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Presentation on theme: "CREATING THE ENTREPRENEURIAL UNIVERSITY"— Presentation transcript:

Professor David A. Kirby University of Surrey May 2004

2 Why? Knowledge-based Economy Rapidly changing environment
Catalyst for Economic & Social Development Universities Government Research Establishments Rapidly changing environment Organisations need to be more flexible Graduates need to be more entrepreneurial Reduce dependency on the State Commercialise intellectual property

3 What is the problem? Little entrepreneurial drive
Nature of large organisations Impersonal Hierarchical Need for control Corporate culture Short-termism Inappropriate compensation methods Shortage of entrepreneurial talent Academics as entrepreneurs

4 What can be done? Funding Initiatives – UC/HEIF, etc Learn from Theory
Some Success but Limited Impact Short-term/Not permanent Learn from Theory Cognitive Models of Entrepreneurial Behaviour Attitude Models Achievement Models Theory of Intrapreneurship

5 Cognitive Models Individuals will be entrepreneurial if:-
the organisation has favourable attitudes towards such an objective There is support They believe They have the ability to do it (self efficacy) It is intrinsically rewarding Most academics don’t Need to create these conditions

6 Theory of Intrapreneurship
Change the Organisation Commit the organisation Determine the Corporate Model Develop the Culture

7 Change the Organisation
Organisation needs to Recognise itself as a business Not dependent on the State Respond to market changes Customer not Product driven Revel in change Does not resist it Realise the potential of its staff Empower rather than control

8 Commit the Organisation
Needs to be “top down” Senior management need to Be committed Act as role models Support and facilitate Can be “bottom up” but… Slower Dangerous

9 Determine the Corporate Model
Organic/Cellular Structure Flexible Relatively easy Schools/Departments New Product Group/subsidiary Not perceived as core activity Corporate Venture arm Ditto

10 Develop the Culture (1) Identify Intrapreneurial talent No “handoffs”
Self-selection No “handoffs” The doer decides Corporate slack Need time to “play” End the “home run philosophy” Tolerate risk, failure and mistakes

11 Develop the Culture (2) Patient money Freedom from turfiness
It will take time to get returns Freedom from turfiness Involve everyone Cross-functional teams Break down single disciplinary silos Multiple options No one single answer Reward Intrapreneurs Monetary (IP policy) Non-monetary

12 CONCLUSION “Initiatives” not enough Need to Need more than money
Change the organisation Aims Structure Culture Harness and support entrepreneurial capability Celebrate achievements Reward Intrapreneurs


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