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Diagnostic Ultrasound for Postgraduates in Obstetrics and Gynaecology

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1 Diagnostic Ultrasound for Postgraduates in Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Max Brinsmead MB BS PhD May 2015

2 Potential uses for ultrasound in the 1st trimester of pregnancy:
Locate the pregnancy – exclude ectopic Assessment of viability Diagnosis of molar pregnancy Determining gestational age Diagnosis of multiple pregnancy Assessment of other pelvic masses Screening for fetal abnormalities Assisting CVS and amniocentesis

3 Other uses for ultrasound in obstetrics:
Screening for placenta previa Assessment of APH Cervical length monitoring Assessment of fetal growth Evaluation of polyhydramnios and hydrops Diagnosis and management of malpresentation Assessment of fetal welfare Assessment of the postpartum uterus Directing intrauterine interventions

4 Potential uses for ultrasound in gynaecology:
Assessment of adnexal pelvic masses IUCD and Implanon location Treatment of ovarian cysts (aspiration) and ectopic pregnancy (methotrexate) Investigation of postmenopausal bleeding Evaluation of pelvic pain Investigation of menorrhagia Diagnosis of polycystic ovaries Tubal patency studies in infertility Evaluation of primary amenorrhoea Screening for ovarian cancer Monitoring of follicle number and growth for IVF Egg recovery for IVF and ICSI

5 But before you can do all this…
You must know how to drive an ultrasound machine

6 What is Medical Ultrasound?
Sound waves whose frequency is beyond the human ear That is >20 kHz

7 Advantages of Ultrasound:
Can be directed in a beam Obeys the laws of reflection and refraction Reflected by objects of quite small size Can be converted to analogue or digital signals for image production

8 An ultrasound image is produced by:
Producing a beam of sound waves Transmitting this through the object of interest Receiving echoes Converting the echoes into electric signals Interpreting and displaying those signals Can be snapshot or in real time

9 The ultrasound beam AND the receipt of echoes is achieved by piezoelectric crystals:
Mounted in an array on a probe The probe can be fixed or oscillating The wave of sound can be focused to a point of interest The image is displayed on an oscilloscope (or TV screen)

10 The image is formed by: The direction of the echo
The strength of the echo The time taken for the echo to return These 3 characteristics determine which pixels on the screen will light up And with what intensity

11 So the ultrasound image will be:
White = Area of high acoustic impedance e.g. bone Black = Areas of low acoustic impedance e.g fluid All shades of grey in between Shadowed by area of non penetration or areas behind those of high acoustic impedance e.g. behind bone

12 Disadvantages of Ultrasound:
Travels poorly through gas The amount reflected depends on the degree of acoustic mismatch The piezoelectric crystals are quite delicate

13 Diagnostic ultrasound:
Typically involves frequencies of 2 – 15 mHz Lower frequencies will give greater penetration And thereby you can see further Higher frequencies allow you to see more detail But the penetration is less And very high frequencies have the potential for adverse biological effects

14 Types of Probes: A linear array of crystals A sector scanning probe
Produces parallel sound waves And a rectangular image Good for surface structures A sector scanning probe Produces a fan-like image Can fit ito narrow spaces Has poor near-field resolution A curved array of crystals Will fit curved surfaces of the body The density of scan decreases proportionally to the distance from the transducer

15 Probe Types

16 Machine Controls

17 Max’s Maxim Number 17 Using an ultrasound machine without using a few of its knobs is like driving a car only in the first gear It’s a safe to go… But you don’t get very far

18 Some tips: Don’t be intimidated by all the knobs
Just like driving a car, You only need to know a few basic controls Practice and play! The first challenge is to find the switch to turn it on There may be more than one Next find the machine pre set for the exam you are about to do And do all this before you get to the patient

19 Some more tips: Ultrasound is no substitute for a good history
ALWAYS do an abdominal scan before using the vaginal probe Know how to switch probes Is it safe to “hot wire”? The trick is to build up a 3-dimensional picture in your mind using real-time imaging You will always be better than sonographers because you know the anatomy and pathology Or you will get to see it! So beware of premature conclusions

20 Machine Controls: Freeze Zoom Depth Gain
Controls brightness or “contrast” Also in a array of sliding levers Use maximum gain and minimum power Depth Reach to the area of interest then… Zoom To enlarge your view then… Freeze For measurements (or stored image)

21 Machine Controls

22 Machine Controls 2: Tracker Ball Calipers Ellipse
This is the “mouse” for your computer, usually with right and left click buttons to execute functions Used to superimpose things on the screen May have several functions Calipers To measure distance between 2 points Ellipse To measure area

23 Machine Controls

24 Some more tips: Use a low light but make sure you can see all the controls Adjust contrast on your screen before you start Make yourself and the patient comfortable Use a good quality transducer gel - SPARINGLY Remember the prime purpose of the exam Make sure that always follow a routine and do it all Scroll-back and cine re-loop can be very useful Look for acoustic enhancement on the other side of fluid Look for shadowing on the other side of bone

25 Some traps: Doing patients in succession when data from one is carried forward onto the next When you find a fetal heart make sure that it inside a uterus Pseudo sac within the uterus with an ectopic Measuring the yolk sac as a part of the CRL Image duplication resulting in the false diagnosis of twin sacs A small amount of free fluid in the pelvis can be normal Know the many variations of a corpus luteum Using a too-narrow field of view

26 Proven uses for ultrasound in pregnancy:
Dating the gestation Many women cannot provide a reliable LMP Should be +/- 7 days based on CRL in the 1st trimester Can be +/- 10 days based on HC, AC and FL in 2nd trimester Becomes increasingly unreliable after 22w Identification of multiple pregnancy Twins have a perinatal mortality that is 2-4x singletons Monitoring for discordant growth with Doppler reduces risk Important to diagnose zygosity Identification of breech in the third trimester ECV reduces the rate of Caesarean section Few RCTs of routine ultrasound have shown any effect on overall perinatal mortality and morbidity

27 Unproven uses for ultrasound in pregnancy:
Screening for Aneuploidy Cost effectiveness of universal screening debated Ethical issues and patient choice involved Screening for structural malformations Sensitivity is 13 – 50% depending on expertise & equipment And only half of these before 20 w gestation False positives occur Screening for IUGR in the 3rd trimester Sensitivity is 80-90% But the positive predictive value of neonatal morbidity is only 25-50% The rest have constitutional smallness

28 Harmful Effects of ultrasound in pregnancy:
It is not ionising radiation However, thermal effects and cavitation can occur in tissues exposed to high power ultrasound One RCT of repeated routine ultrasound with Dopplers in the 3rd trimester found a small but significant decrease in birth weight in the exposed cohort A meta analysis showed males exposed to ultrasound in uterus are more likely to be left-handed

29 Caring for your ultrasound machine:
Treat your probes as if they were made of glass Wash, clean and dry probes Sterilisation options Don’t use oil or alcohol Transport probes safely stowed If you changed the machine defaults set them back to the original

30 Ultrasound in the first trimester of pregnancy:
Start with the abdominal probe Counsel the patient about your expected findings and expertise First find the cervix and/or uterine body It’s not as far in as you think Look for embryo at the edges of a sac <7w FH should be demonstrable when sac size is >2 cm Measure CRL up to 12w, thereafter BPD, HC, AC and FL Remember ectopic and multiple pregnancy If you are not sure say so… Exclude ectopic and recheck in 7 – 14 days Check the POD and ovaries before you finish

31 Pain & Bleeding in Pregnancy
Assume ectopic & proceed accordingly >1000 iu/L Diagnostic laparoscopy if clinically suspicious iu/L Observe Repeat HCG in hrs Rescan when >1000 iu/L or follow to <10 iu/L if EP possible <500 iu/L Quantified beta HCG Inconclusive Vaginal Scan = Empty uterus Pain & Bleeding in Pregnancy Emergency Management

32 Ultrasound in the third trimester of pregnancy:
Start with abdominal palpation Tell patient purpose of examination Quick scan for presentation and lie Measure BPD, HC, AC and FL Remember that this does not predict dates Liquor volume Find placenta and examine lower edge in relationship to the presenting part Suspected placenta previa best evaluated by PV or TV scan Ovaries virtually never seen

33 Ultrasound for the non pregnant woman:
Start with abdominal probe Preferably with a full bladder I measure uterine dimensions in two planes Then send patient to empty bladder… And switch to vaginal probe First find the cervix Acutely anteverted/flexed uterus is tricky Find and measure endometrium Then evaluate myometrium Ovaries can be anywhere And cannot be found 25 – 30% of the time I measure ovaries in two dimensions

34 Any Questions or Comments?
Please leave a note on the Welcome Page to this website

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