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Does a connection or relationship exist between the reactivity of a metal and when it was discovered? By: Saeed Al Naimi 8A.

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Presentation on theme: "Does a connection or relationship exist between the reactivity of a metal and when it was discovered? By: Saeed Al Naimi 8A."— Presentation transcript:

1 Does a connection or relationship exist between the reactivity of a metal and when it was discovered? By: Saeed Al Naimi 8A

2 Topic In this PowerPoint I will be talking about how does the time when the metal was discovered affect how it will react to a certain thing. I think that it will affect it.

3 A table of the metals and when it was discovered.
Metal (in order of reactivity) Date of Discovery Rubidium 1860 Potassium 1807 Sodium Barium 1808 Calcium Magnesium Aluminum 1825 Manganese 1774 Zinc 1746 Cobalt 1737 Iron 2000BC Tin 3000BC Copper 3500BC Silver 5000BC Gold

4 My opinion Well… I think that there is a chance that the time when metal was discovered can change the way it reacts. This is because when you discover a metal like 2000 years ago and react it with nitric acid now, will have a different reaction when you discover a metal 5 years ago and react it with nitric acid. I think that this happens because maybe something happens to the metal while they mine it or leave it for tomorrows mining, when we discover a metal 5 years ago, people will be all over it and they will be taking shifts on when to mine it.

5 Why is my relationship believable
My relationship is believable because as you can see, not everyone would believe what I say, but when you actually think about it. You will reveal the truth that there is a relationship between the reactivity of a metal and when it was discovered. The thing is that the time it was discovered also affects the metals condition. Lets compare this with real life. When you buy a purse yesterday, will be different from having a purse 2 years ago. First of all, the quality of the new purse would be better, also the condition would be better. This is because the purse you bought 2 years ago might be ripped a little or it may be even dirty like white blobs over the purse and stuff like that.

6 Why is my source believable
The source that I used for the whole thing is: My source is believable because as you can see bbc has a whole channel on news. Thinking about a website created with this company is vowed to be at least 99% sure. This is because bbc is like al jazeera news. They bring in discoveries and things that they think are important to the people to know. Maybe they have made an episode on metals and they wanted to put it on the internet

7 Method of extracting the ore
There are three basic ways of treating metallic ores in order to extract their metal content. Pyrometallurgy is the treatment of metals and their ores by heat. Pyrometallurgy includes Roasting, which is the heating of ores in air or heating it with a reducing agent such as carbon (coke) or carbon monoxide. Pyrometallurgy is the oldest extractive process. In early day Nevada, carbon was obtained from pinyon pines, juniper trees or sagebrush. The wood was collected and heated in ovens which resembled beehives and these ovens became the "Beehive Ovens" found today near numerous old mining camps. The second basic way of treating metallic ore is electrometallurgy. In this method the metals are processed using electricity such as electroplating and electro refining. Electric arc furnaces are used to make steel. Electrometallurgy is used when very high purity metal is needed. The third basic way of treating metallic ore is hydrometallurgy. This is a wet process as the name implies, where reactants are used in a water solution. This method has not been used on an industrial scale due to the high costs involved. However, as the concentration of desired metal becomes less in the ores mined, the wet processing of the more valuable metal ores becomes more feasible.

8 How does extracting metals relate to my relationship
As you can see, before they didn’t extract metals, they just dig it up and use a process that can take a metal from its ore. Nowadays, we can extract metals and we also have machines that extract them for us. We also have process that extracts ores accurately without harming anything in the ore.

9 Some Pictures of metals
Platinum Gold Silver Copper Rubidium Cobalt Some Pictures of metals

10 Evaluation In this project, I have used my time wisely, I know that because I was finished early in the class. I have also taken time in looking at the rubric and task sheet this time. I also think that my information has a lot of quality and good scientific words with explanations. Overall I can say that I did good and I actually learned from the mistakes I did before.


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