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RECRUITING VOLUNTEERS Jacqueline Cochran, Facilitator Presiding Elder’s District Conference April 23, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "RECRUITING VOLUNTEERS Jacqueline Cochran, Facilitator Presiding Elder’s District Conference April 23, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 RECRUITING VOLUNTEERS Jacqueline Cochran, Facilitator Presiding Elder’s District Conference April 23, 2015

2 WHY CAN’T THE CHURCH RECRUIT VOLUNTEERS?  Brainstorm with your elbow partners  Generate 3 Reasons  Chose a Spokesperson

3 ADDITIONAL IDEAS  Too narrow a focus  Limited choices  Ineffective recruitment  Failure to support  No appreciation


5 PLANNING  Develop written responsibilities  Recruit specific people for specific roles  Tie work to the vision of the church  Recruit with specific end dates or breaks  Establish and publish a calendar of dates  Create a large, broad planning team


7 WHAT NOT TO SAY You’re the last one on my list.”  “You’re the last one on my list.”  “Oh, there’s really nothing to it; it won’t take much time.”  “I’ve helped you before.”

8 WHAT TO SAY  “You have great skills and talent. Would you be interested in using them in our ministry?”  “Let me tell you what happened at our last event.”  “We have so much fun together.”

9 ASK FOR VOLUNTEERS  Ask personally rather than rely on announcements  Initially, recruit short-term project teams  Assume that “no” means “not now”  Recruit toward a member’s passion  Recruit through relationships Key: Allow volunteers to quit honorably.

10 THANKS  Encourage people who serve.  Honor volunteers regularly  Publicly recognize volunteers  Personalize the appreciation of time and effort  Thank you should be sincere. “It IS the thought”

11 GRANT AME CHURCH Blessed We are not perfect but we are Blessed.

12 EXAMPLES OF VOLUNTEERISM Annual Conference  Steering Committee  Team Goals and Objectives  List of 150 names  Teams were form through personal contact

13 EXAMPLES OF VOLUNTEERISM Community Giveaway and Community Thanksgiving Dinner

14 EXAMPLES OF VOLUNTEERISM  Projects match mission of the church  Meaningful projects  Many opportunities for volunteers  Outreach into the community for volunteers  Website appreciation  Church service appreciation

15 EXAMPLES OF VOLUNTEERISM Math Institute And Discovery Week 20 Volunteers 10 years serving 20 students each year

16 EXAMPLES OF VOLUNTEERISM Kirkland Academy For Excellence (tutorial) And Kirkland Academy For Excellence Labor of Love Day Camp 50 Volunteers Over 7 years over 200 Young People Served

17 6 DEADLY SINS OF RECRUITING VOLUNTEERS Sin #1: Expect Announcements to Get Volunteers Sin #2: Go It Alone Sin #3: Recruit Life-time Individuals

18 6 DEADLY SINS OF RECRUITING VOLUNTEERS Sin #4 Assume That “No” Means “Never” Sin #5 Fall into the BIC Trap Sin #6 Be People Driven Rather Than Position Driven


20    310 259-2174

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