Ministry of Social Affairs and Health 24 Criminal risks experienced by companies About 1/3 of the companies feel that risks has been incresed Especially in big companies Especially by other staff than CEO, CAO and CSO Especially in shops and services About 2/3 feel that risks have not changed Source: The Chamber of Commerce, Yritysten rikosturvallisuus 2005

25 Ministry of Social Affairs and Health 25 Examples protection profiles

26 Ministry of Social Affairs and Health 26 Security in the military Information secrecy Plans must be kept secret for decades Protection of property Handguns are valuable in criminal markets Operational safety Avoiding all kind of accidents Fire protection Ammunition, bunkers

27 Ministry of Social Affairs and Health 27 Security in a media company Rapid deliveries A news is rottening fast A reputation as a trustworthy agent The quality of news Sabotage and terrorism A high profile target Staff safety There are always people who don’t like certain news

28 Ministry of Social Affairs and Health 28 Security in healthcare Privacy protection Health information is very sensitive The quality of treatment High availability of all resources The quality of information All kinds of customers Kids (parents) Elder (kids) Prevention of thiefs and blackmailing Narcotics

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