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 Injury Prevention for Basketball Officials River Valley Health.

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1  Injury Prevention for Basketball Officials River Valley Health

2 Common Injuries  Acute Injuries: i.e. Rolled Ankles, Knee Injuries, Musculoskeletal Strains  Overuse Injuries  IT Band tightness  Knee Pain  Hip Pain  Low Back Pain  Hamstring Tightness  Achilles Pain

3 Causes of Common Injuries  Muscle weakness and imbalance  Previous injuries  Poor shoes or poor training program  Biomechanical inefficiencies

4 Am I injured?  Treatment of Acute vs. Overuse injuries  Pain vs. Discomfort (Soreness)  Pain is your body’s way of communicating  Overuse injuries occur for a reason, cessation of activity will generally not correct the problem  Mechanical problems require mechanical solutions  See a practitioner that understands sport and repetitive use injuries  Chiropractor, Active Release Therapy, Massage Therapist, Physiotherapist, Exercise Therapist, etc.

5 Injury Prevention  Hydration, Hydration, Hydration  Silk vs. Sand Paper  Having a sufficient training base.  Strength, Endurance, Flexibility, etc.  Get treated before your injury interferes with your activity  Tissue Quality Work  ART, Massage Therapy, Foam Rolling, etc.  Proper footwear

6 Injury Prevention Cont’d  Dynamic Warm up  Movement Preparation, raise the heart rate, get the body warm.  Cool down  Slowly lower your heart rate.  Static Stretching

7 Stretching and Training Myths  Static Stretching as a Warm Up  Static stretching inhibits muscle firing, as a result stretching after is more beneficial.  A proper warm-up should increase muscle firing and raise your core body temperature  Warm muscles are less likely to be injured  Walking before you run does not constitute a warm-up  However... something is better than nothing

8  Cross Training for Basketball Officials River Valley Health

9 The Importance of Cross Training  Injury Prevention  Prevent or correct muscle imbalance  Strengthen weak muscles  Improve joint stability  Performance Improvement  Increase stability, mobility, and strength  Stability vs. Mobility  Relationship between strength and flexibility  Increase speed, endurance, efficiency

10 What is Cross Training?  Cross Training is using a variety of training techniques to work on balancing the body.  Core strengthening can help prevent injury, improve performance, and improve efficiency.  Think of the core as a concrete pillar  Strong through the glutes and stomach  Cross training should involve training and strengthening of muscles that are key to the activities movement.  Specific to Movement

11 Components of a Training Program  Tissue quality work  Movement Preparation  Prehab Exercises (Muscle Activation)  Strengthening Exercises  Stability/Mobility Exercises  Core Exercises  Flexibility Exercises

12 Frequency and Duration of Training  Dependent on the amount of activity or the games/week.  The more you complete, the more cross training you need to do.  General guidelines  Use a variety of activities  Roughly 1 cross training routine for every 2 days of refereeing (4 games)  20 minutes to an hour of training time is sufficient for a workout  Over 2 hours is a complete waste of time

13 Routine Breakdown  Foam Rolling: 5 Minutes  Movement Prep: 5-10 Minutes  Prehab Exercises: 5 Minutes  Strength Training Conditioning: 30 Minutes  Stretching or Foam Rolling: 5-10 Minutes

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