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Good morning! I will put all power points on my website for review Make sure to study the MAP LOCATIONS!! Email me if you have any questions, I will be.

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Presentation on theme: "Good morning! I will put all power points on my website for review Make sure to study the MAP LOCATIONS!! Email me if you have any questions, I will be."— Presentation transcript:

1 Good morning! I will put all power points on my website for review Make sure to study the MAP LOCATIONS!! Email me if you have any questions, I will be back tomorrow morning for the review session.

2 Test Next Class Review Sessions TUESDAY: 8:00 – 8:45 – room 208 4:00 – 4:45 – room 212 Complete Study Guide as review If you want your Islamic map and other Islam work, come see me Tuesday morning for it. Review Chapter 10 (Academic)

3 Think about: Who is this, and what does it tell us about the achievements of the Islamic Empire???

4 Muslim Achievements Students will understand how the Muslims preserved knowledge and scholarship and articulate the cultural and scientific achievements of the Islamic Empire


6 Cultural Achievements 1.Architecture – Mosques Domes Minarets – Dome of the Rock – site in Jerusalem where Muhammad ascended into Paradise


8 Cultural Achievements 2.Art Forms – Mosaics – Calligraphy – Geometric Designs * Muslim law forbade the depiction of human forms in art (only Allah can create life)


10 Cultural Achievements 3.Alphabet & Language – Arabic 4.Book Making – Muslims made the first bound books


12 Cultural Achievements 5.Universities – Located in: Cordoba, Spain Baghdad – House of Wisdom Timbuktu, Mali – Preserved Greek & Roman Learning – Improved on Persian and Indian discoveries – Translated Greek & Latin to Arabic

13 Cultural Achievements 6.Literature – Qu’ran is the standard for all literature & poetry – The Rubiyat by Omar Khayyam (Poetry) – The Thousand and One Nights – collection of fairy tales, parable & legends KdO2mYL4&feature=related&safety_mode=t rue&persist_safety_mode=1


15 Scientific Achievements 1.Arabic Numerals and concept of zero (gave it a place holder in math…important in banking too!) 2.Algebra – Al Jabr (he created this) 3.Medicine – Established hospitals and medical schools – Blended eastern and western knowledge 4.Geography – Astrolabe (measuring angles of sun and stars above the horizon) – Compass

16 Remember…Test Next Class Review Sessions TUESDAY: 8:00 – 8:45 – room 208 4:00 – 4:45 – room 212 Complete Study Guide as review If you want your Islamic map and other Islam work, come see me Tuesday morning for it. Review Chapter 10 (Academic) One more slide…

17 STOP HERE! Do not do go past this slide. You should get a handout from the substitute teacher and fill in the achievements using your notes. Make sure to get a REVIEW GUIDE before you leave today!

18 Islamic Times (20 Points) Groups of no more than three Design the front page of a newspaper Your newspaper page must include: – Title – Be Creative! – Date (years of the Islamic Empire) – A hand-drawn map of the Islamic Empire including important cities – 4 summary articles; with at least 3 illustrations, covering: Geography/spread of Islam Founding/Beliefs of Islam Cultural Achievements Scientific Achievements

19 Design Your Own Building – 20 points Muslim culture is known for their amazing mosques and palaces. They were influenced by Byzantine and Roman architecture but developed their own style Your task: Create Your Own Building! use influences from any style of architecture we have studied Draw your building – be neat, be creative, and be colorful Only the best drawings will be displayed in the classroom!!!!

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