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7 DEADLY SINS Mrs. Thomas Senior English 10 December 2010.

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2 7 DEADLY SINS Mrs. Thomas Senior English 10 December 2010

3 Anglo-Saxon vs. Medieval Anglo- Saxon-English culture- druids taught Anglo- Saxon-English culture- druids taught Fighting culture Fighting culture Social hierarchy based on tribal warfare Social hierarchy based on tribal warfare Religion based off many pagan gods Religion based off many pagan gods Medieval- Teachers use Bible, Roman Catholic church determines curriculum Medieval- Teachers use Bible, Roman Catholic church determines curriculum Culture-Social mores – they are more religious and believe in one God Culture-Social mores – they are more religious and believe in one God Life is a journey- man is a pilgrim Life is a journey- man is a pilgrim

4 7 Deadly sins Cardinal sins Cardinal sins Also known as capital vices Also known as capital vices 2 categories 2 categories VENIAL- minor sins (forgiven in sacrament) VENIAL- minor sins (forgiven in sacrament) CAPITAL- mortal sins, when committed, destroy the life of grace and threaten eternal damnation unless absolved or forgiven through confession and penitance CAPITAL- mortal sins, when committed, destroy the life of grace and threaten eternal damnation unless absolved or forgiven through confession and penitance

5 European artists depicted 7 deadly sins as a popular theme. Hieronymus Bosch’s The Seven Deadly Sins and the Four Last Things.

6 SALIGIA a mnemonic to ingrain them in Christian culture and consciousness Based on the first letters in Latin of the seven deadly sins: Superbia, Avaritia, Luxuria, Invidia, Gula, Ira, Acedia. Based on the first letters in Latin of the seven deadly sins: Superbia, Avaritia, Luxuria, Invidia, Gula, Ira, Acedia. Now in your notes: guess what the 7 deadly sins are! Now in your notes: guess what the 7 deadly sins are!

7 SALIGIA Answers Superbia- pride Superbia- pride Avaritia-greed Avaritia-greed Luxuria-lust (at first was extravagance) Luxuria-lust (at first was extravagance) Invidia-envy Invidia-envy Gula-gluttony Gula-gluttony Ira-wrath or anger Ira-wrath or anger Acedia-sloth (lazy) Acedia-sloth (lazy)

8 Corresponding Holy Virtues To parallel the sins they oppose, there are seven holy virtues. Guess what they are. To parallel the sins they oppose, there are seven holy virtues. Guess what they are.

9 Holy Virtues Chastity- like abstinence Chastity- like abstinence Charity- giving Charity- giving Temperance-moderate in eating Temperance-moderate in eating Diligence- working hard Diligence- working hard Patience or forgiveness Patience or forgiveness Kindness-admiration Kindness-admiration Humility- modest Humility- modest Now guess which sin is their opposite. Now guess which sin is their opposite.

10 Sin and Virtue Pride- humility Pride- humility Envy-kindness Envy-kindness Wrath-patience or Wrath-patience or forgiveness forgiveness Sloth-diligence Sloth-diligence Greed- charity Greed- charity Gluttony-temperance Gluttony-temperance Lust- chastity Lust- chastity

11 Bible vs.Dante’s Inferno The Bible does NOT refer to 7 deadly sins, but Dante’s Divine Comedy, Purgatorio, is the best source. By categorizing the sins, it helped priests to figure out how to get people to repent and how to punish them so they wouldn’t go to hell. Dante had specific punishments for each sin.

12 Gluttony Derived from Latin to gulp down or swallow Over-indulgence and over-consumption of anything to the point of waste Dante’s hell- they had to eat rats/toads/ snakes.

13 Gluttony Depends on culture- where food is scarce and is a status symbol, taking pride in having a lot is a vice. Where food is plentiful- not having self- control is the vice. Which are we? Depends on culture- where food is scarce and is a status symbol, taking pride in having a lot is a vice. Where food is plentiful- not having self- control is the vice. Which are we? Early Church leader said it was: Early Church leader said it was: Eating too soon Eating too soon Too expensively Too expensively Too much Too much Too eagerly Too eagerly Too daintily- Prioress Too daintily- Prioress

14 Greed Avarice Avarice Sin of excess like gluttony, only this isn’t food, it’s wealth. Sin of excess like gluttony, only this isn’t food, it’s wealth. Includes disloyalty, deliberate betrayal, treason for Personal Gain. Includes disloyalty, deliberate betrayal, treason for Personal Gain. Hoarding materials or objects, robbery, especially by means of violence or trickery. Hoarding materials or objects, robbery, especially by means of violence or trickery. Simony- where one profits form solicitng goods within the actual confines of a church Simony- where one profits form solicitng goods within the actual confines of a church Dante- bound face down on board for thinking earthly thoughts Dante- bound face down on board for thinking earthly thoughts

15 SLOTH Has considerably changed since its beginning. Used to be sadness, or depression, joylessness- a refusal to enjoy the goodness of God and the world he created. Has considerably changed since its beginning. Used to be sadness, or depression, joylessness- a refusal to enjoy the goodness of God and the world he created. Spiritual apathy Spiritual apathy Changed to discontent, “uneasiness of the mind” Changed to discontent, “uneasiness of the mind” Failure to love God with all your heart Failure to love God with all your heart TODAY IT STANDS FOR LAZINESS, UNWILLINGESS TO ACT OR CARE, rather than a failure to love God, so now it is not such a serious sin. TODAY IT STANDS FOR LAZINESS, UNWILLINGESS TO ACT OR CARE, rather than a failure to love God, so now it is not such a serious sin.

16 Sloth- Dante’s Purgatorio made slothful penitents (sinners) RUN at TOP SPEED

17 We even make fun of slothful people

18 Envy Like GREED, envy has Insatiable desire, but greed is for material goods, and envy is more general. Like GREED, envy has Insatiable desire, but greed is for material goods, and envy is more general. They covet something someone else has, or something they think they lack They covet something someone else has, or something they think they lack

19 Envious Glance Dante’s hell has the envious having their eyes sewn shut with wire because they have gained sinful pleasure from seeing others brought low Dante’s hell has the envious having their eyes sewn shut with wire because they have gained sinful pleasure from seeing others brought low

20 Green with envy Early church leader Thomas Aquinas described envy as “sorrow for another’s good”. The color green is associated with this sin.

21 WRATH or Anger Uncontrolled feelings of hatred Uncontrolled feelings of hatred Do EVIL or HARM to others Do EVIL or HARM to others Desire to seek revenge outside of the workings of the justice system Desire to seek revenge outside of the workings of the justice system Vengeance: murder, assault, and genocide Vengeance: murder, assault, and genocide Only sin not necessarily associated with selfishness or self interest Only sin not necessarily associated with selfishness or self interest Dante’s hell has sinners dismembered while still ALIVE! Dante’s hell has sinners dismembered while still ALIVE! Batman exemplifies this because he acts out of vengeance. Batman exemplifies this because he acts out of vengeance.

22 Lust Obsessive thought or desires of a sexual nature. Obsessive thought or desires of a sexual nature. Dante- “excessive love of others”, penitence is to walk through the flames to purge oneself from lustful thoughts Dante- “excessive love of others”, penitence is to walk through the flames to purge oneself from lustful thoughts Marilyn Monroe- sexy woman of the 60’s

23 Love and Lust Love and lust are two different things Love and lust are two different things A Genuine, selfless love represents the highest degree of development while lust is an excessive desire for sexual release. The other person is just a “means to an end” for the fulfillment of the subject’s desires. A Genuine, selfless love represents the highest degree of development while lust is an excessive desire for sexual release. The other person is just a “means to an end” for the fulfillment of the subject’s desires.

24 The worst one This is the sin that is depicted as the trunk of the sin tree because most other sins come from it. This is the sin that is depicted as the trunk of the sin tree because most other sins come from it. It is the MOST DEADLY of all the sins. It is the MOST DEADLY of all the sins. In the BIBLE, this was the downfall of LUCIFER- it caused his fall from heaven. In the BIBLE, this was the downfall of LUCIFER- it caused his fall from heaven. WHAT IS IT? WHAT IS IT?


26 Pride can be the downfall of the young, old, or even cartoon characters. It is sometimes referred to as VANITY. Dante’s hell: had to walk with stone slabs bearing down on back to induce humility.

27 Demons Associated with Sins Asmodeus: Lust Asmodeus: Lust Beelzebub: Gluttony Beelzebub: Gluttony Mammon: Greed Mammon: Greed Belphegor: Sloth Belphegor: Sloth Satan: Wrath Satan: Wrath Leviathan: Envy Leviathan: Envy Lucifer: Pride Lucifer: Pride

28 Bible-Proverbs 6:16 “These six things doth the lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him”: A proud look A proud look A lying tongue A lying tongue Hands that shed innocent blood Hands that shed innocent blood Heart that deviseth wicked imaginations Heart that deviseth wicked imaginations Feet that be swift in running to mischief Feet that be swift in running to mischief A false witness that speaketh lies A false witness that speaketh lies He that soweth discord among brethern He that soweth discord among brethern

29 Biblical list vs. 7 Deadly Sins list While there are 7 of these sins, they differ from the 7 deadly sins of the Roman Catholic Church in Medieval times. While there are 7 of these sins, they differ from the 7 deadly sins of the Roman Catholic Church in Medieval times. Only PRIDE is clearly listed on both! Only PRIDE is clearly listed on both! As stated before no where in Bible are the 7 deadly sins stated, although you can kind of connect the sins to the seven deadly ones. “Hands that kill”- Wrath, but that connection is not necessarily biblical. As stated before no where in Bible are the 7 deadly sins stated, although you can kind of connect the sins to the seven deadly ones. “Hands that kill”- Wrath, but that connection is not necessarily biblical. Bible makes it clear in the New Testament that it only takes one sin, which is an act of disobeying God’s law, to separate man from a perfect God, placing him in need of salvation. Bible makes it clear in the New Testament that it only takes one sin, which is an act of disobeying God’s law, to separate man from a perfect God, placing him in need of salvation.

30 Gilligan’s Island Which character represents which deadly sin? Gilligan’s Island Which character represents which deadly sin? 1. Gilligan 2. Skipper 3. Ginger 4. Maryann 5. Professor 6. Mr. Howell 7. Mrs. Howell

31 Answers 1. Gilligan-Sloth 2. Skipper- Gluttony 3. Ginger-Lust 4. Maryann-Envy 5. Professor-Pride 6. Mr. Howell-Greed 7. Mrs. Howell- Wrath

32 Narnia and the Seven Deadly Sins Seven Narnian tales by C.S. Lewis in his Seven Narnian tales by C.S. Lewis in his Chronicles of Narnia Edmund- glutony-sin of excessively using things, normally associated with appetite. Jadis, the White Witch tempts him with a warm drink and Turkish Delight, his favorite candy. He is like Eve, tempted by evil by which he betrays those he loves.

33 Narnia continued Jill fails because of SLOTH- not so much laziness as just a reckless disregard and wearing away of devotion. Jill fails because of SLOTH- not so much laziness as just a reckless disregard and wearing away of devotion. Aslan intervenes by means of a dream and re-awakens her faithfulness. Aslan intervenes by means of a dream and re-awakens her faithfulness. Lewis suggests that we can break the chains of sloth; we too can regain a spiritual vision. Lewis suggests that we can break the chains of sloth; we too can regain a spiritual vision.

34 Prince Caspian Luxury- Luxuria or Lust-which suggests sexual immorality or unchecked physical passion. However, there can be a LUST for THINGS in general. More like the sin of a Profiteer- like King Miraz, Caspian’s uncle. This is more like Luxury which children can understand better than lust. Luxury- Luxuria or Lust-which suggests sexual immorality or unchecked physical passion. However, there can be a LUST for THINGS in general. More like the sin of a Profiteer- like King Miraz, Caspian’s uncle. This is more like Luxury which children can understand better than lust.

35 Voyage of the Dawn Treader Greed- Eustace is egocentric and totally selfish Greed- Eustace is egocentric and totally selfish When he and his shipmates get shipwrecked, he finds the dying dragon and fills his pockets with diamonds. When he can carry no more, he falls asleep upon a pile of golden coins. When he and his shipmates get shipwrecked, he finds the dying dragon and fills his pockets with diamonds. When he can carry no more, he falls asleep upon a pile of golden coins. Each tale will give a moral lesson connected to the seven deadly sins. Each tale will give a moral lesson connected to the seven deadly sins.

36 Assignment Find examples of a sin and of its opposite virtue. Bring in the pictures, but keep them clean for school. Let us guess which deadly sin it represents and which virtue. Find examples of a sin and of its opposite virtue. Bring in the pictures, but keep them clean for school. Let us guess which deadly sin it represents and which virtue.

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