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Job Hunting and Negotiating: A Guide for Future (and New) PM&R Faculty Kevin M. Means, M.D. Professor and Chairman University of Arkansas for Medical.

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Presentation on theme: "Job Hunting and Negotiating: A Guide for Future (and New) PM&R Faculty Kevin M. Means, M.D. Professor and Chairman University of Arkansas for Medical."— Presentation transcript:


2 Job Hunting and Negotiating: A Guide for Future (and New) PM&R Faculty Kevin M. Means, M.D. Professor and Chairman University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences College of Medicine Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Little Rock, Arkansas

3 1.List key steps involved in the planning and process of a search for an academic faculty position 2.Discuss the important issues to consider when approaching an academic faculty position negotiation 3.Identify elements to address in negotiation for compensation and benefits, and academic support Objectives Objectives By lecture’s end, you should be able to:

4 Disclaimer This is my perspective as a chairman Influenced by my experience –As a faculty member –As a researcher –As a mentor

5 Source: Beckman H: West J Med 2001;174:410-414.

6 Why Do Faculty Leave? 1. The most important reasons for leaving: –Better career opportunity elsewhere –Personal reasons –Low job satisfaction with administration –Not enough financial reward 2.The most important changes needed to stay: –Fewer administrative/political problems –Higher salary –More protected time –Effective mentor/role model –More support for research

7 Before The Job Search Know Thyself Develop a Plan Find Appropriate Role Models Learn From Mentors Do Your Homework

8 Job Search Process AcceptanceNegotiation Job Offer Negotiation Interviews Initial Contact Apply Advertise

9 Know Thyself Your Interests and Goals –What do you want to do? –Where do you want to be? Strengths (and weaknesses) Needs –What will you need to be successful? Any Restrictions? –Geographic, economic, family, etc.

10 Do Your Homework Research the Position (job advertis.) –How long has the position been offered? –Replacement vs. New Research the Dept. (website, reports) –Commitment to research –Critical mass (in Dept., on campus) Research the Faculty (Medline, Google) –Academic productivity standards –Potential collaboration, complementation

11 Other Information Sources More Helpful: –Mentor(s) –Research Faculty –Program Director or Chair Less Helpful: –Non-research Faculty –Other Residents

12 Know Your Worth Salary Information –Salary Surveys AAMC ( 202 828-0416 or online: MGMA, Others (include private practice) AAP, AAPM&R Marketability –Supply and Demand –Skills to Complement the Dept. Variation among Departments

13 Advertising CV & cover letter –Use a good model/format –Keep your CV updated AAPM&R Job Bulletin Board Online, Print “Position Wanted” Listings Letters to prospective employers Word of mouth (mentor, chair, PD)

14 Where to Apply? Academic Journals (Am J PM&R, Archives) Online Job Listings AAPM&R Job Fair (pre-screen; be selective) Networking Leads Headhunters?

15 The Interview From the Chair’s Perspective: What kind of person is this applicant? How qualified is the applicant for the position? Will this applicant fit in with the team? Will this applicant help me accomplish the Department mission(s)? What will the applicant cost me?

16 Typical Interview Questions: "Tell me about yourself." A short & professional synopsis; no personal info "Why do you want to work here?“ Tell how does the Dept. aligns with your goals, needs "What do you see yourself doing in five years?“ Independent research funding, academic promotion "What is your greatest strength; weakness?“ Take a strength that relates to the job description; give an example; Take a positive trait and make it a weakness (e.g. perfectionist, too focused sometimes) “What would your ideal position look like?” Be honest, but be realistic "What kind of salary are you looking for?“ Avoid discussing specific amounts at this point

17 Possible Interview Outcomes: Negotiation An invitation for a 2nd interview –2 nd interview may address fine points of the position, spouse issues, etc. A Job Offer (written offer letter) A decision (yours or theirs) to move on

18 Important Issues Job Rankings Univ. Arkansas Podunk Univ. Sorry State Univ. Job description matches my goals 132 Future growth potential, professional development 123 Department & institution mission & values match my goals 123 Department Chair is supportive 132 Resources match my goals/needs (start-up $, equip, space, staff, etc) 123

19 Important Issues, continued…. Job Rankings Univ. Arkansas Podunk Univ. Sorry State Univ. Prospects for promotion/tenure 123 Colleagues (mentor available, potential collaborators, etc.) 123 Does the geographic location meet my needs? 213 Does the compensation meet my needs (salary, bonus, benefits)? 213 Will my spouse/family be happy there? 123

20 Negotiating A necessary “evil” An expected process Give & take; “win – win” Set priorities –What do you need? –What do you want? –What can you get? Consider if the item is worth the fight –Choose your battles wisely Some things may not be negotiable

21 What Is Negotiable? More Common Salary Space Decision Date Start-Up Package Clinical, Teaching Load Faculty Track Start Date Moving Expenses/ Housing Help Salary Recovery Time Less Common Bonus Guarantee Benefits Secretary Research Assistants Computer Resources Travel and Conference Expenses Faculty Rank Job-Hunting for a Partner or Spouse

22 It’s Not Easy to Talk About Money

23 But…… The salary you accept now will affect your future salary You deserve to be compensated fairly for your effort (know your worth) Money isn’t everything... But it sure helps –Pay loans, bills, etc.

24 When Negotiating Salary: Let the Chair bring it up In early negotiations, talk about salary ranges only –Don’t sell yourself short; Don’t price yourself out of the market –Salary expectation should be based on data If the salary is firm but less than you want, but the job is perfect, focus negotiations on –Future salary / Bonuses –Other forms of compensation

25 Salary Fixed salary is safest option for new faculty –Usually guaranteed for 1 year Base salary with an incentive bonus based on productivity –Typical for academics –Most fair system for you & your employer –Is the bonus based on billings or collections? –Is there a cap on the bonus? –Is there a “penalty” for academic activities; reward for grants, salary relief

26 Factors That Influence Salary Fellowship training – especially research fellowship Board certification (AAPM&R, SCIM, AANEM, etc.) MD-PhD Faculty rank (instructor vs. asst. prof.)

27 Academic Salaries Academic salary and/or bonuses are often linked to the Department/ institution bottom line –Ask about the fiscal status of the Department when interviewing Ask about recent faculty pay –COLA, Merit raises? –How often have bonuses not been paid? –Have salaries ever been cut?

28 Benefits Usually pretty standard within Univ., may differ between institutions Insurance: Malpractice, Health, Disability, Life Retirement plans can differ among institutions –Employee contribution, employer match –Time to full vesting –Employee control & investment choice

29 Other Benefits Moving allowance Vacation and Sick leave Maternity, paternity benefits Educational leave Tuition discount Health club/fitness center membership Parking Mileage

30 Negotiating Tips Is your demand legitimate? –Be realistic Define your limits and keep them private –Know when you will “hold” or “fold” Don’t be afraid to ask –But remember, some things may not be negotiable

31 Negotiating Tips, cont. Never say yes to the first offer Have a deadline, but be flexible Negotiating is a 2-way street –Requires give AND take; compromise Fine line between protecting your interests and being seen as difficult Be courteous, ethical, prompt, fair

32 Remember You are negotiating with your potential future employer More negotiations will follow –Was the negotiation process fair? –Was it unnecessarily difficult? It’s unlikely to get better next time!

33 Kevin’s Top 5 Things New Research Faculty Should Ask For 1.Protected Time Serious new researchers can’t survive without it Get as much as you can for as long as you can 50 – 75% time for 1-2 years is generous Expect strings attached (salary relief from grants) 2.Salary Clarify who will pay you, how much, how long, and how much will be salary, how much bonus A guaranteed 1 st- year salary minimum is reasonable

34 Kevin’s Top 5 cont…. 3.Start-Up Funds for Research Expenses Research assistant, statistician, equipment, imaging or lab tests, animals, drugs, staff, grant writer, etc. 4. Benefits Travel is important for research networking and adds up Include $ for prof. dues, meeting travel until funded 5.Research Space Ask for what you will need to conduct your research (basic vs. clinical); be specific Ask established researchers to verify your needs Allow for future growth Expect strings attached

35 Other Items Beeper Cell phone and service Office furniture Computer equipment, internet access, access to Medline

36 Employment Contract Start negotiating before you have a contract in writing Many academic departments use an offer letter in lieu of a contract Details of the contract will differ depending upon the institution Get everything in writing, preferably in the offer letter Contracts can be changed; read them carefully; revise if necessary before signing

37 You Must be Eligible to Obtain: a state medical license a DEA number privileges at affiliated hospitals participation in health care plans Board certification drug testing orientation and training

38 What are Your Responsibilities? Research: apply for grants, conduct research, present & publish scientific findings Clinical: clinic, hospital, on-call Education: clinical & didactic teaching Faculty meeting & conference attendance, committee service, academic citizenship

39 Obligations of the Department: Typically, the Department should provide Office space Computer Supplies Clinical support –Receptionist, transcription, nurse Billing services

40 Now that you’ve been there a while... Do you have enough support staff? Negotiate -if you haven’t burned the negotiation bridge Have you received a grant or funding for a clinical trial? –If it offers salary support, then your obligations to the department should change accordingly Meet with your chairman yearly to review your academic progress Work hard, get noticed, increase your value!

41 Final Comments The offer letter should include all items that were discussed If you can’t reach agreement or compromise, don’t be afraid to politely decline the offer You can negotiate with multiple offers in hand, but negotiate in good faith –Disclosure is recommended –Don’t unnecessarily “hold” an offer open –Don’t collect offers unless you are serious

42 Questions?

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