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 Size: zygote barely fits on the head of a pin  3 to 5 days after conception will burrow into wall of uterus  12 to 15 days after implantation hCG.

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Presentation on theme: " Size: zygote barely fits on the head of a pin  3 to 5 days after conception will burrow into wall of uterus  12 to 15 days after implantation hCG."— Presentation transcript:


2  Size: zygote barely fits on the head of a pin  3 to 5 days after conception will burrow into wall of uterus  12 to 15 days after implantation hCG will be able to be detected on pregnancy test

3  Symptoms are not really noticeable at this point  May experience some spotting  Pregnancy loses usually occur during the time of implantation

4  Size: Embryo is about 2 millimeters long (grain of sand)  Pregnancy symptoms begin: nausea, fatigue, etc.  No gender characteristics yet: only nipples  Small mouth, lips and fingernails are forming

5  Digestive tract, lungs, nostrils forming  Mucous is thickening on cervix › Keeps uterus sealed until birth  Kegal Exercises important!  Week 9: Embryo become a fetus  Uterus is now the size of a tennis ball  Sharp pains are normal at this time

6  Genitals are now present  Baby is 1 ¾ to 2 ½ in. long  Important things to remember: › Nap, eat, & relax › Brush & Floss › Wear your seat belt › Be active

7  Sex drive may be returning around this time  Ears are now developed and they can hear you talk & sing  Feelings of nausea decrease  Feet are swollen

8  Baby is about the size of your fist  Hair begins to grow on head and eyebrows  Important to have enough iron  Milk glands may start producing  You may feel Braxton Hicks contractions › “Practice” contractions that prepare uterus for birth

9  Baby able to grasp things with fist  Movements become more pronounced  Women report sex during second trimester is the best in their lives  Brown fat on baby begins to be deposited  Retinas of baby become more sensitive to light

10  Baby about the size of a mango  Areas of the baby’s brain becoming more specialized  Make sure you are getting your Omega- 3 fatty acids and B vitamins  Baby begins to swallow and drink amniotic fluid  300 extra calories a day are needed

11  The baby has become more proportional at this point (looks like a baby)  Blood travels through umbilical cord at 4 miles an hour  Baby begins to have REM associated with dreaming  Mother may be feeling muscle aches, fatigue, heart burn, sore feet & dizziness

12  Baby is 1 ¼ pounds & about 11 in. long  Nostrils open up at this time  Uterus is the size of a soccer ball  Week 26: baby’s hearing system completely formed  This is the time where mother usually gets tested for Gestational Diabetes  Walking, bending over, and lifting are becoming painful

13  Baby is now up to 2 ¼ pounds and about 15 in.  Baby is working on gaining layers of fat  Stretch marks have probably already appeared by now  Baby is producing estriol that stimulate prolactin to make mother produces milk  Ureters, bladder, & urethra compressed (can’t empty bladder efficiently)

14  Baby is gaining weight at a fast pace (about ½ pound a week)  Lanugo, the fine hairs on body, are beginning to shed  Toenails are present  Baby has probably moved into head- down position  Baby is receiving mother’s antibodies

15  Week 34: baby is about 5 pounds  Baby dreams a lot at this stage: brain is making connections between neurons & synapses  If baby born in week 35, 99% chance of surviving  Baby’s movement begins to slow down as they grow larger  Week 36: could go into labor anytime between now and six weeks from now!

16  Week 37: Baby is about 7 pounds and about 19 in.  Baby is practicing breathing with amniotic fluid  Baby’s intestines building up meconium which will be first bowel movement  Uncertainty for mother at this point as to when delivery will be. Doctors recommend 2 weeks after due date before induction

17  Baby’s are fully formed at this point  Staying pregnant past 40 weeks is normal for first time mothers  Health care providers will be checking dilation & effacement  Mother’s are bigger and more uncomfortable than ever

18  Stage 1 has 3 phases: latent phase (notice contractions), active phase (hard work) & transition phase (cervix is thin and wide)  Labor contractions begin but have a pattern of tightening, resting, releasing  Labor pains begin in back & move to the front  Important things to do: Relax, breathe, move around, sit on toilet to help open up pelvis, try birthing ball, & urinate frequently

19  This is the pushing stage  Uterus and pelvic muscles push baby through birth canal  Phases of stage 2 are passive stage (15 to 20 min. long) where contractions slow down and expulsive stage (20 to 30 min. long) where contractions are accompanied by urge to push

20  This stage begins right after the baby is born  Ends with the delivery of the placenta  Usually takes less than 15 min.  Placenta is examined after delivery to make sure nothing is still in the uterus that could cause infection

21  Uterus is starting to firm up and shrink  Milk-making glands are activated  This stage lasts 24 to 36 hours  Perineum will be swollen and sore  Breasts may be swollen and hard  Belly will probably be mushy for a couple months  Baby blues are normal

22  1. No driving is under painkillers or if stiches are still painful  2. Don’t lift anything heavier than your baby  3. No intercourse until you are healed  4. Don’t use tampons or douches  5. No strenuous household chores


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