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Common and Proper Nouns GLE 0501.1.1 Demonstrate knowledge of Standard English usage, mechanics, and spelling. SPI 501.1 Identify the correct use of nouns.

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Presentation on theme: "Common and Proper Nouns GLE 0501.1.1 Demonstrate knowledge of Standard English usage, mechanics, and spelling. SPI 501.1 Identify the correct use of nouns."— Presentation transcript:

1 Common and Proper Nouns GLE 0501.1.1 Demonstrate knowledge of Standard English usage, mechanics, and spelling. SPI 501.1 Identify the correct use of nouns

2 COMMON NOUNS Names a person, place, thing, or idea

3 Examples of Common Nouns jogger city race winner track Hint…. Common nouns are usually not capitalized and are categories.

4 Identify the common nouns. Lisa Cunningham is a girl. Pennsylvania Avenue is a street. My dog’s name is Champ. Grammar Gorillas

5 Index Card Sort Groups of 3 or 4 Sort nouns in correct categories of person, place, thing, or idea –Take notice Proper Nouns –Take notes on each category (at least 3 examples of each)

6 Answers- Noun Index Card Sort People teacher student Mrs. Benson Officer Reed athlete Ideas/Feelings wisdom truth peace honesty harmony Things Cheerios cereal book egg Pepsi Places Tennessee restaurant Olive Garden school library

7 Classwork: In your group, make a list on chart paper of the common nouns found on pg. 73. Groups may be assigned separate paragraphs. Give 5-7 minutes and share lists.

8 Homework Circle all the nouns in the paragraph given on the WS. Remember, a noun names a person, place, thing, idea or feeling.

9 PROPER NOUNS These are particular people, places, things, or ideas and begin with a capital letter.

10 EXAMPLES OF PROPER NOUNS Taylor Swift (person) Monday, September 20 (day of the week, month of the year) Mrs. Benson (person) Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing (important words in a title) (Abbreviations)- The envelope went to Ms. M. R. Ryan 1410 Montgomery St. Raleigh, NC 27607 It was postmarked Wed., Sept. 27. Can you notice any specific abbreviations that were capitalized?

11 Classwork: In your group, make a list of the common and the proper nouns found in SS paragraph given by teacher. CommonProper

12 Text pg. 74-75 Read and discuss A & B then continue for ppt for capitalization notes.

13 Capitalization Capitalize first word in a sentence. Capitalize days of the week and months of the year. Capitalize proper nouns including the first letter in an abbreviation. Capitalize important words in a title. When finished with notes, work on hmwk in wkbk (17 or 20)

14 Extension- Index Card Activity: Using an index card, choose a proper noun and write it correctly (with capital letters) on the blank side. Write a clue for the proper noun on the flip side. California This is a place where Disney Land is located.

15 Extensions.. BRAINPOP & take quizBRAINPOP

16 Homework Wkbk pg. 17 & 19 or 20

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